Will an Aquarius man apologize? The answer may surprise you. An Aquarius man, after a fight, will go through a few common stages.
He wants to make peace with you, but doesn’t want to admit he was wrong.
Trying to understand Aquarius and apologies can be difficult. An Aquarius man upset can be frustrating. He’ll hide his feelings at first. Then he’ll project them on to you.
Once he’s gone through some efforts to process his feelings, a heartbroken Aquarius man will shut down. When an Aquarius man ignores you, you may think he’s not sorry.
You’ve got to know what to do when an Aquarius man ignores you. Otherwise, he’ll just continue to get defensive. Eventually, he’ll show he’s sorry even if he doesn’t say it.
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What Apologies Mean to an Aquarius Man
To an Aquarius man, apologizing is a vulnerable process. He avoids such vulnerability because he feels it leaves him exposed. If an Aquarius man apologizes, he feels like he’s admitting some kind of intellectual defeat. He’ll also feel like an apology exposes a personal flaw and will avoid this at all costs.
An Aquarius man would rather twist the situation around through his cleverness and mental gymnastics. He would rather come to a resolution in which neither party is to blame. He may even try to project blame onto you.
Aquarius men are highly intelligent and intellectual. As a result, they take great pride in their visionary nature and mental powers. If they have to apologize, they’ll interpret this as a sign that his thought process is flawed. This is something an Aquarius never wants to do.
Also, an Aquarius man doesn’t believe it is necessary to apologize for his words. He’s fiercely passionate about his independence and this includes freedom of thought or speech.
He may go so far as to insist on maintaining beliefs or defending statements that can easily be proven inaccurate. He’ll defend himself by reverting back to his belief in freedom to believe and say whatever he wants.
He may get so wrapped up in the power struggle that he will lose sight of the bigger picture. He’ll completely overlook the fact that he’s undermining the relationship. To him, ideology is more important than feelings and relationships.
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He’ll Apologize, then Blame You
Fighting with an Aquarius man can be fruitless. Even if you’re right, he won’t concede. The closest he may come to acknowledging wrong doing is to apologize, then passive-aggressively find a way to blame you.
An Aquarius man may go as far as to dredge up old issues just to point out a time when you were wrong. He may then demand an apology from you, even if the issue is completely irrelevant.
He’s a pro at debating and will use his skills to avoid responsibility. Instead, he’ll turn the conflict into an intellectual debate that can take some unusual twists and turns.
Being futuristic and unorthodox, an Aquarius man is used to starting off in an argument about doing laundry which then progresses to an argument about the merits of cryptocurrency. These unusual twists and turns in his logic can be dizzying.
Rather than trying to keep up and going back and forth point by point, it’s best to stick to the core issue as much as possible. He will try to dodge the real issues, especially if he is in the wrong to begin with.
He will use his intelligence and witty nature to deflect the issues at hand in any way possible before he comes out and apologizes clearly. Otherwise he will just make excuses or try to turn things around by blaming you for something, whether or not it is relevant.
He May Disappear Before Apologizing
You may wonder will an Aquarius man apologize, especially after he is called out for doing something wrong. Usually, before he even comes close to a verbal apology, he’ll go radio silent.
An Aquarius man has a pattern of pulling periodic disappearing acts. Sometimes it is because he’s avoiding an apology. Other times it’s just because he needs space or is getting bored. He’s used to retreating when he needs to.
It’s as natural for an Aquarius man as coming up for air is to a swimmer. He doesn’t overthink it. An Aquarius man will go quiet after a conflict. He’s likely doing a few things when he ignores you.
He’s analyzing the conflict and looking for any possible way to avoid blame. He’s trying to rationalize his emotions. He’s also avoiding an argument because he doesn’t like confrontations.
Will an Aquarius man come back? Eventually, yes, he will. But he’ll wait until he thinks you’ve calmed down. He’ll find it easier to resurface when he thinks you’ve calmed down.
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He’ll Skip an Apology Whenever Possible
An Aquarius man will skip out on an apology whenever possible. He’s not egotistical. In fact, he’s very sensitive. Yet he is not comfortable with emotions. He doesn’t read emotional cues well.
He may have overstepped and perhaps he owes you an apology, but when things shift from intellectual to emotional, an Aquarius man freezes up. He feels as if someone just handed him a scalpel and asked him to do surgery, for which he is completely untrained.
In fact, if given the choice, an Aquarius man would rather conduct surgery with no official training than deal with emotions. At least, he’ll tell himself, he can read a book and learn about the basics of conducting surgery.
But when it comes to emotions, there are no real rules. It’s confusing and overwhelming. Worst of all, it’s vulnerable. All the things an Aquarius man prefers to avoid.
If you want to hurt an Aquarius man, use his emotions against him. Yet also be aware that he knows that vulnerability gives others power over him. This is why he’ll avoid it. He knows that this will interfere with his complete autonomy.
He’ll Have an Angry Outburst, then Apologize
Aquarius men don’t like confrontations. Yet they can be intense. So they’ll try to hide their feelings at first. When the tension mounts and it becomes too much to bear, an Aquarius man will explode.
He’ll have an outburst and bring up things you may not realize he was even thinking about. He may project his anger inappropriately or when it is irrelevant to the real issue.
When he has an angry outburst, you may think it’s over. Yet an Aquarius man sees angry outbursts as a release valve for their intense energy. After the angry outburst, an Aquarius man will be emotionally clear and ready to move on.
This is when he is likely to evaluate the situation with greater clarity, leading to an apology. Try to take whatever he says in anger with a grain of salt. He may not actually mean a lot of what he says when he’s angry. This is just a way for him to vent.
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He Apologizes for His Actions, Not your Feelings
When an Aquarius man does come around to apologizing, he will be sure that you know he is apologizing for his actions. He won’t apologize for your feelings.
An Aquarius man is deeply independent. If he acknowledges that his words or actions hurt you, he will have to then also acknowledge that he isn’t free to do whatever he wants. This violates his rebellious nature.
He isn’t trying to hurt you. He’s trying to preserve his sense of self control and independence. Ignoring an Aquarius man is a good way to get him to come back around. He is likely to take some downtime to sort out what happened.
When you don’t chase him, he’ll feel reassured. Instead of chasing an Aquarius man, put your energy into your own interests and hobbies. Give him time to get curious about what you’re up to.
He May Surprise You By Apologizing When You Don’t Expect It
Ignoring an Aquarius man back when he ignores you is a great way to de-escalate the situation. Contrary to what many women fear, he won’t forget about you and move on. You don’t need to chase him when he shuts down.
The more you pursue him for an explanation and apology, the more he’ll avoid you. Instead, just act calm. Aquarius men are full of surprises. One of the biggest surprises he’ll show you is when he apologizes out of the blue.
He waits until the coast is clear, emotionally, before he ventures out and apologizes. An Aquarius man may surprise you by bringing up an incident a few months later, long after you’re no longer upset. He’ll surprise you by apologizing when its no longer on your mind.
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He Apologizes Quickly, Then Moves On
When an Aquarius man does apologize, he’ll be brief. He doesn’t go on and on expressing remorse and acknowledging your feelings. He doesn’t speak emotional language and often misses these cues altogether.
He will apologize curtly and then expects the issue is put to rest. If you continually bring up the conflict, he’ll get frustrated. He’ll think you’re holding on to the past for no reason.
Even if your reasons are valid, an Aquarius man sees an apology as a way to close the door on the incident. He doesn’t want to continually be reminded of his flaws. He will want to forget it and move on.
He Apologizes in an Intellectual Way
Aquarius men intellectualize their feelings. An Aquarius man will talk about his apology in a completely rational and somewhat detached way. He won’t express deeper feelings. He’ll talk about his mistakes in a logical way.
If you’re expecting a heartfelt response, you may be disappointed. You may have to adjust your expectations. Try to be receptive to his style of apologizing even if it is not completely emotionally based.
He doesn’t easily show empathy or compassion. He may stick to cold hard facts. Yet an Aquarius man will try to talk about the situation in order to resolve it. He will then want to move on.
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