When a Cancer man is done with you, he won’t always tell you immediately. It might take him a while to end things.
Cancer men hate confrontation. Breakups can be difficult for them, especially if they don’t want to hurt their soon-to-be ex’s feelings!
Your Cancer man may act entirely out of character when he’s done with you. He won’t end things right away, but his change in feelings will be noticeable.
A Cancer might start acting out on purpose, hoping that you will end things so he doesn’t have to. He may also be moody because he’s upset that the romance is gone.
It can take a while for a Cancer man to end a relationship when he’s done with someone. Cancer men prefer to avoid confrontation, so yours will avoid talking to you directly for as long as he can.
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How do you know when a Cancer man has lost interest? One sign is that he will suddenly be emotionally unavailable, even if you two were incredibly close before.
Cancer men tend to be emotionally open with their partners. It can sometimes take them a while to fully open up, but they’ll at least make an effort!
If a Cancer man is suddenly distant for a short while, that’s not always a sign he’s done with you, especially if there are no other signs. He might pull away temporarily because he’s in a bad mood, but he’ll open up again when he’s ready.
If your Cancer man refuses to talk about how he feels, even if he always did before, that’s a sign something is wrong. If he ignores your feelings, that’s a red flag!
A Cancer man who loves you and wants to be with you will be there to offer emotional support. He’ll talk about his feelings with you and listen to yours. One who wants to break up with you will cut you off emotionally.
A tiny trick to snatch your Cancer man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
2. Won’t Spend Time With You
If your Cancer man is over you, he won’t want to spend time with you. Even if his schedule is free and he normally makes time for you, he’ll stop doing so entirely.
Why do Cancer men distance themselves instead of just breaking up with someone? Some Cancer men hate being the one to end the relationship, so they’ll pull away and hope their partner ends the relationship instead.
Quality time tends to be a Cancer man’s love language, so it’s a bad sign if he doesn’t want to spend time with you!
He might start canceling your regular date nights or spending time away from home if you two live together. Cancer men tend to be homebodies, so that’s a definite sign something is wrong.
If your Cancer man is spending less time with you, talk to him. He’ll be honest with you if he’s legitimately busy or if something is wrong. He might be ready to call it quits if he seems cagey or won’t explain his actions.
3. He Constantly Criticizes You
One of the signs Cancer man is not interested in you is that he’ll constantly criticize you. Usually, Cancer men are kind and caring people. They don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings!
A Cancer man might start criticizing you to push you away. If he doesn’t want to end things, he might begin to behave poorly, so you do.
A single criticism or an insensitive comment doesn’t mean your Cancer man is done with you. Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes criticisms are warranted.
If your Cancer man constantly criticizes you, especially when he never did before, he might be done with you. He may be trying to upset you enough that you break up with him.
Talk to your Cancer man. If he’s not trying to criticize you, or if he’s just in a bad mood, he’ll change his behavior. If he brushes you aside or tries to make excuses, it might be because he’s over you.
This magic will make your Cancer man want a relationship with you. →
4. He’s Incredibly Temperamental
A Cancer man sending mixed signals out of the blue might be a sign that he’s starting to reconsider your relationship. He might seem more temperamental than usual if he’s done with you.
Cancer men are moody for other reasons, but your Cancer partner will typically open up about why he’s moody if you ask him. If he refuses to explain his bad mood, something is wrong.
Your Cancer man might suddenly seem angry with you all the time. He might seem incredibly depressed for no reason. This may be because he’s already mourning the relationship.
5. He’s Not Affectionate
When a Cancer man loses interest, he’ll physically pull away from you. You’ll notice his lack of physical affection right away.
If your Cancer man suddenly stops holding your hand, hugging you, or sitting close to you when you two are together, something might be wrong.
He may start to pull away any time you initiate physical affection. If he does this once or twice because he’s in a bad mood, that’s one thing. If he consistently denies affection when he didn’t before, he might be over the relationship.
Your Cancer man will stop being affectionate in other ways as well. You might notice he stops cooking for you or bringing you coffee. He may compliment you less or stop sending “good morning” texts.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Cancer man. →
6. The Romance Is Gone
One of the signs a Cancer man has moved on is that all the romance will be gone from your relationship. He’ll no longer try to woo you or make you feel good when you two are together.
Cancer men aren’t always romantic in the same dramatic way Libra or Leo men can be, but they are romantic! They do their best to show their partners how much they love them.
If you feel like all the romance is gone from your relationship and your Cancer man isn’t trying any longer, it might be because he’s done with you.
He will no longer want to keep up appearances if he wants the relationship to end. He won’t see any point in keeping the romance alive.
He’ll likely ignore you if you mention anything. He’ll claim nothing is wrong even when it’s obvious something is.
7. He Hides Things From You
Cancer men can sometimes be secretive, but they tell nearly everything to their partners. If yours constantly hides things from you, he might be done with your relationship.
A Cancer man hiding something from you temporarily because he wants to surprise you isn’t an issue, of course.
If he constantly refuses to tell you where he is or starts being secretive about what he’s doing on his phone, there might be a problem.
He might start lying to you to hide things as well. Your Cancer man might say he’s working late, but he’s hanging out with his friends. There’s no reason to lie unless something is going on.
Your Cancer man might be hiding that he’s looking for a new place if you two live together.
He may hide the fact that he got a new job in another city or start hiding the fact that he’s going to family events because he doesn’t want to bring you.
Is your Cancer man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
8. Withholds Intimacy
If a Cancer man is no longer interested in you, he’ll start to withhold intimacy. Cancer men typically don’t like casual sex, and a Cancer man won’t want to keep being physically intimate if he’s done with your relationship.
There will be times when your Cancer man legitimately doesn’t want to have sex. He’ll let you know why, though, and will probably be up for cuddling or showing affection in another way.
If your Cancer man suddenly stops having sex with you without explanation and won’t show affection in other ways, it might be because he’s done with you.
Sex is incredibly emotional for Cancer men. It’s not just a physical act to them! It’s a way of showing love. Your Cancer man won’t want to keep having sex with you if he no longer loves you or wants a relationship.
9. He’s Unsupportive
If a Cancer man wants to break up with you, he’ll no longer support you the way he used to. If he was once your emotional rock, he won’t be anymore.
If you need someone to listen to you vent, your Cancer man will be unavailable. If you need help around the house, he won’t offer support in that way either!
Your Cancer man might start ignoring you when you discuss your hopes and dreams. He may refuse to help if you need assistance with a project or if you’re sick and want someone to take care of you.
Your Cancer man will at least try to support you in any way he can when he loves you. He’ll ensure somebody else can be there for you if he can’t offer support.
Breaking up with a Cancer man is typically the best thing to do if he’s completely unsupportive. Even if he doesn’t want the relationship to end, it might not be the best for either of you.
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