
Are Aquarius Men Control Freaks?

Updated February 3, 2025

If you are dating an Aquarius guy, you may wonder if your Aquarius man is a control freak.

Any person could have a dominant personality, but some signs are more likely to be control freaks than others.

The personality traits of an Aquarius man can help predict if he is the controlling type.

Because they are so aloof, it can be difficult to know how to read an Aquarius man.

By learning more about his sign, you can figure out whether or not your Aquarius man is a control freak.

They Don’t Care to Control Others

Although they may want absolute control over their own lives, an Aquarius man is not particularly concerned with having control over others.

When it comes to their careers, they want freedom to work independently and make decisions; however, they aren’t interested in being the boss and having authority over others.

An Aquarius thinks everyone should have the freedom to be who they want to be and live how they want to live. He doesn’t want to impede on anyone’s freedom and he doesn’t want anyone to interfere with his.

An Aquarius is unlikely to seek or desire control over anyone but himself, and he resents when anyone else tries to control him.

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They Need their Independence

Aquarius is one of the most independent signs in the zodiac. He values his freedom over nearly anything else, and won’t give it up easily.

This means it’s quite difficult to tie an Aquarius down in a committed relationship. He is comfortable being on his own and sees a relationship as a responsibility that takes away from his freedom.

An Aquarius is rarely the one to suggest making a relationship exclusive or committed. If he does, it’s a sure sign that you have an Aquarius man in love.

Because Aquarians are so independent and noncommittal, it can be difficult to know when an Aquarius man has a crush on you. No matter how much he likes you, he needs time before he will settle down.

He also doesn’t like depending on anyone else for anything. He would rather work extremely hard to pay his own way rather than rely on the generosity or help of others.

Don’t insult an Aquarius man by suggesting that he relies on anyone other than himself. If you accuse him of any sort of dependence, he sees it as an affront to his character.

They Can’t be Controlled by Anyone

Aquarians are rebellious and contrary by nature, but they are also kind hearted. If you request something nicely of an Aquarius, he will do it happily. He enjoys helping other people, especially when his efforts are appreciated.

But if you demand anything of an Aquarius or try to dominate him, he will become resentful and take back control.

Sometimes the best way to get an Aquarius to act is to use reverse psychology on him. If you explicitly order him not to do something, he will want to do it even more out of obstinance.

Another way to control him without being bossy is to lead him to the action himself, or make him think it’s his idea. Gentle suggestions to coax him in the right direction are much more effective than direct orders.

Be careful, though; if an Aquarius senses you are trying to manipulate him he will run in the other direction. It’s always better to be honest and upfront with him without being controlling if you can.

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They Like Control at Work

Although they like people, Aquarians prefer to work alone. They aren’t suited to jobs that involve busy work or customer service.

They prefer to do work that is meaningful, especially if they get to use their creative talents or help others. Artist, social worker, craftsman, or nurse are good careers for an Aquarius.

They would rather work harder independently than partner with others on a project. They dream big, and others may not be able to see or appreciate their vision.

An Aquarius can’t stand to work with a boss breathing down his neck. He hates being micromanaged and avoids working under direct supervision.

They Don’t Control by Being Jealous or Possessive

At the rare times that an Aquarius does try to exert control over others, he doesn’t do so by being possessive. Don’t look for jealousy as one of the signs an Aquarius man is falling for you.

When he is in love, his feelings can make an Aquarius man territorial. He allows his partner a great deal of freedom but doesn’t want her to take this for granted.

An Aquarius man in a relationship won’t question his partner’s loyalty or fidelity. He assumes his partner is faithful and will ignore the signs that his partner may be cheating on him.

Some signs like to tease and play games with their partners by making them jealous. They see a little harmless flirting with someone else as a fun way to spice up the relationship.

An Aquarius doesn’t play these kinds of games, nor will he participate if he notices his partner trying to make him jealous.

If your Aquarius guy never gets jealous and this bothers you, don’t take it as one of the signs that an Aquarius man is not into you. He finds jealousy unattractive and doesn’t want to push you away.

Even though it may hurt an Aquarius deeply if the woman he loves expresses interest in another man, he’ll never show it. Even a heartbroken Aquarius man will never tell his partner what to do or stifle her freedom.

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Stubborn When They Want Control

One of an Aquarius man’s worst traits is that he can be incredibly stubborn. If you try to control him, he will rebel against you.

When an Aquarius feels strongly enough, he can be unflappable in his beliefs. When something is important to him, he can’t be budged or convinced to change his mind.

One of the things he feels strongly about is his freedom. The more others try to exert control over him, the more he will flout their authority.

There are few things that will make an Aquarius put his foot down, but when he does, he can be unshakably stubborn. It’s better to let him have his way than try to push him in another direction.

Contrary When They Lack Control

Aquarians are contrary by nature and their rebellious side comes out when other people try to boss them around.

The typical Aquarius only desires control over himself but not others. Although he won’t try to direct anyone else, he can be incredibly unaccommodating if he feels his autonomy is being thwarted.

If he feels he does not have control over himself, such as in a work environment or a relationship, he automatically wants to do the opposite of what anyone wants from him, even if it’s to his detriment.

This is his way of taking back control over the situation and himself. An Aquarius will become quite contrary when he lacks control so that he can prove his independence.

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They Need Creative Control

Aquarians don’t crave control in many arenas, but one example of when they want to be in charge is when they work on creative projects.

Aquarians are imaginative and creative, and their heads are always full of plans and ideas. When they start a creative project, either at work or at home, they want total control.

This is because they can picture exactly how they want the project to turn out and how they want to go about completing it. Their dreams are so big and unique, it’s hard for others to share their vision.

When it comes to creative projects, it’s best to let an Aquarius man work alone. The work will be done better and faster if he is allowed total control of his vision without interference or direction from others.

They Give Their Partners Freedom

Although they require a lot of space from their partners, Aquarians also give their significant others a great deal of freedom in return.

If you want to know how to keep Aquarius man hooked, give him plenty of space and don’t be too needy. He needs time alone to recharge so that he can be his best self when he’s around you.

An Aquarius man in a committed relationship trusts his partner completely. He will never question where she is going or who she is with, assuming she is just as honest and committed to the relationship as he is.

When he praises your independence and how self-assured you are, it’s one of the signs Aquarius man is interested. This is a high compliment coming from him as he finds these qualities very attractive.

If you need to have your partner around all the time and want constant verbal affirmation as his love for you, an Aquarius man can’t provide what you need.

If you’re someone who likes your independence and wants your significant other to also be your best friend, then an Aquarius man could be your perfect match.

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