Virgo is known for being a perfectionist. That might look good on paper, but this is actually one of a Virgo man’s negative traits.
These negative traits can cause Virgo to self-sabotage. In addition, they cause problems for him as well as those around him.
Virgo’s negative traits often feed into one another. His hyperfocus on perfection causes him to be critical and judgemental.
The logical side of him that can be a positive thing also makes him inflexible because he thinks he’s always right.
Virgo men can be great in many ways, but some of their negative traits can be difficult to overlook.
It doesn’t feel good to be around someone who constantly criticizes you or makes unnecessary judgments about how you live your life. But, unfortunately, a Virgo man may do these things and do them often.
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1. Critical
Virgo men are known for having high expectations and discerning taste. This goes for themselves as well as others. One of Virgo’s bad traits is their tendency to be hypercritical of everything (and everyone) around them.
A Virgo man may offer “constructive criticism” without being asked. Unfortunately, this part of Virgo’s personality can cause a lot of frustration for those around him.
He might tell you an outfit doesn’t look flattering on you, and you should try wearing something else. He doesn’t care that you like the outfit and that you didn’t ask for his opinion. He thinks he’s helpful, not cruel.
You are always going to know it when a Virgo man doesn’t like something. Even if it hurts the feelings of those around him, he can’t help but tell everyone what he thinks.
Is your Virgo man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Virgo back in. →
2. Unchanging
One of Virgo’s characteristics is their propensity to plan out everything, down to the most minute details. This can be helpful, but when plans need to change, Virgo is unlikely to be the one to make those changes.
He has an idea in his head of how he wants things to be. He also has a plan for how he’s going to make those ideas a reality. For him, those plans are set in stone.
It doesn’t matter if an unknown variable comes up, and changing his plan would make more sense in the long run. So he’ll try to stay on his course until he absolutely can’t.
Don’t try to reason with him about changing his plans, either. Virgos are very defiant. They also think highly of their reasoning and logic, so he’ll find some way to make himself believe you’re the one who is wrong, not him.
3. Judgemental
This is one of Virgo’s personality traits that can make them hard to be around if it gets out of control. Of all the signs, Virgo is probably the most judgemental.
A Virgo man knows what he likes. He knows how he likes things done. He has a certain view of the world and is convinced that his view is correct.
When someone doesn’t match up with his views, he can be extremely harsh and judgemental. But, of course, he’s not going to keep those judgments to himself, either!
What you think of as complaining, he thinks of as making completely valid comments. You might not want to hear what he thinks about the neighbor’s gardening skills, but he will tell you anyway.
If you try to argue, he’ll just tell you all the reasons you’re wrong. His judgmental comments aren’t opinions to him; they are facts.
A tiny trick to snatch your Virgo man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
4. Distant
Virgo men can be standoffish, even to those closest to them. Being cold, distant, and emotionally cut off is often part of Virgo’s personality.
A Virgo man has no problem with ghosting people. If he wants to be alone, he’ll withdraw from society without so much as a word of explanation to those who care about him.
He often doesn’t think about how this might make others feel.
If he thinks you’re getting too close emotionally and he’s not prepared for that, he’ll pull back. He won’t tell you why either. One day you’ll be having deep conversations; the next, he’ll be ignoring you.
The distance can be physical as well. Virgo men often have a hard time with physical affection. If you are too “touchy-feely,” he is likely to push you away.
Even if he lets you be affectionate with him, it’ll take a lot to get him to reciprocate.
5. Self-Deprecating
As you’ve already seen, one of the facts about Virgo is that they are critical and judgemental. They are just as, if not more, critical of themselves.
If he makes a mistake, he’s going to be extremely hard on himself. Depending on his personality, he might try to play it off in a joking way, or he’ll just straight-up insult himself.
He won’t get over the mistake, either. You might still find him making comments about that time he messed up at work four months ago.
He might still be thinking about what he could have done better in a relationship that’s been over for years.
It can be difficult listening to someone you care about be so harsh to themselves. Attempts to reassure a Virgo man or tell him not to be so hard on himself often won’t go over well.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Virgo man (they work like magic) →
6. Obsessed with Perfection
This is probably the most well-known Virgo stereotype. A Virgo man wants himself to be perfect, and he wants everyone around him to be just as perfect.
The problem with this is that perfection doesn’t exist. People have flaws. Even if perfection was achievable, everyone’s idea of what is “perfect” is different. This makes it impossible to live up to Virgo’s expectations truly.
Virgo men might go through many partners because none of them can manage to live up to the idea of a “perfect partner” that he has in his mind.
He is also the type who will see one minor imperfection during the first date and immediately discount the person as a potential partner. He makes harsh judgments based on first impressions.
This can be highly stressful for him. However, he also has to live up to his own expectations, and when he does show any imperfections, he doesn’t take it well.
7. Inflexible
This can be one of Virgo’s bad traits in relationships because it means they aren’t the best at compromising. But, unfortunately, that is often vital in a good relationship, and it’s an uphill battle for him to learn how to do it.
Even small things can be difficult for him to compromise on. For example, if he’s decided on spaghetti for dinner, but you want pizza, good luck convincing him to change his mind.
If you move in with him, it’ll be challenging to create a place that is both of yours. He knows how he likes to live. He knows what decor he likes. He has a preferred type of mattress, pillow, etc.
If your opinions differ, he’s going to have a hard time changing his ways. This inflexibility can make him difficult to live with and, ultimately, to be in a relationship with.
Is your Virgo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
8. Overly Worried
This is one of the bad traits of a Virgo that is often overlooked. This is a man who is high-strung and often stressed out.
He’ll worry about things getting in the way of his plans. He can try to account for outside factors all he wants, but realistically, sometimes things still blindside him. It’s likely happened in the past, and it can happen again.
He overthinks as well. He makes mountains out of molehills all the time.
He might have a minor argument with his partner and convince himself they’re going to break up with him. He might think someone is mad at him just because they didn’t respond to a text how they usually would.
It’s hard for Virgo to live up to his own expectations, and it’s difficult to accept that he can’t control everything, no matter how hard he tries.
9. Picky
Good luck getting this man to try a new food or watch a movie outside of his comfort zone. One of Virgos’ traits is their extreme pickiness. This isn’t the worst trait to deal with, but it can be annoying.
When a Virgo man finds something he likes, he tends to stick with it. He’ll always order the same food at a restaurant or watch the same television series over and over. Why fix something that isn’t broken, after all?
If you do get him to try something new, he’s likely to be negative about it just based on the fact that it’s not what he’s used to.
He’ll pick at your choices as well. He wouldn’t see that movie or wear those pants or go to that restaurant, so you shouldn’t either.
This magic will make your Virgo man want a relationship with you. →
10. Insecure
One of Virgo’s positive traits is that they can be modest and humble. But, on the other hand, they can also be highly insecure.
This makes sense, considering a Virgo man’s other negative traits. He’s hypercritical. He’s judgemental. He’s a perfectionist.
Nobody lives up to all of his expectations, least of all himself. He might have a negative body image or think he’s not as good at his job as he needs to be.
It’s difficult for him to feel good enough. Having people around him who lift him up can help, but he doesn’t always listen to them over the negative voice in his head.
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