If you want to attract a Leo man at work, you need to be confident and ambitious. Show him you are someone deserving of his attention.
Get his attention by complimenting his achievements and speaking your mind. Be direct and honest if you want to attract a Leo man.
You shouldn’t come on too strong if you’re trying to attract a Leo man at work. You still need to be respectful in the workplace. Get his attention in a professional way first.
Leo men love compliments and hate criticism. Let your Leo coworker know that you notice his achievements, but never criticize his work unless specifically asked.
Show your Leo man that you’re strong and confident too. You can catch his eye by being great at your job and showing him your achievements. You don’t need to be openly flirtatious or sexy to get his attention.
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Compliment His Achievements
If you want to know how to compliment a Leo man, one thing to keep in mind is that you should not just focus on his looks. This is especially true if you’re trying to attract a Leo man at work.
Remember that you are in a professional setting with your Leo man. Complimenting his achievements is a safe way to show interest while still keeping things appropriate.
When your Leo man gets a promotion or finishes a large project, let him know that his work has not gone unnoticed! Congratulate him on his successes.
Acknowledge more minor accomplishments as well. If a Leo man helps you out with something, let him know how grateful you are. When he does a great job during a presentation, point that out.
Compliments make Leo men feel good about themselves. You’ll get his attention if you’re always taking the time to compliment him when he does well at work.
This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you. →
Show Your Ambition
If you want to get a Leo man’s attention, show him how ambitious you are! You can easily do this at work by excelling at your job and doing well on any projects you work on.
If you have the chance to take on some extra work, do it! Take the initiative when you have time to go above and beyond.
Leo men are hard workers. Your Leo man will notice if you are just as ambitious and hardworking as he is.
You want to stand out if you’re going to attract a Leo man at work. Always strive to do well, learn new things, and build up your skills at work.
Be Strong & Confident
If you want to attract a Leo man, you need to be confident. A Leo man will not be attracted to you if you don’t confidently own who you are.
How do you make a Leo man obsessed with you? Show him how strong you are. Leo men love strong, independent women.
Your Leo man will not notice you if you never speak up during meetings. If you have something to add, do it. Make sure everyone knows that you are confident in your abilities and know what you’re talking about.
Dress confidently. Hold your head high. Show that you know how great you are at your job. Your Leo man will take notice.
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Speak Your Mind
When you are communicating with your Leo man at work, speak your mind! Be transparent and genuine with him.
Leo men love being around sincere people. Be yourself when you’re with your Leo man.
You do not need to agree with everything a Leo man says to attract him. You’ll likely push him away if he thinks you’re someone who never speaks for yourself.
Challenge your Leo man and keep him on his toes. If you disagree with something he’s said in a meeting or have something to add, speak up! As long as you keep things professional, he’ll respect you.
Don’t Criticize Him
When working with a Leo man, try not to be overly critical of him. There will be times when criticism is required for work, but don’t do it outside of that.
Don’t focus your criticism on him if you have to criticize a project a Leo man has been working on or an idea he came up with. Never make it personal. Keep everything strictly professional.
You can offer ideas for how to make a project better. You can outline why a particular solution isn’t the best one for the situation. You don’t need to criticize anything about a Leo man to do those things.
Leo men at work do not enjoy interacting with people who purposely try to irritate them. If you are always judgemental, especially toward him, he won’t want to work with you, and he definitely won’t be attracted to you.
A tiny trick to snatch your Leo man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Be Direct
The best way to talk to a Leo man is in a straightforward manner. This is especially true if you want to stand out at work.
A Leo man will notice you if you are always direct and assertive at work. Don’t beat around the bush if you’re asking him for a favor. Just ask!
Leo men hate it when people waste their time. A Leo man will gladly talk to you at work and help you out with things, but he doesn’t want to wait for you to get to the point.
Your Leo man will appreciate it when he knows he can always go to you and get a direct answer about something.
You’ll become the person he starts seeking out when he has a question if you’re the one who always gets to the point and tells him what he needs to know.
Be Honest
If you want to attract a Leo man in any capacity, you need to be honest with him. Leo men do not want to waste their time on liars.
Be someone he can rely on when he asks for an honest opinion. Don’t hide things from him, especially information related to your work.
If he needs help with a project and asks who would be the best person to help, tell him your honest opinion. If it’s you, great! If not, make sure you point him toward the best person for the job.
You should be honest with everyone that you work with. You don’t need to reveal your personal life to everyone, but you should have a reputation for being an honest, reliable person.
Your Leo man will hear about it if you’ve got a bad reputation or if you’re known for being dishonest. If you constantly fake sick to get out of work and he finds out, he’ll start seeing you in a different light.
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Listen To Him
Leo men hate being ignored, especially at work. They are hard workers, and they often have great ideas for how you can improve things around the workplace or do projects better.
Leo men hate being interrupted as well. If a Leo man talks to you, make sure you listen to him. Give him the chance to say what he needs to say.
Your Leo coworker might suggest something that you’re wary about at first, but you should hear him out anyway. Do not just dismiss the solutions he comes up with because they’re not ones you would have thought of.
When you are working together on a project, listen to his input. Make him feel valued. You want him to know that you care about what he says, even if you might not always agree with it.
Give Him Attention
What attracts a Leo man? Leo men love it when people give them attention. You can attract a Leo man by making him feel good whenever you’re around.
Just make sure that you are giving your Leo man attention in an appropriate way. You’re at work, after all!
If you and your Leo man are in the breakroom at the same time, approach him and strike up a conversation.
When you two are in a meeting together, focus on him when he’s speaking. If you agree with something he says, let him know!
Be sure to invite your Leo man to any after-work events too. If you frequently spend time with other coworkers outside of work, include your Leo man. Let him know that you’ve noticed him and want to spend more time with him.
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Be Respectful
Attracting a Leo man at work is different from attracting a Leo man at a bar or party. You need to make sure that you are still being professional and respectful when interacting with him at work.
You can certainly get a Leo man’s attention at work, but remember that you are at work. Don’t do anything that is not appropriate for the workplace.
This is why it’s important to compliment a Leo man’s achievements and highlight your successes, rather than focusing on a Leo man’s looks or flaunting your body.
You don’t want to do anything that makes you look unprofessional. You can have fun and build a relationship with your Leo man without jeopardizing your image at work.
Speak respectfully to your Leo man. Don’t come on too strong, and if he does brush you off, you should back off. Don’t do anything that could make it awkward for you two to keep working together.
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