If the Leo guy you’ve been talking to suddenly goes silent, you’re probably wondering what makes a Leo man stop texting.
Why does this zodiac sign abruptly stop communicating?
Is he just so busy he can’t answer his phone, or is he trying to convey that he’s mad at you?
If you want to know why he’s not returning your messages, then you need to understand the typical Leo man’s texting habits.
By learning more about his zodiac sign’s personality traits and communication style, you will be able to figure out why your Leo man stopped texting you.
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Leo is a very social and outgoing sign, and he’s not the type of guy to be constantly checking his phone while he’s out with friends.
He prefers face-to-face communication over phone calls and texting, so when he’s at a social event, he keeps his phone on silent mode.
It’s very unusual for a Leo man to be so absorbed in texting that he ignores the person right in front of him, so if he checks his messages frequently during a date with you, it’s not a good sign.
If you’re wondering how to know if a Leo man likes you through text, don’t assume that his sudden silence means he’s deliberately ignoring you.
He’s probably just hanging out with his friends and is too engrossed in whatever they are doing together that he’s not looking at his phone.
Try not to be offended when your Leo man prioritizes the people he’s spending time with instead of texting you. When he sees you in person, he will extend the same courtesy to you by ignoring texts from others.
This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you. →
You Ignored Him
A Leo man loves attention, and if he’s not getting it from you, he’s going to get it from someone else. If you ignored your Leo guy for too long, he might stop texting you because he feels neglected.
If he goes days in between texts, it means your Leo man is testing you. He’s giving you a taste of your own medicine by showing you how it feels to be ignored.
If you want him to text you back, don’t think that ignoring him longer will work. A Leo guy can be very stubborn, and he has plenty of other people to text while he waits for you to come around.
Text him that you’re sorry you’ve been so unreliable but you’ll make more of an effort to pay attention to him. When he sees your apology, he’ll start texting you again immediately.
Follow through on your promise and text your Leo guy more consistently if you want him to keep texting you.
He Is Hurt
A Leo man is great at expressing positive emotions, such as joy and excitement. He’s very passionate and enthusiastic, so he wants to celebrate with the world when he’s happy.
He is also good at expressing anger, but one emotion that a Leo man struggles to process is sadness.
If you hurt a Leo man and made him sad, he might not know how to respond to your texts. He could be licking his wounds instead of replying to you.
Scroll through your messages and see if you sent anything that might have hurt your Leo man’s feelings. If not, think back to your face-to-face conversations or phone calls and consider if you said something unkind.
When you hurt a Leo man, the only way to get him to start texting you again is to apologize. Tell him that you’re sorry for hurting his feelings and let him know that you won’t do it again.
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He Is Embarrassed
Just as a Leo man has a hard time handling his feelings when he’s hurt, he also struggles to cope when he’s embarrassed.
Leo is perhaps the proudest and most confident sign of the entire zodiac. A Leo man has a huge ego, so being embarrassed is rare for him.
Humility is not his strong suit, so being humbled in any way does not sit well with a Leo guy.
If your Leo man made a fool of himself in front of you, he might be avoiding your texts because he’s uncomfortable and embarrassed.
For example, if he asked you out and you rejected him, he might not want to talk to you anymore because you wounded his pride.
Or if he just got fired from his job and doesn’t want to admit it to you, he might avoid talking to you entirely because he’s so embarrassed.
You can overcome this obstacle by complimenting your Leo man and letting him know that you still think the world of him.
Don’t bring up whatever embarrassed him. Just focus on praising him and boosting his ego to get him to text you back.
Once he sees that you still care for him even when he’s at his lowest point, your Leo man will turn to you for comfort and love you more.
You Hurt Someone He Loves
Leos are not only proud but they are also fiercely loyal. A Leo man will defend his loved ones forever.
If you hurt someone he cares about, your Leo man could be ignoring you as a form of punishment. When you hurt his friends and family, you hurt him.
You will have to apologize directly to the Leo man’s loved one you offended if you want your Leo guy to start texting you again.
Tell that person you’re sorry and then let your Leo guy know that you’ve apologized. He will let his guard down and start texting you once he realizes that he doesn’t need to protect someone anymore.
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You Were Too Easy to Get
Every zodiac sign has a unique symbol that conveys the distinctive personality traits of that sign. Leo is symbolized by the lion, which tells us that Leo men like to pursue their love interests.
Like a lion stalking its prey, a Leo man enjoys the thrill of the chase in romantic relationships. He likes the challenge of winning a woman over and making her love him.
If you want to know how to make a Leo man chase you and keep texting you, you’ve got to play a little hard to get.
Sleeping with a Leo man too soon is a sure way to keep him from texting you. Once the thrill of the chase is gone, your Leo man will lose interest quickly.
And when a Leo man is done with you, it can be hard to win his attention back and get him to chase you again.
You Played Too Hard to Get
While it’s important to play hard to get with a Leo guy if you want him to text you, you can’t play so hard to get that you ignore him completely.
If you want to know how to make a Leo man want you more, you’ve got to find the balance between ignoring him and being too available.
When your Leo guy texts you to make plans for a date, wait a few minutes or hours to reply just to make him sweat.
When you respond, tell him that you’re busy that day and suggest another time to get together.
You have to play it cool to keep a Leo man on his toes, but not so cool that you accidentally ice him out.
Is your Leo man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Leo back in. →
He’s Already in a Relationship
Leo is a naturally charming zodiac sign, so it’s easy to think that flirting is one of the signs a Leo man is interested in you.
He might touch your leg or back during conversations, wink at you, or compliment you so much that you think your Leo man is in love with you.
The truth is, a Leo man flirts with everyone. He can’t help himself because he’s so charming and enjoys getting attention from women.
But a Leo man is also loyal and faithful. If your Leo crush is in a relationship, he won’t text you back if he thinks the flirting has gone too far.
If you’re wondering how to know when a Leo man is playing you, pay attention to when he texts you the most.
Is it when his girlfriend is out of town and he’s starving for attention, or does he text you consistently just to check in on you and be friendly?
If he only texts you when he’s bored and has no one else to flirt with, it means your Leo guy doesn’t really care about you.
But when you text him something too flirtatious or sexy, your Leo guy might suddenly stop responding because he’s afraid he has given you the wrong impression.
He would never cheat on his partner; he just likes to do a little bit of casual flirting and have conversations with different people.
But if you suggest going on a date or send him a naughty picture, your Leo man might block you and delete your number if he’s already in a relationship.
When a Leo guy ignores your flirty messages, it’s a sign that he’s just not that into you or, more likely, that he’s already in a committed relationship with someone else.
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