It’s easy to make a Leo man jealous. If you’re intentionally trying to spark his envy, beware. This could cost you the relationship.
If you’re trying to avoid making a Leo man jealous, you need to know what pitfalls to avoid.
A Leo man jealous of a Virgo woman may be triggered by the long hours she spends at work. A Leo man jealous of a Libra woman may be triggered by her flirty nature.
It doesn’t take much to make a Leo man jealous. Once he feels a strong connection with you, he’ll naturally become possessive. He’ll expect your full attention.
If you spend more time with friends, family or work than with him, he’ll automatically become jealous. This is part of his possessive nature.
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Flirt with Other Guys
How do you know if a Leo man loves you? One of the signs to look for is if he shows jealousy. If a Leo man acts possessive, he’s really into you. It’s one of his more negative traits when in love. If you want to make him jealous, it doesn’t take much.
A Leo man will become insanely jealous if he sees you flirt with other guys. If you are friendly and flirty by nature, this will be a source of frustration for a Leo man. He’ll either become more possessive or he’ll disappear altogether.
When a Leo man thinks you’re flirting with others, it may sometimes make him more adamant about chasing you. Yet this is not always the case. If he doesn’t fall for this trick, it could backfire and cost you the relationship.
A tiny trick to snatch your Leo man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Incite Competition
A Leo man in love will become competitive. He’ll want to impress you and will try to prove himself to you. He may become jealous for no apparent reason. If he’s competing with another guy for your attention, he’ll become jealous if he doesn’t succeed in his mission.
He’ll try to flaunt how affluent and successful he is. He will try to push himself to his limits but only if you are around to watch. This is because his competitive nature kicks into gear. He naturally feels the need to treat everything like a conquest. When he’s gotten your attention, he will slow down with his competitive nature.
A Leo man will also feel the need to compete with anyone you admire. If you are close to your father, brother or a male colleague or friend, your Leo love interest will naturally try to outdo this person.
Even if there is no potential romantic interest between you and the other person. He will try to show up anyone who has your attention. He won’t be able to rest unless he sees himself as the best, strongest and most successful man in your circle.
Brag About Someone Else
If you are wondering how to make a Leo man chase you, play hard to get. Yet there is a fine line between acting elusive and openly triggering his jealousy by showing an interest in someone else. If you brag about someone else, you can unintentionally trigger his jealousy.
A Leo man will become jealous if you openly compliment another man. He may seem strong and adventurous on the outside but he a Leo man is much more sensitive on the inside. Though you may not know it at first, a Leo man will take note of everything you do and how you interact with other men.
If a Leo man thinks you are cozying up to another guy, he’ll become jealous. If he sees you admiring the talents or appearance of another man, he will also become jealous. Among common Leo characteristics, male Leos tend to be insecure and need to constantly prove themselves.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Leo man... →
Talk About Your Ex
One of the fastest ways to trigger a Leo man’s jealousy is to talk about your ex. If you talk in an admiring or positive way about an ex-boyfriend, your Leo love interest will immediately go on high alert. He’ll become jealous.
Even if you make it clear that you are no longer interested in your ex, a Leo man will become deeply hurt because he will assume the worst. A Leo man will be put on guard if he senses any remaining connection or interest you may have in an ex, even if he is making assumptions that aren’t grounded in reality.
If you wax nostalgic about a good time you had with your ex on vacation in the past, or mention a movie you used to watch together, a Leo man will become jealous. He wants all of your attention.
Even if you just make a brief mention of your relationship with a past boyfriend, a Leo man will be triggered and his jealousy will be activated. He wants to believe he is the only man in your world past and present.
Ask Another Guy for Help
If you’re wondering what a Leo man looks for in a woman, his major concern is being your hero. He wants a woman who is independent and confident but who sees him as her hero. If you do something as innocent as asking another guy for help, it can deeply hurt a Leo man.
He may become jealous and wonder why you aren’t leaning on him for help instead. A Leo man who is in love will expect to be the person you go to whenever you are in need. If you don’t ask him for help first, he will become jealous. He’ll assume you’re undermining him.
If you need help fixing your car, repairing your computer or painting your house, ask a Leo man to help you. This gives him a chance to shine in the spotlight. But if he finds out that you asked another friend, especially a male friend, he will feel displaced.
Is your Leo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Admire Another’s Looks
Leo men are proud of their appearances among other things. If you admire the way another guy looks or dresses, you can make a Leo man incredibly jealous. A Leo man will become jealous if you take notice of another man’s appearance.
A Leo man will not forgive you if you act too fond of another man. Even a friendly compliment or mention of another man’s appearance can make a Leo man jealous. He has a vain side and will be triggered if he thinks you are looking at someone else.
If you admire something about another man that a Leo man feels especially insecure about, he may never forgive you. For example, if your Leo man is bald and you mention another man having nice hair, he’ll feel personally insulted.
Don’t Boost His Ego
A Leo man’s compatibility is best with women who can respect his ambitious side and encourage his success. If you don’t boost a Leo man’s ego enough, he will become insecure. Leo men act tough but are highly insecure.
They look for constant validation. A Leo man who feels you’ve overlooked his talents will become sulky and depressed. He will also become jealous if you openly admire the talents of another while not playing up his talents.
To avoid making him jealous, be sure to compliment a Leo man heavily. Be sure that you regularly uplift and inspire your Leo man. He may seem to act confident, but he is not as strong as he appears. He frequently looks for validation from you to confirm that he is the best and most successful.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Leo man. →
Don’t Show Appreciation
When you see a Leo man in love signs, you need to continue to encourage him. If you don’t show appreciation to your Leo man for all of his efforts to uplift, inspire and spoil you, he will feel disheartened. He may instantly become jealous and assume you’ve found someone new.
If you don’t show a Leo man appreciation, he’ll take it personally. He will also assume that you are seeing someone new or interested in someone else. A Leo man can’t fathom why you would otherwise not show him constant praise.
When you want to keep a Leo man from becoming jealous, you’ve got to give frequent praise and appreciation. Shower him with open displays of gratitude so that you can reassure him that he’s still number one in your life.
Go Silent
One of a Leo man’s negative traits is his potential to become possessive. If you go silent on a Leo man, he will assume the worst. He is in almost constant need of attention. He needs praise and affection to keep his self-esteem uplifted.
When a Leo man is feeling appreciated and coddled, he will be happy and will reciprocate. Yet if you don’t call him or ignore his calls, he will become jealous and insecure. He needs attention the way others need air, food and water.
A Leo man will also assume that you are betraying or deceiving him if you aren’t in contact with him. The best way to avoid this is to remain in touch with him and check in with him. If you’re going to be busy or away from the phone for a few days, it’s best to let him know in advance and to explain why.
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Tell Him You’re Busy
If a Leo man asks you on a date and you simply reply that you are busy, it can instantly trigger his jealousy. When a Leo man asks you out, he will take it as personal rejection if you turn him down.
If you are actually busy, explain what you’ve got planned already and offer an alternative date and time. Rather than leaving a rejection open ended, you can instead reassure him that you’re not too busy for him, you’re just not available on a specific date.
If a Leo man only hears rejection, he will become jealous and insecure. He will automatically think the worst and assume you are interested in someone else. He may even convince himself that you are with someone else. It’s best to be clear about why you’re not available.
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