If a Scorpio man likes you, you may not even know it. He’s a master of mysteries and knows how to keep a secret.
When his feelings become more passionate, he won’t be able to resist showing his love for you.
When a Scorpio man touches you, it can feel electrifying. You may wonder if this gesture is completely innocent. How do you know when a Scorpio man likes you, what gestures does he make?
When a Scorpio man has a crush on you, he’ll try to conceal it. Even when he flirts, he’ll give you mixed signals and keep you guessing.
When you see the signs that a Scorpio man has feelings for you, you can strengthen the connection. His love signs, like his astrological sign, can be elusive.
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He Plays Cool
The signs of a Scorpio man in love with you are obvious. Yet when he’s in the early stage of attraction, when he simply likes you but isn’t in love yet, he’ll be discreet. He’ll dip a toe in the water to see how you react.
But he won’t show all his cards at first. He does this so that he can keep his attraction a secret. He prefers mysteries in situations in which he is vulnerable. He wants to wait before showing his feelings.
Scorpio men know they can have an intense, often lust-driven, desire for women they are attracted to. When he first likes a woman, he won’t give his feelings away just yet.
This way, if it turns out he was more physically than emotionally attracted, he doesn’t risk any vulnerability. Scorpio men don’t always know at first if their attraction is genuine or not.
This is why you may see signs a Scorpio man is playing you before he is even certain of whether he has deeper feelings or not. Even if he plays cool, you can still see signs he likes you.
Is your Scorpio man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Scorpio back in. →
He Follows You
Scorpios love to flirt in lowkey ways. When he smiles and stares, it’s a good sign. He’ll also follow you. This may not seem unusual, since even friends follow each other in real life and on social media.
Pay attention and you’ll notice the difference. A Scorpio man following you will be more intense. He’ll not only make it obvious he’s paying more than his fair share of attention to you on social media, he’ll also suddenly show up in real life.
He’ll just happen to run into you at the store and play if off like a coincidence. But it will happen frequently. He’ll never admit it, but he’s already been watching you carefully to see where you go and what you do.
This may seem creepy, but it’s a good sign for a Scorpio man. This is his natural style of showing he’s attracted to a woman. He makes it a point to know more about you than you know about him.
He’s Quiet First
How does a Scorpio man act when he likes you? At first, he’ll be more quiet than usual. This can give you the impression that he doesn’t like you. You may assume he is disinterested when this is not the case.
When he’s extra quiet early in the relationship, he isn’t avoiding you. He’s listening intently. Scorpio men are excellent listeners. They’ve also learned that people will tell them all kinds of personal details.
All a Scorpio man has to do is wait and listen and his love interest will pour their heart out. This is the reason he’s so quiet at first. He’s trying to gain as much information from you as possible without revealing much of himself.
This is not the same as the infamous Scorpio silence that he unleashes when he’s mad. When he’s angry or not interested in you, you’ll know it. He will be silent from a distance with no explanation. He’ll shut you out or block you.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Scorpio man. →
He Tries to Impress You
What are the signs a Scorpio man is using you? One of the best ways to tell is to look for signs he is trying to impress you. If he’s only interested in sex, he’ll sext you and talk dirty but offer little more in terms of connection.
When he’s really into you, he’ll go out of his way to get your attention. He’ll make it obvious that he wants to please you. No matter how old he is, a Scorpio man will show off like a teen with a crush when he likes you.
Yet there is seldom any awkwardness in his attempt to show off. Instead, he is likely to maintain a smooth charm that is irresistible. If a Scorpio misses you, he’ll let you know.
Whether he comes out and says it or not, he will keep showing up. He will continue to show an interest in you, asking you questions or carefully observing you.
He Acts Indifferent
Scorpio men are highly sensitive, and they are also control freaks. They never want to seem vulnerable and they don’t want anyone else to have the upper hand.
Even when a Scorpio man likes you, he’ll act indifferent at first. This way, if you’re not interested, he hasn’t exposed his emotions. He will carefully evaluate his potential with you from a distance.
But he won’t overtly chase you at first. That comes later. When a Scorpio man starts to actually fall in love, he’ll take a risk and chase you so he doesn’t risk losing you.
Yet if he is early in the attraction stage, he will act like he can take or leave the relationship. He’ll downplay his feelings and try to act tough to avoid feeling vulnerable.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Scorpio man (they work like magic) →
A Scorpio man will go to some lengths to remain a mystery. He may allude to being taken when he’s not. He may act like he’s not looking for a relationship or still make references to his ex to make you think they are getting back together.
He is a master at manipulating other people. All of this is done not to deceive you but to protect himself. He would rather you think you have competition. A Scorpio man assumes that this will make you want him more.
He is an astute observer of human nature. In his experience, men who are unavailable have an easier time attracting women. So by acting unavailable, he is convinced it will make you more attracted to him.
He Tests You
Another way a Scorpio man will confuse a woman he likes is through a series of tests. You may wonder who has all this time on their hands to think up ways to test a love interest, but a Scorpio man does. He seldom sleeps.
He will come up with inventive ways to trick you into showing that you are worth his time, or not. This is because Scorpio men are highly suspicious of others’ intentions.
The downside of being intelligent and slightly manipulative is that you assume others are playing mind games as well. For this reason, a Scorpio man may assume the worst of others and then wait to be proven right or wrong.
He’ll test your honesty, your loyalty and he’ll even try to make you jealous just to see how you’ll react. If you don’t pass his tests, he may suddenly go quiet rather than explaining himself.
This magic will make your Scorpio man want a relationship with you →
He Flirts with You
By the time a Scorpio man flirts with you, you know he obviously likes you. The question is, does he trust you yet? It’s important to not get ahead of yourself at this stage.
His flirting is a good signal, but it is not a sign he’s ready to commit to something serious. It’s still an indicator that he’s attracted but is one of many signs to look for.
If a Scorpio man misses you, you’ll know it. He’ll hug you longer, act pouty when you have to leave and become almost obsessive over you. Yet when he’s just flirting, it’s a sign he may be closer to taking risks to show you he cares.
He Runs Hot and Cold
One of the most frustrating things about courtship with a Scorpio man is his tendency to run hot and cold. Early on, when he likes you, he may seem more on the aloof side.
Yet as he starts to make his feelings known, he’ll act like he’s all out obsessed. It may feel like he’s paying so much attention to you, you’ll wonder if he’s stalking you.
Yet suddenly, all this excessive attention will stop. You may wonder if you did something wrong. The fact is, he burns himself out. He can be passionate and focused, but then needs to recharge.
A tiny trick to snatch your Scorpio man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
He Can Act Obsessed
When a Scorpio man likes you, he may drop hints during conversation that show you that he’s been doing his homework. He’ll research you online and by contacting your friends.
He’ll become obsessed with you and will let you know it in time. As you talk to him, you’ll suddenly realize he knows you better than you know yourself.
This can feel awkward, as you realize he has the upper hand and is still an enigma to you. He plans it this way intentionally. A Scorpio man always wants the vantage point of control in a relationship.
This is why he’ll make sure to know more about your subconscious, feelings, fears and strengths, than you know about him. He’ll start to gradually reveal more about his personal life over time.
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