
What Happens When a Scorpio Man is Upset?

Updated December 12, 2024

If you have never seen him mad before, you should be warned about what happens when a Scorpio man is upset.

How will you know when this mysterious sign is distressed?

This is a sign of powerful emotions, and his anger can be as intense and explosive as his love.

Whether he is mad at you or something else, you can use your Scorpio man’s anger to show him what a perfect match you are for him.

If you know how to recognize the signals that his zodiac sign is upset, you can learn how to soothe him and resolve conflicts.

He Tries to Hide It

An important thing to understand about a Scorpio man is that while he loves it when other people show him their vulnerabilities, he hates letting his guard down in front of anyone.

When a Scorpio man gets upset, he will try to hide it because he doesn’t want other people to see his emotional side.

This is difficult for him because Scorpios are highly sensitive and emotional, so they feel all of their feelings very strongly.

Although he will do his best to cover it up, eventually you will notice when your Scorpio man is upset because he can’t help but reveal his true feelings.

If you are dating a Scorpio man, let him know that you find an emotionally self-aware guy sexy. Tell him that you don’t want him to be stoic or hide his feelings from you.

The more you encourage him to open up and share his emotions with you, the more your Scorpio guy will learn to trust and appreciate you.

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He Seeks Alone Time

Scorpios like to spend most of their time with their partners, but they are also usually introverts who need some time alone.

When your Scorpio man gets upset, he might withdraw and isolate himself so he can handle his feelings on his own.

If you are wondering how to deal with a Scorpio man when he becomes distant, you need to give him space.

Don’t call his phone over and over or send him tons of text messages, but don’t make him feel abandoned, either.

Show him you’re not ignoring him by telling him you understand that he needs some time to himself and that you will be there for him when he’s ready.

He Bottles It Up

Because he tries so hard to practice self-restraint and wants to be in control of his emotions, a Scorpio man is likely to bottle up his feelings.

He tries to be stoic, but he can’t help having strong feelings. If you are his partner, you should encourage your Scorpio man to express himself so that he doesn’t let bitterness and resentment simmer.

Invite your Scorpio man to vent about his frustrations to you, or ask him to do a fun activity that could be a constructive outlet for his rage, like painting or playing tennis.

The longer your Scorpio guy bottles up his feelings, the worse it will be when he eventually explodes.

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He Explodes

Whether he shows his anger right away or lets it out after a long period of festering, there is no doubt that sooner or later your Scorpio man will reveal his true feelings.

His anger is as powerful as any of his other emotions, so watch out when this sign gets really mad.

A Scorpio man can have a profound effect on those around him. His moods are intense and can rub off on anyone in his path.

When he’s very angry, the room will crankle with intensity. You won’t be able to help but notice his explosive rage.

He Takes it Out on Others

Knowing that he might take his anger out on you sometimes is an important part of understanding the Scorpio man in love.

A Scorpio guy tries to bottle up his feelings, but when he’s frustrated he might take it out on those closest to him.

If you are his partner, it’s likely that a Scorpio man will lash out at you when he’s mad, even when you’re not the source of his anger.

The best match for a Scorpio man is a woman who can take his anger and stride and knows that it’s nothing personal.

Don’t take the bait and start arguing with him, because he could be looking for a fight and you are sure to lose.

Avoid him or laugh it off when he’s lashing out. If you can, try to cheer him up and make him feel better, even when he is taking his feelings out on you.

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He Looks for Someone to Blame

When something happens to upset a Scorpio guy, he wants to know who is to blame. You can bet that he never takes responsibility, even when it’s his fault.

This also means that when his partner gets upset, he will take her side and find someone to blame for wounding her.

If your Scorpio man gets upset on your behalf and is angry at someone who hurt you, it’s one of the signs of a Scorpio man in love with you.

But if he’s angry about something he did and tries to turn the blame around on you, don’t let him manipulate the situation.

Stand your ground and let him know that you’re not going to take responsibility for something that’s his fault, no matter how upset he is.

He Gets Cranky and Irritable

As hard as he tries, it’s difficult for a Scorpio guy to compartmentalize his emotions. When he’s mad at one person, he just gets mad in general, and it’s hard for him to channel his rage appropriately.

If he is acting rude and grumpy, don’t take it as one of the signs a Scorpio man is not interested in you or that he doesn’t like you.

It’s likely that he’s just upset, whether it’s at you or somebody else, and it makes him irritable and cranky with everyone.

Learn to expect mood swings from your Scorpio guy, and appreciate that his good moods are just as powerful and infectious as his bad ones.

Stay out of his way when he’s mad if you don’t want to deal with a cranky Scorpio guy, or try to cheer him up by doing something nice for him.

Surprising him with his favorite dinner or giving him a backrub will go a long way towards improving your grumpy Scorpio guy’s mood, and it will make him appreciate having such a loving partner.

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He Says Cruel Things

Sometimes the best move you can make is to avoid a Scorpio man when he’s upset. When pushed far enough, this sign can be immeasurably cruel.

When a Scorpio man is mad at you, he might lash out and say unkind things to you. Just like the sting of its symbol, the scorpion, this sign knows exactly how to hurt you.

He knows your insecurities and your flaws, and when he gets mad enough he will use them against you.

The truth about a Scorpio man is that he only gets worked up like this when his feelings and ego are bruised.

He hits back when he feels he has been wronged, so when he tries to hurt you, remember that he’s coming from a wounded place.

He Seeks Revenge

Some signs forgive and forget easily. They can move past disagreements quickly and don’t hold them against other people for very long.

But Scorpio is a particularly unforgiving and resentful zodiac sign. A Scorpio man never really forgives someone who has betrayed him, and he certainly never forgets what happened.

If you do something to anger a Scorpio man, be prepared to hear about it from him for the rest of your life.

He keeps a mental record of everything everyone ever does to him, and if you intentionally hurt him, it’s a stain on your relationship with him forever.

Scorpios are also very vengeful, so you can bet that when you anger a Scorpio guy, he is going to get back at you.

If he’s mad enough, his revenge will be ten times worse than whatever you did to offend him in the first place.

Avoid making your Scorpio man upset, because you won’t like what he has in store for you as revenge.

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He Wants Someone on His Side

When your Scorpio guy is upset with someone else, it’s important to him that you agree with him and have his back, especially in front of other people.

What a Scorpio man wants in a relationship is a partner who will always take his side, no matter what.

Even if he is wrong, he wants his partner to defend him in public. If she disagrees with him, she should let him know gently in private.

What attracts Scorpio men is a woman who will be their ride or die. Scorpio men in relationships are extremely devoted to their partners, so they expect the same loyalty in return.

Even when you are wrong, he will endlessly defend you to other people. You can count on a Scorpio man to be your greatest cheerleader and ally.

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