If you are anxiously checking your phone in hopes that a Taurus guy will call or text, then you need to know how to get a Taurus man to text you.
What can you say that will guarantee a response?
Each zodiac sign interacts with people differently, including how they text.
Is a Taurus guy an avid texter who will stay up late exchanging messages with you, or is he rarely on his phone? Does he prefer sexy, passionate texts, or sweet and friendly messages?
If you want to know the things to say to a Taurus man to make him text you back, you need to look no further than his zodiac sign’s personality traits and communication style.
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Send Friendly, Cheerful Texts
Some zodiac signs will engage in long, emotional conversations over text, but a Taurus man prefers to keep text exchanges short and sweet.
He will avoid responding to you if you tend to pick fights over text or if you just text him because you’re bored and want to have a lengthy text exchange.
A Taurus man would rather spend time with you in person than go back and forth talking over text, so keep your messages to him light and cheerful.
Text him just to say that you’re thinking of him or that you hope he’s having a good day, but don’t try to talk about anything too important with him over messages.
Use these secrets to make your Taurus man love you (they work like magic) →
Wait Patiently for His Response
A Taurus man is not the type to constantly check his phone. He prefers to present in the moment, so if he is busy at work or hanging out with friends, he probably isn’t checking his messages.
If he takes a long time to text you back, don’t think that your Taurus man is testing you or trying to make you sweat.
You need to wait patiently for his response. He will get back to you as soon as he has a chance to look at his inbox and reply to you.
You should never send him more than one message in a row to try to pressure him into responding to you.
The only exception is if he doesn’t respond after a day or two, go ahead and send him a follow-up message. He likely just forgot to respond or didn’t see your first message.
But if he doesn’t respond to your follow-up text, it could mean that he’s mad at you or doesn’t like you, because it’s unlike a Taurus man to intentionally ignore a text.
Don’t Gossip Over Text
A Taurus man is a realist, but that doesn’t automatically make him a pessimist. He won’t want to hear from you if all you text him is negativity.
This not only means that you shouldn’t always text your Taurus guy with bad news but that you also shouldn’t text him just to spread salacious gossip.
If he never texts you back anymore, it could be one of the signs that a Taurus man has lost interest in you because you complained or gossiped about others to him too much.
Don’t talk about other people behind their backs in your messages to a Taurus guy or he will quickly lose interest in you.
Check the general tone of your messages and make sure that the majority of your messages are positive and uplifting rather than toxic and unpleasant.
Is your Taurus man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Always Respond to Him
Each sign of the zodiac correlates with one of the four natural elements: earth, fire, air, or water. A sign’s natural element tells us something significant about that sign’s values and communication style.
Taurus is one of the earth signs, and earth signs are known as being practical, reliable, and dependable.
Just as every zodiac sign has a natural element, each sign also rules a house of the zodiac. Taurus rules the second house, which is the house of daily routines and work ethic.
The two astrological aspects tell us that Taurus men need a steady, reliable partner. You can prove your dependability and consistency by always texting him back.
Don’t wait too long to respond just to make him nervous or wonder what you’re doing. He is attracted to reliability much more than mysteriousness.
Don’t Play Games
A Taurus man hates it when a woman plays mind games, so you should never use texting to try to manipulate your Taurus guy. You don’t need to worry about him trying to play games with you, either.
Even when a Taurus man goes quiet in the middle of your texting conversation with him, he’s not trying to mess with your head.
He probably just got distracted or his phone died. He’s not trying to leave you hanging and wondering about what he’s doing now instead of talking to you.
You can always count on a Taurus guy to be straightforward. He won’t play mind games with you over text or try to make you chase him.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Taurus man. →
Be Honest
The typical Taurus man communication style is honest and direct, and he appreciates the same honesty from his partner, as well.
If you text your Taurus man something that’s not true and he finds out that you lied, it will have a detrimental effect on your relationship.
Not only will he know that you lied but he will also have the evidence of your deception saved in his text message history.
Don’t lie to your Taurus man over text, even if you are trying to spare his feelings or sugarcoat the truth.
He would rather you be straightforward with him than dance around truth or deceive him.
Send Sweet, Romantic Messages
Every zodiac sign is ruled by a particular heavenly body that reveals something important about that sign. Taurus is guided by Venus, the planet of love and beauty.
This tells us that Taurus men are very sensual and romantic, even though they may not show everyone their softer side.
A Taurus man knows how to turn on his romantic charm, but he saves it only for the woman he loves. His friends would probably even be surprised by some of the sweet things he does for his partner.
Appeal to his romantic side and try to draw it out by sending your Taurus guy lovey-dovey messages.
Behind his outwardly tough exterior is a sweetheart, and you can bring it out of him by showing your sweet side, too.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
Don’t Be Too Sexual
If your Taurus man stopped texting after or in the middle of a sexy exchange, he might be turned off by your forwardness.
He likes honesty and directness, but he also prefers sweet, flirty messages over ones that are too overtly sexual or aggressive.
For example, you are more likely to keep getting responses from your Taurus guy if you send him a cute picture of yourself wearing a nice dress and smiling kindly into the camera than a pornographic nude.
While that might satisfy him in the short run, he will wonder if you send photos like that to every guy and will lose interest quickly.
He’s also not a huge fan of sexting and would rather keep sexy messages subtle and sweet.
Instead of telling him explicitly what you want to do to your Taurus man in bed, text him saying that you miss the feeling of his arms around you and that you can’t wait to be with him.
Text Him Compliments
Taurus men love compliments, so you are sure to get a response from your Taurus guy if you send him praise.
Taurus men also use compliments to flirt, so if you’re not sure yet whether or not your Taurus guy likes you but he always sends you sweet, flattering messages, it’s one of the subtle signs a Taurus man likes you.
If you are wondering how to compliment a Taurus man, you can be as friendly or as flirty as you want.
If you want to be sweet and friendly, compliment him by telling him how sweet he is or how much you admire his work ethic.
When you want to be a little more flirty and direct, text him to tell him how sexy he is and that you can’t wait to be alone with him later.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Taurus man (they work like magic) →
Ask Him for Practical Advice
When a Taurus man ignores you, one of the best ways to get a response from him is to ask him a direct question.
If you send him lots of texts that don’t really require a response, he might not think that it’s necessary for him to reply.
For example, if you just send him a message to say good morning, he might not respond even though he appreciated it.
It’s better to send him a message with a question in it if you really want him to text you back.
If you’re not sure what to ask him, it’s always a good idea to text a Taurus man for his advice. Avoid asking about emotional issues and stick to practical questions, such as asking for his restaurant or movie recommendations.
He will happily respond and be flattered to know that you value his opinion.
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