There are numerous things that can make an Aquarius man mad, such as being too clingy or confrontational.
An angry Aquarius man is really hard to deal with, given their unconventional nature, which is often marked by unpredictability and erraticism.
If your Aquarius man is upset with you, he will make sure to let you know of his anger through several behavioral cues, some subtle and some too obvious.
When an Aquarius man is angry, expect a lot of silent treatment, the classic “cold shoulder” and alien-like treatment. But that’s mainly because men under this sign are a little too sensitive and it’s very easy to break their hearts.
However, you should know how to how to deal with an angry Aquarius man if you really want him to come around.
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They Become Distant
One of the most common behaviors displayed by Aquarius men when they are mad and upset is that they become distant.
They become absolutely aloof and silent because they need all the time in the world to think things through and get over the recent events.
Aquarius men become moody and silent when you anger them, and they don’t usually have much to say for the time being. They might even start ignoring you completely and pretend that you don’t exist.
If an Aquarius man ignores you does that mean he is testing you? He could be, but you can hardly tell because of their unpredictable nature. It’s best to give them space and respect their privacy until they come around.
When an Aquarius man ignores you and stops making conversation with you altogether, don’t push him too much or force him to talk to you. The ideal thing to do here is to ignore them back.
It will take a while because they like to cool things off before resuming conversations, so patience is an absolute virtue here and your best friend too, in this case.
Fighting with an Aquarius man can take a toll on your relationship, especially if you are the one at fault, but you should know that they come around, just at their own pace.
It is also likely that your man will lock himself up in his room or drive for hours in their car when he’s angry. He will use that time to feel better and calm himself down.
This display of behavior is mainly because cutting off from their source of anger or annoyance is what helps the most to relax, cool off and let go of the negative feelings.
A tiny trick to snatch your Aquarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
They Will Give you the Cold Shoulder
An Aquarius man’s silent treatment might even translate into giving you the ultimate cold shoulder, which can be difficult to bear, but it’s a sign that they are indeed very angry.
If you did something really wrong or crossed boundaries in some way, prepare yourself to expect a cold, bitter attitude from their end.
If you are at fault, you must bear their behavioral consequences. If they are unable to cool down, they are likely to resort to cutting off all forms of communication with you, such as text messages, emails and phone calls.
In such cases, it is best to stay away, to not call or text them and be out of their sight for a few days. They will see nothing beyond their anger, so you must leave them to it.
If your man is giving you the cold shoulder treatment, don’t push the issue because they usually don’t want to talk about it immediately. Once they’ve gathered their thoughts, they might be ready to sit down and talk one-on-one.
But before that happens, stay out of their way and don’t plead or beg for forgiveness. Doing so will only push them away and cause them to become even more distant.
Knowing how to reconcile with Aquarius man, especially when they are angry or furious, requires a great deal of effort, patience and caution from you.
When they see that you are giving them their space, it might lead to a change of heart, and the next thing you know, your man isn’t being cold anymore!
Men under this sign can be extremely unpredictable, so the right thing to do is take all their cold behavior calmly without letting it get to you.
Likely to Pass Mean, Hurtful Comments
Aquarius men are known for their razor-sharp tongue, and they might say a few mean things to you out of sheer anger. As hard as that might be, just take whatever they throw at you and be patient.
An angry Aquarius man is certainly not something or someone you want to deal with because this zodiac isn’t exactly a forgiving sign, to put it simply. In worst-case scenarios, they might even carry their hatred to their graves!
It’s not just mean, hurtful comments, but can go even beyond that. For instance, if you did something terribly wrong to get your man angry, the chances are that they exact an aloof revenge plan in their mind.
They may resort to vengeance, but not in the most literal sense. Their kind of revenge involves giving the other person a piece of their mind until they manage to calm down.
For instance, their razor-sharp tongue might end up telling you that you have a bad energy around you which gives off unpleasant vibes. They can also “mark you off their list” to let you know how angry they are.
That is surely a lot to deal with and tolerate, but you should always remember that the water-bearer doesn’t forgive easily. They will say mean and harsh things, but that’s only because he’s angry and not in the right zone.
It is best to let it go and be a rock in the face of their anger. This is especially required of you if you are the one at fault.
Will Aquarius man apologize for all the mean things once he has calmed down? Well, he might not say “I am sorry” explicitly, but he will surely display a sense of remorse and apology by being nice and relaxed.
Is your Aquarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Will Wander Off to Cool Down
All the silent treatments, cold shoulder approach and being aloof eventually cause angry Aquarius men to wander off and take some time out.
This can also mean that you might not see your man for days and weeks during which he probably won’t call, message or contact you at all.
In return, you should also maintain the same kind of attitude if you really want him to come back.
When they wander off, they usually resort to some calm, quiet place away from you because that is the ultimate way for them to cool down and get rid of all the negative energy.
You can even expect them to go on a short weekend getaway, given their erratic behavior. In either case, you must wait patiently till they are ready to come back, talk to you, and hear you out.
Possible Display of Anger Towards You
One of the worst things about an angry Aquarius man is that if he is unable to relax on his own, he can easily enter a whole other mode of frustration and infuriation.
When and if this happens, he is likely to lose his temper in order to unload all of that negative energy that has been building inside him.
In such cases, you should expect a possible display of extreme anger towards you other than just mean and hurtful comments.
After a fight, debate, or a heated argument, for instance, your relationship with your man is likely to become stressed, after which he usually takes the route that involves being cold, aloof, and distant.
He won’t resort to violence or anything too extreme of that sort, but you will surely see a whole other man emerging in front of you, one who is guided by anger and frustration.
It is very important to understand here that the best way to calm an angry Aquarius man is to ignore him for a while and just give them the space and quiet they need from you.
You might be dying to talk to your man, give explanations, and make conversation, but that will only push him away further.
You want to know how to get an Aquarius man to miss you? Respect their privacy and wait for the right time and moment to say sorry and make amends.
Will an Aquarius man come back after that? Yes, for sure! They always come back after disappearing for a while, and the right thing for you to do during that time is to wait patiently.
When dating an Aquarius man, you always need to bear the fact in mind that men under this sign are highly unconventional, and they have a whole other thing going on as compared to the other signs.
Once you really get familiar with their behaviors, thoughts and feelings, you’ll know exactly what to expect, what to do, and when to do it!
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