If you are dating a Pisces guy and want to know how to make him smile, then you need to understand the typical Pisces man humor.
What makes this zodiac sign laugh out loud?
Each sign of the zodiac has a unique sense of humor because different types of jokes appeal to different personality types.
So, how do you know what will crack up a Pisces man instead of offending, confusing, or boring him?
Once you have learned more about his sign’s personality traits, you will have a better understanding of the type of humor a Pisces man enjoys.
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Innovative Humor
If you’re wondering how to keep a Pisces man’s attention, experiment with innovative types of humor.
Your Pisces guy is advanced and forward-thinking, so he is quick to pick up on new and evolving forms of comedy.
He loves going to the theater to see a comedy film because it allows him to see the freshest humor and experience the audience’s feedback.
If there is a new comedy club opening in town, ask your Pisces man if he wants to go check it out with you.
If there’s a comedian you’ve never heard of performing a standup show nearby, invite your Pisces guy to go see it with you.
He is an innovative guy, so he likes being the first one to experience new things. If you can introduce him to a new style of comedy or humor that he likes, you will impress your Pisces guy.
Use these secrets to make your Pisces man love you (they work like magic) →
Comedy Events With Loved Ones
If you want to know how to make a Pisces man love you, combine two of his favorite things: being surrounded by loved ones and laughter.
Plan a night out to a comedy event with your Pisces guy and surprise him by inviting his friends and family.
Tell everyone to meet at a comedy club or a standup show, but don’t warn your Pisces man that everyone will be there.
A Pisces man enjoys being with the people he cares about, so having everyone there laughing along with him will make the experience ten times more fun for him.
It also turns the night into an unforgettable memory he will cherish. Pisces men are quite nostalgic, so your Pisces guy will love reminiscing on your hilarious night out later.
The Humor His Partner Likes
When you are dating a Pisces man, he will do anything to please you. He can be a little codependent and may start to mirror his partner’s personality and preferences.
This means that your Pisces guy will adapt to your sense of humor. Even if you don’t share a lot of laughs early in the relationship, that will change over time.
It can be a little awkward at the beginning of your relationship as he figures out what type of humor you like, but once he knows what makes you laugh, he will have you giggling nonstop.
For example, if there is a funny television show or movie you love, your Pisces man will be happy to watch it with you, and it will quickly become his favorite, too.
Is your Pisces man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Creative Humor
If you are wondering about how to get a Pisces man to commit to you, show him how creative you are through your sense of humor.
Pisces is one of the most creative and artistic signs of the entire zodiac. His passion for art is reflected in his sense of humor.
He loves reading books written by comedians because they combine writing as a form of artistic expression with humor.
He also enjoys things like comic books, funny musicals, comedy films, and other creative expressions of humor.
Humorous Stories
If you are wondering, “What does a Pisces man find attractive?” The answer is a woman who knows how to tell a funny story.
Pisces men enjoy telling funny stories themselves, but they have the tendency to become long-winded and lose their audience before they can get to the punchline.
If he likes you, a Pisces guy will pay rapt attention to your hilarious anecdote, no matter how long it takes you to tell it.
But if you can make a group laugh with your amusing tales, it will impress your Pisces guy and make him proud of you.
This magic will make your Pisces man want a relationship with you. →
Polite Humor
If you tell a dirty joke and your Pisces guy doesn’t laugh, don’t take it as one of the signs a Pisces man is not interested.
Although he usually laughs at everyone’s jokes to make them feel comfortable, he is turned off by gross humor.
Pisces men are always polite because they care about other people’s feelings and don’t want to hurt anyone by being rude.
His courteous nature extends to his sense of humor. He doesn’t like gross jokes or toilet humor because he views it as awkward and unsophisticated.
He never tells these kinds of jokes, and he prefers not to hear them, either. Avoid making jokes about bodily functions or anything nasty if you want to make a Pisces man laugh.
Musical Humor
If you are wondering how to make a Pisces man chase you, impress him by introducing him to a musical comedian.
Be Pisces men are so artistic, they tend to be musically gifted. Even if your Pisces man doesn’t play an instrument, he is probably passionate about certain musicians and loves going to concerts.
There are a lot of clever comedians that combine songwriting with comedy. Show your Pisces man videos of your favorite musical comedian, or, better yet, take him to a live performance.
Funny musicals are another way to combine art and humor. Treat your Pisces man to a night of live theater and choose a show that is intended to make the audience laugh.
He will be dying of laughter in his seat and will be impressed by your taste in comedy.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Pisces man. →
Quirky Humor
Pisces men can be very cerebral and serious, so you might hesitate to let your hair down and be zany in his presence.
If you want to know how to keep a Pisces man on his toes, don’t be afraid to get a little silly with him.
When a Pisces man loves someone, he loves every part of her. You can show off your goofy side to your Pisces partner without worrying that he will make fun of you.
He loves that you can relax and let your guard down with him. He wants to know everything about you and will think it’s cute that you have a funny, quirky side.
Self-Deprecating Humor
If you want to know how to keep a Pisces man wanting you, show him how humble and funny you are with self-deprecating humor.
Pisces men like self-deprecating humor because it shows him that you don’t take yourself too seriously.
He knows he can be a bit too serious at times and appreciates the levity you bring with your funny quips.
As long as he understands that you are joking and you don’t really have low self-esteem, he will laugh at the jokes you make at your own expense.
Don’t make fun of yourself too often, though, or your Pisces man might get concerned that you are struggling with your confidence.
He is happy to be your biggest cheerleader, but if he thinks you are serious when you put yourself down, he will grow weary of always helping you boost your self-esteem.
Also, just because he likes self-deprecating humor doesn’t mean that a Pisces man likes it when you tease him or make him the butt of your jokes.
He is far too serious and self-conscious to laugh it off when someone makes fun of him, even if you are just being playful.
He is sensitive and vulnerable, so use humor to build your Pisces man up instead of putting him down.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Pisces man... →
Impressionist Comedy
Pisces men adore impressionist comedy and they are often quite good at it.
They are highly empathetic and observant, so it’s easy for them to step into someone else’s shoes and impersonate them.
A Pisces guy is skilled at copying someone because he notices the way the person he’s mimicking speaks, moves, and thinks.
Ask him to do an impression for you, and your Pisces guy will probably have a repertoire of people he can impersonate.
He will have you in stitches all night when you ask him to take on the roles of various celebrities and mutual acquaintances.
If you want to know how to attract a Pisces man, show off your best impersonation. Don’t hold back when you are getting into character and let him see how silly you can be.
Be careful, though, not to use impersonations to be cruel. Don’t make fun of anyone, even someone your Pisces guy dislikes, by impersonating them in an unkind way.
Your Pisces man is sensitive and caring, so he will disapprove if he sees you poking fun at someone behind their back.
He will also fear that perhaps you mimic him to others behind his back, so make sure your impressions are hilarious but considerate.
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