Can you use astrology to predict what happens after a Virgo man breaks up with you?
Breakups can be devastating, no matter which sign of the zodiac you are; but how you handle a breakup can be predicted using your ex’s astrology sign.
By knowing and understanding some of the key traits of Virgos you can potentially know how your ex is doing, and whether or not he is moving on.
If your relationship has ended, it’s normal to wonder how your ex is handling the breakup. You don’t have to contact him or ask your mutual friends to find out.
By looking at the typical characteristics of Virgo men, you can find out what happens to him after a breakup, and perhaps get some closure and peace of mind for yourself.
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He Won’t Take You Back
Virgos never do anything impulsively. If a Virgo man breaks up with you, he has already thought about it long and hard.
He’s either decided you are a mismatched couple, you don’t live up to his expectations, or he feels insecure in the relationship. Whatever the reason may be, he has decided it’s enough to warrant a breakup.
You might be hoping to get back together or wondering do Virgos go back to their ex, but unfortunately they rarely do. If you’re looking for advice on how to reconnect with a Virgo man, the answer is you can’t.
If a Virgo man is the one to end the relationship, he won’t take you back. This isn’t a sign who thrives on dramatic, on-and-off relationships. His thinking is very black and white; when it’s over, it’s over.
When a Virgo man breaks up with you, instead of holding out hope for a reconciliation, you need to accept it and try to move on.
You might be wondering will a Virgo man miss you after breaking up, and the answer is yes, of course he will. He just won’t show it because it’s too hard for him, and he will refuse to get back together.
When a Virgo wants you back, it is a very rare thing. This is much more likely to happen in the case that you broke up with him, rather than the other way around.
If he breaks up with you and wants you back, take this rare gift. When a Virgo man wants you back, he won’t break up with you again and will never let you go.
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He’s Not Dramatic
Virgos rarely make a show of their emotions, even during a breakup. No matter how torn up he is inside, a heartbroken Virgo male will appear cool, calm, and collected.
A Virgo break up is unlikely to happen in the heat of an argument. He also won’t call you to reconcile when he’s feeling sad and lonely. Unlike some signs, he won’t break up with you just to ignite passion.
If he wants to break up with you, it’s because he has taken his time carefully weighing the pros and cons of the relationship and has made the rational decision to separate. Don’t expect a tearful breakup speech or goodbye.
His apparent lack of emotion doesn’t mean he isn’t hurting or doesn’t care about you. It’s just not in his nature to be dramatic, but he cares deeply, even if he doesn’t shout or cry during the breakup.
He Worries How the Breakup Affects Others
Because of his caring and sensitive nature, a Virgo man after breakup will worry about how your split affects those outside of the relationship, as well.
If you shared a friend group, or became close with each others’ families, your Virgo man will be very concerned with how everyone is handling your breakup. He hates to upset those he loves, and doesn’t want to hurt them.
A Virgo man after break-up will likely check in with anyone who has grown close to you as a couple to make sure they are okay. He doesn’t like to make waves or cause discomfort.
A Virgo man aft will worry about how the breakup is affecting you, too. Just because he no longer considers you a romantic partner doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. He hopes you’re coping well, but may be too uncomfortable to ask.
Don’t be surprised if you find out from mutual friends that your Virgo man is asking how you’re doing after a breakup. It doesn’t mean he wants to get back together; it just means that he cares about your feelings.
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He Hurts More Than He Shows
A Virgo man may seem like he’s perfectly fine, even immediately after a breakup. But underneath the surface, this sensitive sign is hurting far more than it appears.
Virgos prefer to keep their feelings to themselves, and don’t like to show how upset they are after a breakup. If he didn’t tell his friends about the relationship ending, they would probably have no idea anything was wrong.
Virgos mask their feelings after a breakup not only because they dislike being vulnerable, but because they won’t want to trouble or burden anyone with their suffering.
If you see your Virgo ex at a party after your breakup, he may seem like he’s cool, calm, and collected. You might wonder if he even cares that you broke up at all.
Even though he doesn’t show it, a Virgo man feels pain deeply after a breakup. After all, he was only with you after a great deal of time getting to know you, and he was invested in the relationship.
He Won’t Move On Quickly
While some signs like to hop from one partner to the next, using one relationship to get over another, this is not how a Virgo man operates.
If you’re wondering about Virgos and moving on after a breakup, rest assured that you won’t see him out with another woman any time soon.
Don’t expect a Virgo man to jump into a rebound relationship right after breaking up with you. He will take his time before dating again.
Virgos are very protective of themselves. He needs to recover from this heartbreak before he can even think about starting a romance with someone else.
Part of the reason a breakup is so devastating for a Virgo man, even if he’s the one who ends things, is because of the time, trust, and emotions he invested in you.
A Virgo man takes his time getting to know someone before committing. He not only needs to heal from your breakup, but he will also take his time again before committing to a new relationship.
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He Needs Time To Adjust
Virgos are highly practical, and one of the casualties of the breakup in his mind is the interruption to his routine.
If you have dated a Virgo man, then you know how he likes his stability and routine. As his partner, you were a huge part of that for him.
It’s difficult for him to adjust to changes in his daily life caused by the breakup, especially if you were living together or shared children, pets, or possessions.
He will instantly try to restructure his routine, and it will take him a while to feel comfortably settled and stable again after the relationship ends.
A Virgo man might want to stay friends with you after a breakup, but he will also need time before that can happen. The change of your relationship status is a hard adjustment for him.
He Needs Space
Virgos tend to be introverted, or at least he prefers to handle his emotions on his own instead of sharing them with others. He won’t want to go out with his friends or talk through a breakup with anyone.
A Virgo man is likely to retreat into solitude after a breakup. He is hurting, and needs time and space to deal with these difficult emotions on his own.
Some signs like to throw a pity party for themselves after a breakup or talk to anyone who will listen about it. A Virgo is the opposite; he wants his own space to process his emotions by himself.
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He Tries To Learn From Your Relationship
A Virgo man is ruled by reason and logic. He loves knowledge and learning, and sees a breakup as an opportunity to improve himself.
He will analyze the reasons for the breakup, what went wrong in the relationship, and what you both could have done better. This not only helps reinforce his decision; he will also learn from this experience.
If you’re brave, you can ask a Virgo man what went wrong in the relationship after he breaks up with you. You might not like the answer, but he will have strong reasons and not be afraid to tell you.
He cares about your feelings, but since he sees breakups as an opportunity for self-improvement, he probably thinks that you have room for improvement, too.
He Keeps Himself Busy
Virgos are uncomfortable with strong emotions, and he doesn’t like to face his feelings. He will focus on keeping himself as busy as possible after a breakup to distract himself from his broken heart.
Don’t be surprised if a Virgo man throws himself into his work right after ending a relationship. This ambitious and diligent sign thrives on hard work, so his job is the perfect distraction.
A Virgo will also try to fill his time with productive activities. He is likely to take an educational course, start a new hobby, or concentrate on a research project to keep his mind off his pain.
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He Controls What He Can
Virgos like to have a sense of control and order, and after a breakup this becomes even more important to him. Controlling what he can helps him feel like he is able to keep his emotions in check.
Virgos are already known for their cleanliness and organization; it’s likely these characteristics will be enhanced after a breakup. He will use cleaning as a way to exercise control and stay busy.
Don’t be surprised if a Virgo decides to declutter and deep clean his entire house, office, and car right after a breakup. Not only does this help him feel in control, but he is metaphorically scrubbing you from his life.
He will also exercise control and discipline over what he eats, his exercise, his workload, and anything else that he can command. He controls what he can because he is uncomfortable with how out of control his emotions are.
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