When a Scorpio man texts you, you may become eager to respond right away. While it’s a good sign, you still need to play it cool.
There are some tricks you can use to get his attention and encourage him to text you.
When you don’t text a Scorpio man, it will encourage him to text you first. You will need to be patient because a Scorpio man works in his own time frames.
The kinds of texts to send to a Scorpio man need to compel him to respond. He won’t rush to text you if you’re making small talk. Keep it interesting.
One of the signs that a Scorpio man has feelings for you is when he texts you frequently. He can text you obsessively one moment and then go quiet for days.
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Signs a Scorpio man is not interested in you can be seen when he ignores you on social media. If you’re going to have a chance to engage your Scorpio love interest, this is the first way to encourage him.
If you’re wondering “Should I text a Scorpio man first?” the answer is not always set in stone. In most cases, it is best to let your Scorpio man make the first moves.
This isn’t always the case, however. Under certain circumstances, you will need to be the first to initiate contact. This is particularly true if you’ve had a fight with your Scorpio man. He won’t text first.
To a Scorpio man, coming around after an argument and trying to make peace and resolve the conflict is too much like surrendering. He’ll hold out and wait to see what you do instead. It’s best to send a friendly, placating text to soften him up.
Don’t use text to try to resolve the problem and figure out who was right and who was wrong. In a Scorpio man’s mind, that has already been decided and he is always right. Instead, use your text to make peace.
Aside from this situation, let him come to you. The best way to do this is to tempt him with your social media posts. Like his posts. Then wait. If he starts to like your posts, step it up and start commenting on his posts.
He should respond by interacting more with you on social media or may jump right to private messaging you directly. Let him initiate the more intimate forms of communication such as direct messaging.
Use these secrets to make your Scorpio man love you (they work like magic) →
Don’t be Too Available
If you want to know how to make a Scorpio man miss you, you may be overlooking the most powerful tool you have available. The best way to get a Scorpio man to text you is to leave him alone.
Give him some time to himself in order to make him miss you. He’ll get curious about what you’re doing. He will also want to know who you’re with and what is going on in your life. A Scorpio man needs space to figure out that he misses you.
If you’re too available, you take away this opportunity from a Scorpio man. Without intending to, you can cut into his process and keep him at a distance. The more you lean in, the more he pulls away.
Think of these encounters in a different way. Don’t be too available. Make him wait. Don’t text back right away. When you pull away before he can, you turn the tables on a Scorpio man. You remind him you have a life.
You can also send the message loud and clear, through your silence, that you are popular, successful and busy. When you aren’t readily available all the time, your Scorpio man will be more attracted to you.
You’ll trigger his chase response and he will work harder to get your attention. Thus, he will text you more and respond right away because he’ll realize your time and energy are valuable commodities.
Be Patient
You may be obsessing over what to say to a Scorpio man to get his attention. Yet silence speaks volumes. Sometimes saying nothing and being patient is the best route.
Don’t expect him to be consistent. He may text nonstop one week and be quiet the next week. Scorpio men are obsessive and focused. This can feel great when his focus is on you. But when it isn’t, it feels like he’s gone cold.
Remember, it’s only natural that he will need to pull back and take some time for himself after investing so much time and energy in you. Be patient while he vacillates back and forth.
He’ll more likely than not come around and seek you out again once he’s had a period of separation. This is the best way to get him to reconnect with you. Give him space and be patient.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Scorpio man. →
Don’t be Manipulative
Whatever you do, don’t try to beat him at his own game. Scorpio men are masters of manipulation. Yet this means they have a built in manipulation detector and can sense deception a mile away.
Don’t try to manipulate a Scorpio man to text you by faking a crisis or creating drama. This may work once, but that’s it. Plus, you run the risk of manipulation backfiring. He may go silent for good if he catches on.
Women sometimes think the best way to get a Scorpio to text is to make him jealous. Yet if you play these games it won’t work on him. If you flirt with other guys he’ll shut down.
Likewise, if you post photos of yourself with another guy on social media to get him jealous, it will backfire. A Scorpio man will see this as rejection and this is something he will not tolerate.
What a Scorpio man wants to hear more than anything is your honest opinion. He appreciates it when you’re direct and authentic. Tell him you admire him but mean it.
He will respond to flattery and seduction as long as he has no reason to doubt your sincerity. If you play games with him, he will never trust you again.
Text him intellectual, flirty and sexy messages. Don’t bore him with mundane things that aren’t a priority. He hates small talk. Show your intelligence and depth when you text a Scorpio man.
Leave Him Wanting More
Have you ever gotten lost in an engaging book or movie only to find it ends on a cliff-hanger. If you have, you know the strong compulsion to continue the story when the sequel comes out.
You may become obsessed with finding out what happens in the next book or movie. Without being book or movie length, you want your texts to have this effect on a Scorpio man.
Make him obsessed with learning what happens next. The best way to do this is to keep your texts brief, intriguing, alluring and mysterious. Leave him wanting more. Don’t give away the whole plot.
This can mean that you hint about something dramatic or exciting that happened during your day at work, but don’t give up the ghost just yet. Create an air of secrecy.
He’ll want to text you more frequently if he thinks you’re an enigma or a puzzle to be solved. Leave hints on social media to tempt his curiosity.
This magic will make your Scorpio man want a relationship with you →
Don’t Chase Him
Sometimes a Scorpio man will act like he doesn’t care when he actually does. A Scorpio man does this to protect his vulnerability and to remain a mystery himself. He may hint at an attraction or act indifferent altogether.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make, next to manipulating him or making him jealous, is to chase a Scorpio man. When he thinks he has you in the palm of his hand, he’ll lose interest. Stay a step ahead of him.
Show your Scorpio man that you aren’t desperate for his attention. Be receptive, but keep some emotional distance at first. Don’t text him back right away. Don’t contact him if he is ignoring you.
Giving yourself a no contact rule with a Scorpio man can be one of the best ways to get his attention and encourage him to text you. When a Scorpio man sees that you aren’t willing to chase him, he won’t assume you aren’t interested.
Instead, he’ll assume you’re popular, high status, successful and busy. All of these assumptions work in your favor. He’ll be more attracted to you based on how he reads into your behavior.
Even if you have to hide your phone for a day to keep from contacting him, play it cool and don’t let on that you weren’t actually busy with important meetings or social events. The more he can construct an idealized vision of you in his mind, the better.
Sometimes, women think the key to getting a Scorpio man to open up is to pour their heart out to him first. Though this makes sense logically, in reality it doesn’t work. When you are too emotional or open with a Scorpio man it doesn’t reassure him.
It scares him away. This is because he will assume you are too eager for his attention and may try to control him or dominate his life. You want to avoid this at all costs. Resist the urge to pursue him, let him savor the chase.
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