You might want to beat an Aquarius man at his own game if he’s been sending mixed signals or not treating you well.
How do you play his game, though? It’s important to figure out what game he’s playing with you first.
First, you should know that Aquarius men aren’t always trying to play games! They sometimes act hot and cold if they’re confused or having trouble opening up. They might also act uninterested because they genuinely aren’t interested.
It’s common for Aquarius men to test potential partners, though. They also don’t always treat people respectfully, even when they should.
Whether you’re trying to play hard to get with a potential Aquarius suitor or getting back at a friend, coworker, or acquaintance who has wronged you, you’ll want to turn his actions around on him.
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Be Smarter Than Him
An Aquarius man’s personality can be much more prideful than people think. Aquarius is known for being intelligent, and many Aquarius men believe they are the smartest person in the room at all times.
Aquarius men love it when others comment on how smart they are. They don’t always need to be the center of attention the way a Leo does, but they do enjoy seeming more knowledgeable than others.
If you know that you’re smarter than an Aquarius man about a particular topic, make sure he knows.
Some Aquarius men will be fascinated by that, but others will take it as a blow to the ego. If you’re around a know-it-all Aquarius man, you can take him down a few pegs by being more intelligent than him.
Is your Aquarius man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aquarius back in. →
Hurt His Pride
Being more intelligent than him is one way to hurt an Aquarius man’s pride, but there are other ways to do so if you’re trying to beat him at his own game.
Don’t laugh when your Aquarius man tells a joke, even if everyone else does. He’ll take notice immediately because he’s used to people finding him funny.
If he’s bragging about his successes, talk about a more significant success you’ve had. He will sometimes “humblebrag,” and you can hurt his pride by doing the same thing.
Aquarius men are also used to being noticed. They are weird, and they stand out. Act like you don’t notice or care for his eccentricities, and his pride will be hurt.
Call Him Out
Aquarius men can be incredibly tolerant, open-minded, and egalitarian at their best. They are humanitarians, and they want everyone to view them that way.
Aquarius men can also be selfish, though. They sometimes care about the world less than they pretend to and don’t always treat people equally as they should.
If an Aquarius man is being hypocritical, call him out. If he’s preaching to others and telling them to help in their community more, but he’s unreliable and never helps anyone out, make sure everyone knows that.
Aquarius men hate it when others realize they’re hypocrites. If he’s trying to portray a certain image of himself, shatter it. That will really mess with him.
Is your Aquarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Hold Back
If you want a relationship with an Aquarius man, but he’s distant and aloof, act the same way. This might shock him enough to make him reconsider his behavior.
Don’t come on too strong, and don’t open up to your Aquarius man too soon. He is used to others taking the initiative regarding emotional intimacy. Make him the one who must initiate for once.
If your Aquarius man refuses to open up to you, you don’t necessarily need to open up to him. It’s okay to wait until he’s ready to be vulnerable.
When an Aquarius man is confusing you or playing hard to get, you don’t need to chase after him. You don’t need to express your feelings for him openly. Hold back, and he might realize how his actions make others feel.
Put Yourself First
If your Aquarius man is pulling away, sometimes the best thing to do is put yourself first and take care of your needs instead of trying to go after him.
Sometimes, Aquarius men will start to pull away when they are getting ready to end a relationship. Yours may also pull away because he has trouble expressing his emotions.
Either way, take care of yourself. It’s not your fault if he refuses to talk to you or let you know how he’s feeling.
If he’s ignoring you, don’t try to get his attention. Go out with your friends, do one of your hobbies, or relax.
This will make your Aquarius man see that you don’t need him to be around, and he may start to rethink his actions.
A tiny trick to snatch your Aquarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Play Hot & Cold
An Aquarius man’s mixed signals can be incredibly frustrating. If you’re not interested in playing that game with him, sometimes the best thing is to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Sometimes when an Aquarius man is hot and cold, he’s not doing it on purpose. If you think he might be messing with you, try playing hot and cold right back at him.
Start pulling back if you’re always there for your Aquarius man, whether or not he returns the favor. Be your usual caring self one moment, then be distant and aloof the next.
Your Aquarius man might start to notice something is wrong when you treat him the way he treats you. If he was doing it on purpose, he might realize the error of his ways.
If he wasn’t doing it on purpose, this is still a good wake-up call for him. Your Aquarius man will realize he needs to talk with you instead of sending mixed signals.
Act Uninterested
Many Aquarius men thrive on being considered unique and eccentric. They love it when others are interested in them and might take it as a blow to the ego if you’re not.
If you think your Aquarius man is just showing off or that he wants you to feed into his pride, act uninterested. Don’t give him what he wants at all.
This will confuse your Aquarius man and might make him interested in you simply because he wants to know why you’re not interested in him.
If your Aquarius man is suddenly distant, you don’t need to go after him. Don’t get upset or act interested in whatever he’s doing while he’s away from you.
Your Aquarius man needs to learn to talk to you when something is wrong. He shouldn’t just run off. When you are uninterested in his dramatics, he’ll realize that he needs to communicate with you.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Aquarius man... →
Have Other Options
One of the signs an Aquarius man is using you is that he’ll keep his options open. He might stay on dating apps or continue talking to his exes even after he starts dating you.
If your Aquarius man seems to be flaunting the fact that he has options other than you, do the same thing to him.
Make it clear that you could have any man you wanted. Let your Aquarius man know when other men flirt with you, when you hang out with an ex, or when you’re with a particularly attractive friend.
Your Aquarius man might not necessarily get jealous, but he might realize that he needs to take your relationship more seriously. If he cares about you, he won’t want to lose you to one of your other options!
Be Unimpressed
If you know your Aquarius man is testing you or playing games with you, you can play games with him by seeming unimpressed no matter what he does.
Don’t listen when your Aquarius man tells everyone about his innovative new idea. Yawn as he regales a crowd with stories about all the places he’s been or successes he’s had.
When an Aquarius man likes you, he wants you to be impressed by him! He might play with your emotions or act like he doesn’t care about you, but he’ll be upset if you’re not impressed by him.
If you think your Aquarius man is just bragging about how great he is, don’t feed into it. Make sure he knows you’re not impressed. Make it clear that he must try harder to get your attention.
This magic will make your Aquarius man want a relationship with you. →
Be Free & Independent
One of the best ways to make an Aquarius man regret losing you is to go out and live your life! Be free and independent, and he may see that he missed out on a good thing.
Aquarius men sometimes take the people in their lives for granted. They think they’ll always be there, even if Aquarius isn’t always reliable or emotionally available.
That’s not true, though. Show your Aquarius man that you are happy to be alone when he’s not around.
You should also show him that you won’t always be available when he does want to be around you. If you’re always there when he comes calling, he’ll keep playing with you and mistreating you.
Tell him no when he asks to hang out. Don’t drop everything to help with something or hang out with him. Just go and live your life as you please!
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