Hurting a Cancer man is easy if you understand his personality. A Cancer man is likely to perceive an attack when none was intended.
It may seem like it is easier to hurt a Cancer man than it is to avoid it.
A Cancer man’s behavior, when in love, tells you everything you need to know about how to hurt him. He’s sensitive, shy and vulnerable. His deep feelings can easily be used against him.
When a Cancer man is done with you and you want to get even with him for hurting your feelings, you can easily push his buttons. But if you do, he’ll never forgive you.
It’s easy to hurt a Cancer man so that he won’t easily recover. But if you want to know how to win your Cancer man back, doing these things will cost you that option.
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1. Betray his Trust
If you think you see signs a Cancer man is playing you and you want to get back at him, be sure you are reading his signals correctly first. A Cancer man may act hot and cold for many reasons. He may not be misleading you at all.
Yet if you’re sure he’s up to no good and you want to hurt him, the easiest way is to betray his trust. A Cancer man invests his vulnerable emotions in a relationship. He may count on you to keep secrets and this is a big deal to him.
Whether it’s his deep dark secrets from childhood or the fact that he wears Superman underwear, a Cancer man lives by the rule that what goes on in private stays private. If you break this rule and betray his trust, he may never forgive you.
This shows just how much doing this really hurts a Cancer man’s feelings. He will feel as if you punched him in the stomach because chances are, he never expected you to betray his secrets. Betraying him hurts, so only do it if you never want him back.
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2. Exploit His Vulnerability
This is another powerful way to hurt a Cancer man and make sure he never comes back, if that is truly what you want. If you just want to make a Cancer man chase you, pushing these buttons will backfire.
Not only will he not chase you if you exploit his vulnerable emotions, he’ll likely run the other way instead. A Cancer man is highly sensitive. When he trusts you and lets you witness his emotional fragility, he can be crushed if you turn on him.
If you listen to the stories from your Cancer man and ex-girlfriends have typically followed a pattern of hurting him through lies or infidelity, if you continue this pattern it will devastate a Cancer man. He trusted you because he thought you were different.
If you use his past wounds against him, he will not only leave you for good. The pain and betrayal are so devastating to him. He may also not be able to trust others for a long time.
You will become another name on the long list of ex-girlfriends who hurt him. If you are absolutely sure you want to hurt a Cancer man in a way he won’t easily forget, this is a way to do it. As long as you are equally certain you don’t want another chance with him.
3. Disparage His Family
How do you know when a Cancer man is over you? Sometimes it is hard to tell exactly. If you say mean things about his family or disrespect his family members, especially his mother, he may cut the relationship off completely.
Though he’ll disappear and never return, he may not actually be over you. He may still love you, but he loves his family enough to not bounce back from such an insult. When you hurt his family, even by badmouthing them, you hurt a Cancer man.
It is hard to get him to forgive such an insult. He may cut things off completely even if he loves you and wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. He may be a hopeless romantic, but a Cancer man draws the line at anything that harms his family.
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4. Insult His Home
On a similar note, although a Cancer man can stomach being insulted personally more than he can stand someone insulting his family, another way to hurt him is to insult his home. A Cancer’s home is his sanctuary.
Though he’s not likely to leave you over such an insult it will definitely sting. Criticize his home, his housekeeping abilities or the work he’s done to upgrade his house. If you act like you think he lives in a dump, he’ll be shattered.
He may try to fix things up a bit more to your liking at first. A Cancer man can be hurt easily but he’s also still a people pleaser. If he really loves you, he’ll try to change his home to suit your desires at first.
If you want to know how to make a Cancer man feel guilty, act as if you’re above his neighborhood or too good to live in the house he lives in. This will both insult him and make him feel like he needs to do better to win you over.
5. Ruin His Finances
While there are many ways to hurt a Cancer man, not all of these strategies will make him angry. When a Cancer man is angry with you, it’s because you’ve either hurt his family or disrupted his sense of security.
Messing up his finances is a good way to hurt him, but it will also make him angry with you. A Cancer man works hard to secure a good financial foundation. He doesn’t just do this for himself, but also for you as his partner.
He will be personally insulted if you undermine him financially. On top of that, he will also find it hard to forgive you or trust you again. He’ll be angry if you run up his credit cards, for example.
Also, if he invests his life savings or a substantial amount in creating a life with you and you don’t take it seriously, he’ll be crushed. He’ll also be furious. Even if he should have seen the red flags all along.
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6. Disregard His Intuition
If you want to know how to make a Cancer man miss you, playing with his emotions seldom works. He will end up having such a negative association with you and the mental or emotional manipulation you instigated, that he won’t come back.
No matter how much he may miss the good times, there are some things a Cancer man won’t forgive. Emotional manipulation is one of these things. If you really want to hurt a Cancer man, play with his feelings.
Gaslighting a Cancer man is especially powerful. When you disregard his intuition, he’ll feel hurt. Yet if you also try to get him to disregard his own feelings and intuition, it is an even more dramatic way to hurt him.
Just be forewarned, this is the kind of situation he will not easily recover from. He may permanently stay away from you once he catches on that you are using this tactic on purpose. The more you doubt a Cancer man’s instincts, the less he’ll want to be around you.
7. Invalidate His Feelings
If you want to hurt a Cancer man without jeopardizing the entire relationship, invalidate his feelings. Do this occasionally, not all the time. If you are always invalidating how he feels, he will eventually leave.
When he looks to you for comfort and you tell him his anxiety is all in his head, he’ll be upset. If he is feeling sad or angry and you act as if his emotions are irrational and he should just get over them, he’ll be hurt.
Yet he won’t be hurt enough to call it quits. At least not right away. It takes a pattern of invalidating his feelings repeatedly over a course of time for a Cancer man to decide he has had enough.
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8. Be Rude
No one likes it when somebody is rude to them. Yet to a Cancer man, your rudeness or even suddenly becoming abrupt, will feel like a personal insult. He’ll take your reaction to heart.
This is another example of a tactic that will hurt him but not altogether chase him away. He’ll feel hurt and insecure if you’re rude to him. He’ll spend hours wondering what he did wrong and imagining worst case scenarios.
Being rude to a Cancer man definitely kicks up his fears of abandonment. He’ll wonder when the next shoe is going to drop. This will cause him a great deal of distress. Yet he’ll also try to be appeasing and accommodating.
He’ll assume if he can make you happy and comfortable, your mood will improve and whatever led you to act rude will change. He’ll try to become more endearing to you at first.
9. Disrupt His Serenity
Cancer men are naturally emotional and high strung. When he can find peace and serenity, he tries to cling to it. His own emotional reactions can make any given day feel like a rollercoaster and he knows this.
A few moments of peace and stability mean a lot to a Cancer man. He’ll look to you to either help him create this stability or at least help him preserve it. When you do the opposite, it can be devastating to a Cancer man.
When you intentionally disrupt whatever harmony he can find by creating tension and drama, it will wear on him. He’ll try his best to deal with it but his ability to tolerate drama and disruption won’t last long.
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10. Make Him Jealous
One of the most powerful ways to hurt a Cancer man is to make him jealous. Only do this if you want him to run for the hills, locking the door and throwing away the key on the way out. A Cancer man won’t come back from this insult.
He is loyal and faithful and when he trusts you, he’s counting on you to respect his loyalty. He expects devotion and commitment from you as well. When you show him signs of interest in another guy or provoke his jealousy, you’re playing with fire.
A Cancer man will be hurt by your attempts to make him feel jealous. Even relatively small displays of interest in another guy will be devastating to a Cancer man. This kind of tactic will continue to mess with his head long after he ends the relationship.
Only use this tactic if you have no intentions of ever trying to make things work with your Cancer man again. He won’t forgive you for this. He’ll also never trust you again, even if you change your mind and try to win him back.
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