
Are Virgo Men Selfish?

Updated December 30, 2024

A selfish Virgo man isn’t hard to come by but neither is a selfless one. You can easily find Virgos on both ends of the spectrum.

Virgos have various traits that can make them seem both selfish and not selfish.

Virgos can be generous, kind, caring people, especially with their friends and family.

They are reliable and if they say they’ll help somebody out, they’ll follow through. These qualities can make a Virgo seem selfless and charitable.

On the other hand, Virgo can be emotionally detached. He can also be overly critical as well as prideful.

These traits can cause him to not think about the feelings of others. When he’s caught up in his thoughts, he might ignore others and act selfishly.

An individual Virgo is likely both selfish and selfless at different times.

Flip of a Coin

You might read one thing that says Virgos are selfless, compassionate people who always help those around them. Then, you read something else that says they are selfish and only care about themselves. What’s the truth?

The truth is that Virgos are multifaceted people. They have times where they are giving and generous. They will put others over themselves in some situations. They won’t think twice before helping out a friend in need.

In other situations, they’ll act selfishly. Even a selfless Virgo man will have times where he’s selfish and self-serving.

All Virgos have positive and negative traits. Some let the negative traits take over, others are better about letting their good side shine through.

Certain traits of Virgo’s can lead to him seeming selfish. Other traits allow him to be selfless. Not every single Virgo expresses Virgo’s traits in the same way.

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Virgo is a perfectionist. He often has a specific way he likes things to be done. Sometimes, he thinks the only way to get something done right is to do it himself.

If you have a Virgo roommate or live with your Virgo partner, you might find that he is always doing the household chores. Most people find nothing wrong with this. You might think he’s just being a nice person.

A Virgo coworker might do the majority of a project or take over a presentation. You might be more than happy to let him do so because that takes some work off your plate. He might seem like he’s being helpful and kind.

Virgo can be kind. When he does things for others, it is sometimes because he sees they are struggling and he wants to help.

Other times, it’s not because he cares about their needs. It’s because he doesn’t trust them to do things the way he wants them done.

In a sense, Virgo sometimes does selfless things for selfish reasons.

Cares About Your Well-Being

Virgo men genuinely care about the well-being of their loved ones. They want the best for the people they care about.

Are Virgo men considerate? They are! If you are unwell or feeling down, he’ll do what he can to help you feel better.

Virgo will often put his friends and family before himself. He might work extra hours so that his partner can go back to school without worrying about finances. He’ll gladly help a friend move or offer to watch their kids if they’re in a pinch.

Some Virgos are overly selfless. They will say yes to things even when they don’t actually have the time. They will take on responsibilities they aren’t capable of dealing with.

If it’s for the sake of somebody he cares about, he will be willing to sacrifice his own needs. He will allow himself to be stressed or uncomfortable to make his loved ones happy.

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Willing to Please

Are Virgo men clingy? Quite the opposite. They also don’t like it when their partners are clingy. However, when they care about you, they will be eager to please you.

Virgo likes to feel helpful. He likes to feel like he has something to offer people. He takes pride in being a hard worker.

If he cares about your opinion of him, he’ll bend over backward to make sure you think highly of him.

He isn’t this way with everyone, of course. He doesn’t care about the opinions of every single person he meets.

He’s not eager to please in general. He’s eager to please specific people. He might seem selfish and unhelpful to somebody he doesn’t like or who doesn’t know him well. People he’s close to will see him in an entirely different light.


A Virgo man’s feelings for his loved ones can make him selfless even if he is normally a selfish person.

Some Virgo men have a hard time showing that they care, however. Why do Virgo men hide their feelings? One reason is that they don’t want to ruin their practical, reasonable image.

If he can get over his fear of showing emotion, he can be a very caring person. He’ll be affectionate and kind.

Even if he doesn’t always understand the feelings of others, he’ll try to when he loves somebody.

One way he shows he cares is by putting others first. Virgos who have children are an obvious example of this.

He’ll go hungry if it means his children are well-fed and taken care of. He’ll do everything in his power to make sure they are happy.

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If Virgo says he will do something for you, you can trust that he’ll follow through.

He won’t blow you off because something else more exciting came up or because he wants to do something else instead. He’ll be there when he says he will be.

This is one of Virgo’s traits that makes them seem unselfish. By keeping plans and doing what he says he’ll do, he seems considerate and like he values the time of others.

The one time Virgo isn’t always reliable is when it comes to responding to texts, voicemails, or emails. When a Virgo man goes silent, try not to take it too personally. He’s just focused on something else.

That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s selfish, though. Everyone needs to take some time to themselves sometimes. That’s normal.


Virgo is very critical of other people. He isn’t afraid to voice his criticisms either. His need to say what’s on his mind is more important than social niceties or sparing the feelings of others.

Are Virgos rude? Honestly, sometimes the answer is yes. Some Virgos care more about their own opinions than how those opinions make other people feel.

His critical nature can make him seem selfish in the sense that he doesn’t think about others before voicing his thoughts.

Sometimes, it is better to keep your mouth shut so that you don’t hurt somebody else’s feelings. Virgo has a hard time understanding this.

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Virgo men can be very prideful. Even if he is sometimes prone to being self-critical, he can also have a high opinion of himself.

He may get caught up in his pride and let it take over his usual caring nature. A Virgo that is normally compassionate and caring will have times where he lets his pride get the best of him.

When he fails and his pride is damaged, he might lash out. Failure can make a Virgo man emotional in ways he hardly ever is. When he feels this way, he won’t care about anyone’s feelings other than his own.

Emotionally Detached

Virgo doesn’t always think about the feelings of others. He can be emotionally detached and this can make him seem selfish.

This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care. It just means he doesn’t always notice when others need emotional support. He isn’t always the best at offering emotional support when he’s not expecting it either.

He may pull away from people when he is emotional. You may not know how to react when a Virgo man ignores you. Why do Virgos go cold suddenly, even with people they care about?

He isn’t trying to be selfish or ignore people he cares about. He is just trying to have some time to himself. Needing alone time isn’t selfish, it’s completely necessary sometimes.

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Unwilling to Change

Virgo hates change. He values comfort and security. Once he settles down and finds a home, job, partner, etc. that he’s comfortable with, he’s not going to want to change anything.

If his partner wants to move to be closer to their family, he’ll be reluctant. Maybe his partner found a better job in another city. He won’t want to move, even if it would be better for both him and his partner in the long run.

This unwillingness to change can make him ignore the needs of others.

Even if his partner would be happier, they would both be more financially secure, and the new city has more benefits than their current location, he still might not want to move.

Virgo sometimes just needs a push in the right direction. He doesn’t want to be selfish and only think about himself. He needs help to see that a change will be good for everyone involved.

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