
Are Libra Men Dominant in a Relationship?

Updated February 14, 2025

A Libra man’s dominant style is usually hidden under layers of passivity and agreeableness.

He tries to go for balance and harmony and will seldom act dominant in a relationship. He would rather be your equal.

If you’re wondering are Libra males dominant, the answer is typically no. Libra men prefer to share power or give it away.

Libra men can be so agreeable and easy going that they completely overlook their own interests and needs at first. This is why they can become passive-aggressive.

On rare occasions, a Libra man can become dominating, but he doesn’t usually feel comfortable in this role. He’ll be happy to relinquish power as soon as possible.

Libra Men Are Terrified of Power

In order to understand how a Libra man handles power, you’ve got to understand a Libra man’s mentality. He is terrified of power. Libra men have a deep belief that power can be consuming and corrupting.

Libra men don’t see themselves as authority figures at all. They would rather not be in charge. They don’t like the burden that comes with power. Libra men know that taking charge leaves them vulnerable to responsibilities.

One of the reasons a Libra man can be passive is so that he can avoid being responsible for the outcome of a situation. The saying “Heavy lies the head that wears the crown” influences his thinking.

A Libra man doesn’t want the hassle of being in control. As a result, he’ll default to your authority. He would rather be a follower than a leader. This doesn’t mean he is weak minded. He just doesn’t want to be influenced by power.

Libra men avoid commitment and often change their minds at the drop of a hat. Another reason for a Libra man to avoid being dominant is because it allows him to avoid having to make a commitment to a course of action.

A Libra man doesn’t want to take initiative and try to persuade you to follow him if he knows he’s only going to change his mind several times along the way. Taking a passive role helps him feel free to change his mind.

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Libra Men Aren’t Dominant

When you understand a Libra man’s personality, you’ll know the signs a Libra man likes you. Libra men don’t subscribe to the traditional gender roles of the dominant male.

He would rather be your equal in a relationship. If anything, he’ll defer to your authority and decisions more often than trying to take the lead himself. When he needs to regain control, he’ll simply distance himself from you temporarily.

When you know how to handle a Libra man, you’ll easily be able to encourage him to speak up for himself more. This is important because it will help him feel confident. He still won’t try to dominate you, but he needs encouragement to assert himself.

Often, dominating people intimidate Libra men. At best, a Libra man may follow the lead of an assertive partner. At worst, a Libra man can shy away from someone who is too demanding or dominating.

He’ll seldom push back directly, though. This is how far Libra men will go to avoid acting dominating. A Libra man expects you to collaborate with him and sometimes he assumes you’ll naturally know what he needs.

Ideally, a Libra man can be assertive. Yet even this slight level of directness can seem like too much for him. He prefers to avoid any type of confrontation or difficult conversation.

Libra Men Are Passive but Can Be Resentful

A Libra man doesn’t try to push his agenda. He can have strong opinions about political or social issues, and he’s always happy to share his views. He’ll try to do this without being confrontational or dogmatic.

Yet when it comes to his personal or ideological goals, he expects you to support him. At the same time, he won’t always assert himself. He may hint at or mention what he wants but won’t act dominating. He assumes others should easily come around to his perspective.

As a result, he may become resentful if you don’t take his hints. If you pursue your own plans or agenda even though he mentioned his ideas or plans, he may even feel rejected. You may not realize he feels this way at first.

The best way to avoid a Libra man becoming passive-aggressive or resentful is to go out of your way to check in with him. Ask his ideas, even when he seems to go along with you. Get him to confirm that you are on the same page.

One of a Libra man’s weaknesses is that he wants harmony and peace so much that he will try to please you. Sometimes he may not even realize right away that his efforts to make you happy are going against his own desires.

Even though it may seem great at first when he agrees to go along with all of your suggestions and wishes, his willingness to compromise comes at a cost. He isn’t always consciously aware of it, but he may feel you are being dominating when you aren’t.

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He’ll Seldom Initiate Contact

You may think a man who cares about you will chase you. This can be true sometimes, but to a Libra man, chasing is a form of dominance. Libra men aim for balance in their pursuit. He’ll assume that you’ll reach out when you’re ready.

Sometimes he’ll initiate contact, but for the most part, Libra men wait to respond to your advances. Some men are turned off by a woman who initiates contact too much.

Libra men, however, don’t mind it when you initiate contact. The important thing to remember with a Libra man is to not come across as demanding of his time and attention. Even if you text first, don’t get upset if he doesn’t respond right away.

There is a fine line between being initiating contact to encourage a Libra man and being too pushy. If you cross this line, he’ll let you know. Libra men aren’t comfortable being assertive themselves.

Yet they will show their boundaries in more subtle ways. In spite of his association with justice and balance, a Libra man doesn’t like laying down the law. He assumes things should work in natural harmony.

When he thinks you are trying too hard, it will feel like a disruption of balance. He wants you to feel confident and assertive, but he will feel overwhelmed if you chase him too much. It’s all about balance with a Libra man.

One of the top Libra man falling in love signs can be his eagerness to initiate contact more often. He’ll find innocent reasons to check in with you. He may act like he’s just being friendly at first.

One of the signs that a Libra man is not into you is when he doesn’t uphold his end of the relationship at all. It’s one thing for him to be passive and let you contact him first. This can be normal and comfortable for him.

Yet if he doesn’t respond or you feel like you have to chase him, he’s likely not interested in you. A Libra man in love will be happy that you take the lead and kickstart the relationship. He won’t try to avoid you.

He Wants Equality, Not Dominance

If you’re wondering how to know when a Libra man is done with you, look for signs that he is no longer trying to balance your personality with his. If he acts indifferent or ignores you, it may be over.

Ideally, Libra men want equality. They want to be with a partner who balances their personality and energy. They aren’t interested in overpowering their partner.

Libra men also don’t like dominating their partner, even if it is a matter of convincing you of their strong opinions and ideals. A Libra man knows that if he has to try too hard to get you to see his perspective, it’s not worth it.

He would rather take a passive and diplomatic approach to relationships. If he’s not into the relationship anymore, he may still vacillate and try to make you feel comfortable rather than asserting himself.

He may gradually walk back his commitments. He’ll also try to be subtle about his loss of interest. He may try to suggest friendship instead or suddenly have reasons to cancel your plans together.

He’s always trying to be fair and wants to make sure there’s a level playing field. Even if he does step up to the plate and take the lead at one time, he’ll be sure to let you be in charge the next time.

A Libra man in bed can be attentive and affectionate. He’ll try to make sure your needs are met first. Then he’ll naturally expect reciprocity. It’s important that you read his signals correctly.

He won’t be likely to speak up for himself and instead may just hint at what he’s interested in. You’ll have to be perceptive and aware of his subtle hints so that you don’t overlook his needs.

Libra men believe relationships should be about balance. He’ll get turned off if you try to take charge all the time, but he also will be slow to take charge himself.

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He’ll Only Take Charge if You Don’t

Though a Libra man doesn’t like to be dominant, he does have the capacity to take charge. He’ll do anything to avoid having to take the lead. When all else fails, he’ll act assertive only if you don’t.

He will patiently wait while you make up your mind. He’ll try to encourage you to take the lead. He’ll defer to your opinions. If and when you don’t follow through, he’ll become more decisive.

This takes him out of his comfort zone and he will be quick to return to passivity just as soon as you take the leadership role. If you don’t and he feels he needs to steer things all the time, he may lose interest.

He doesn’t like being put on the spot to make all the decisions. He also doesn’t like to feel his ideas are never being considered. If you can strike a balance between letting him inspire you and letting him back out of the spotlight, he’ll feel comfortable.

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