If you have a crush on a Scorpio guy or want a deeper commitment from him in your relationship, you may be wondering how to win a Scorpio man’s heart.
What can you do to make him fall for you?
Scorpio is perhaps the most mysterious and enigmatic of all the zodiac signs, so it’s no wonder you are having a hard time figuring out his desires.
You can use his zodiac sign to figure out the typical Scorpio man likes and dislikes in a woman.
Once you know his sign’s preferences in love and romance, stealing his heart will be a piece of cake.
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Be Mysterious
Scorpio men are naturally complex and mysterious, and they like it that way. They like to keep people guessing and they reveal their true selves to very few people.
Since they are so enigmatic, Scorpio men are attracted to women who know how to leave a little to the imagination.
If you’re wondering how to make a Scorpio man obsessed with you, you have to always keep him wanting more.
You shouldn’t like or act like you’re not into him, but you should divulge all of your secrets at once or act infatuated with him too early, either.
You need to let him get to know you slowly and play a little hard to get if you want to win your Scorpio man’s heart.
Use these secrets to make your Scorpio man love you (they work like magic) →
Be Sexy
Everyone, no matter what sign, wants a sexy, beautiful partner. But sex is more meaningful to a Scorpio man than any other sign, so it’s important that his partner is equally sexy.
But to a Scorpio guy, being sexy isn’t about flaunting your sexuality or being promiscuous. He would rather you be conservative in public but then ravish him when you are alone together.
This also doesn’t mean that you need to rush into bed with him to show him how sexy you are.
What makes a woman sexy to a Scorpio is self-confidence, intelligence, and a strong libido. He wants a woman who knows how amazing and sexy she is without having to tell her.
Also, his sign makes him have a high libido and a lot of stamina, and he needs a partner who can keep up.
Be Honest
Part of a typical Scorpio’s dual nature is that they are masters of deception, yet they can be brutally honest.
Scorpios know how to deceive people and they enjoy manipulation, but they can be so honest that they come off as harsh with the people they care about the most.
When a Scorpio says I love you, he means it. He may lie about a lot of things, but he would never lie about something so sacred and important to him.
Scorpios are human lie detectors, so your Scorpio guy will know right away if you tell him even the smallest white lie. He would rather you be painfully honest with him than try to deceive him.
Once you lose a Scorpio’s trust, it could be gone forever. If you want to steal his heart, make sure that you always tell him the truth.
Is your Scorpio man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Be Loyal
Some signs of the zodiac can handle infidelity in a relationship and are willing to work past it when their partners have been unfaithful, but a Scorpio man never recovers if his partner cheats.
He might not end the relationship immediately, but once the trust is broken, it’s gone forever. He never gets over betrayal and it will lead to the downfall of your relationship.
A Scorpio man in love needs a partner who is completely devoted and unquestionably faithful. What a Scorpio man wants to hear from his partner is that he is the only man in the world for her.
If you want to steal his heart, never try to make your Scorpio guy jealous, and never make him question your loyalty to him.
Be Patient
It could take some time for you to win your Scorpio man’s heart, but don’t get discouraged. Scorpios take a while before they are willing to open up to anyone.
The truth about a Scorpio man is that he is so protective of himself because he is deeply afraid of getting hurt in love.
Although he tries to hide it, this sign is deeply sensitive and emotional. When he falls in love, he falls hard. Because a Scorpio guy feels his emotions so profoundly, heartbreak is extremely painful for this sign.
He takes his time getting to know someone before committing to a relationship because he wants to make sure he chooses the right person.
When you’re trying to steal a Scorpio man’s heart, be patient. Don’t take it personally if it seems like he is trying to resist falling in love with you, because he is only trying to protect himself.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Scorpio man... →
Be Discreet
Scorpios are sneaky and mysterious, so they are great at keeping secrets. He knows how to be discreet, and he wants a partner who can keep his secrets, too.
One of the signs of a Scorpio man in love with you is when he opens up and shares his secrets with you.
When your Scorpio guy finally tells you his private thoughts and feelings, you may be so excited about your connection that you want to shout it from the rooftops.
But if you share something that a Scorpio man told you in confidence, he will get angry and stop trusting you.
Don’t blab his secrets, and don’t overshare about yourself to everyone, either. A Scorpio man admires a woman with restraint and discretion, so you need to prove that you possess these traits to win his heart.
Be Ambitious
Scorpios are very ambitious, and they are always working on a project and trying to improve themselves.
If you want to know how to make a Scorpio man chase you, show him that you are an ambitious woman with plans and goals.
He likes a woman who knows what she wants and goes after it. One of the reasons a Scorpio man makes a great partner is because he is unfailingly supportive of his woman’s endeavors.
He wants to be your biggest cheerleader, but you have to have a goal in order for him to cheer you on.
Tell him about your dreams and the steps you are taking to achieve them, and your Scorpio man will practically hand you his heart on a platter.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Scorpio man. →
Be Accommodating
Scorpios are some of the biggest control freaks of the entire zodiac, but what sets them apart from many other dominant signs is that they don’t care if anyone else knows they are in control.
They don’t need others to recognize their power and authority as long as they have control. For example, they don’t need to be the boss or manager at work, but they hate being micromanaged and told what to do.
A Scorpio man often tries to take control of others because it makes him feel safe and secure. He believes that he knows best and that everyone would be better off if they followed his guidance.
If you want to win a Scorpio man’s heart, be accommodating and let him take the lead. You don’t have to be meek and submissive all the time, but let him call the shots when it’s important to him.
For example, if it’s date night and you’re in the mood for sushi but he made reservations at an Italian restaurant, just go to the place he picked.
You can choose the dinner spot for your next date, but don’t try to control him or change his plans.
Be Calm
Scorpios are highly emotional and sensitive. While this makes them attentive to your feelings, it also makes them mercurial and moody.
Sometimes, a Scorpio man’s moods will get the best of him, and he may take his anger out on the person closest to him. If you’re his partner, that person will often be you.
When a Scorpio man hurts you occasionally with his harsh words, try to stay calm. Don’t get emotional and retaliate, or it will blow up in your face.
Instead of letting his temper escalate into an argument, ignore it, or laugh it off. Better yet, try to turn his attitude around and cheer him up so that you both feel better.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Scorpio man (they work like magic) →
Be Intelligent and Witty
Scorpios have some of the most powerful minds of the entire zodiac. They are wise and intelligent, and they won’t settle for a partner who can’t keep up with their wits.
If you want to know how to flirt with a Scorpio man and steal his heart, make clever jokes that show off how smart you are.
Tell him about the classes you’ve been taking, something you’re interested in learning more about, or the books you have been reading.
When you’re trying to steal a Scorpio man’s heart, you should never play dumb or act more naive than you really are.
He wants a clever woman who is his intellectual match, so don’t be afraid to show him how bright you are.
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