A Cancer man’s crush signs can be pretty obvious. He won’t be able to stay away from you when he cares about you!
Your Cancer man will likely give you a lot of attention, even if he’s shy. He won’t be able to help himself.
When a Cancer man has a crush on you, he will likely gaze at you a lot. He’ll also compliment you often and always be there if you need a helping hand.
Your Cancer man will likely be a gentleman as well. He’ll go out of his way to treat you right and never expect anything in return.
The most obvious signs are that your Cancer man will tell others about you and introduce you to his friends. He will do what he can to spend more time with you and incorporate you into his life.
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1. He Stares A Lot
Are Cancer men shy? Many of them are. If a shy Cancer man has a crush on you, he might not tell you right away.
You’ll be able to tell he has a crush on you because your Cancer man will stare at you often.
If you are always catching a Cancer man staring at you across the room, he likes you! Even if he can’t approach you yet, he’s showing interest.
Cancer men don’t have the same intense gaze as a Scorpio, but you will still feel his eyes on you. Cancer men aren’t that sneaky, even if they’re trying to be.
Your Cancer man won’t be able to take his eyes off you when he has a crush on you. You’ll definitely notice him staring.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Cancer man (they work like magic) →
2. He’s Always Complimenting You
Compliments are one of the ways a Cancer man shows interest in someone. He’ll compliment his friends and other people in his life, but he probably likes you if he’s constantly complimenting you.
When a Cancer man compliments you, he’s being sincere. If your Cancer man is always complimenting your looks, personality, etc., he means every word.
Pay attention to how often he compliments you compared to others. Also, pay attention to what he compliments you on.
If he is more focused on your looks than with other people, that might be a sign he has a crush and finds you attractive.
3. He’s Extremely Helpful
Cancer men are very nurturing people. One of a Cancer man’s love languages is usually acts of service, so he will show he cares by being helpful.
Your Cancer friend will be helpful, but a Cancer man with a crush on you will be noticeably more helpful toward you than other people.
He might stick around after a party to help you clean everything up. Your Cancer man may also offer to run errands if he knows you’re sick or extra busy with work.
When you post in a group chat or on social media asking for help with something like moving, your Cancer man will be the first one to respond.
A Cancer man with a crush will always go out of his way to help you with something, even when it’s not convenient for him.
A tiny trick to snatch your Cancer man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
4. He’s A Gentleman
Are Cancer men romantic? They are! Cancer men tend to be soft and sweet. When a Cancer man has a crush on you, he will be a perfect gentleman.
A Cancer man with a crush will treat you very well. He might do typical courteous things like holding open doors for you or offering his jacket when he notices you’re cold.
He will be kind to you and treat you respectfully. A Cancer man isn’t usually overly forward when he has a crush. He will respect boundaries, no matter how he feels about you.
If you notice that your Cancer man goes out of his way for you, he may have a crush. Pay attention to how he treats you compared to how he treats other people, and this may give you a clue as to how he feels.
5. He Opens Up
Emotional vulnerability is one thing a Cancer man is attracted to. Your Cancer man will show interest by opening up to you and trying to get you to open up in return.
A Cancer man will open up if you’re his friend, so this isn’t the only sign you should look for! He will likely open up more about love, relationships, romance, etc. if he has a crush on you.
Emotional connection is what a Cancer man likes to have in his relationships more than anything. If he’s trying to connect to you, he might have feelings for you.
You can also signal that you’re interested by listening to your Cancer man when he opens up. You can be vulnerable with him as well. That will help you two establish an emotional connection and make things easier if you decide to have a relationship later.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Cancer man... →
6. He’ll Be Flirty
When a Cancer man is crushing on you, he might become far more flirty than usual.
Cancer men don’t just flirt for fun like some other men do. If a Cancer man is flirting with you, he’s likely interested in you.
Your Cancer man will be extra sweet when you’re around. He flirts by using a lot of flattery. If your Cancer man constantly tells you everything he likes about you, he’s not just being nice! He’s flirting.
He might also be more physically affectionate, stand closer to you than he does other people, or gaze at you more while you two speak.
A Cancer man might not always be bold when flirting, but he can be charming. If you’re seeing his charming side, it’s because he has a crush on you.
7. He Always Has Time For You
How do Cancer men act when they have a crush? Your Cancer man will always have time for you when he likes you.
A Cancer man with a crush can sometimes go a little overboard with this. If you notice your Cancer man is constantly dropping everything to come to hang out with you or help with something, he likes you!
Your Cancer man will want to spend as much time with you as possible. If he has a crush, being around you will make him feel good! He won’t turn down a chance to see you if he can help it.
A Cancer man might ask you to hang out if he’s more bold, but he may also just say yes any time you ask him to spend time with you. If you’re unsure of how he feels, ask him to hang out more often.
Is your Cancer man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Cancer back in. →
8. He Tells Others About You
A Cancer man’s secret crush won’t stay hidden for long. Even if he doesn’t tell you right away, he will definitely tell other people.
Cancer men wear their hearts on their sleeves. Many of them are open books, especially with their friends. He will probably tell his friends all about you if he has a crush.
If you and your Cancer man have mutual friends, ask them what he says about you. They might be able to offer some insight into his feelings for you.
A Cancer man might also ask your friends for information on your preferences.
If he wants to give you a gift, he may ask for ideas. If he doesn’t talk to you often or is too shy to ask, it might be easier for him to get the information from other people.
9. He Introduces You To His Friends
Is your Cancer man interested in you? If he makes a point of introducing you to all his friends, he probably is!
Some men won’t introduce a woman to their friends until he’s committed to her. A Cancer man might introduce you to his friends before you two are even dating.
One of the reasons a Cancer man does this is because he wants to see if you get along with his loved ones before he starts dating you. He doesn’t want issues to come up later on.
He might also invite you to hang out with his friends so he can spend time with you in a comfortable environment. It may make him feel less shy when he has his friends around.
Whatever his reason, this is a sign he may have a crush. He won’t introduce you to his friends unless he is interested in keeping you around.
This magic will make your Cancer man want a relationship with you. →
10. He Tries To Get Your Attention
Cancer men aren’t always good at asking people out or initiating things in relationships. If your Cancer man is shy, he might not directly tell you that he has a crush.
A Cancer man with a crush might try to get your attention in roundabout ways. He may suddenly start messaging you more, showing up at parties he wouldn’t usually go to, or posting things on social media he thinks will catch your eye.
If you are also interested, give your Cancer man the attention he’s looking for. He might be unsure of your feelings or too shy to ask you out directly.
When he messages you, engage him in conversation. Start reaching out to him as well and express interest! Comment on posts he makes or talk to him whenever you see him out and about.
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