Every sign has its positive and negative traits, but what are the Aquarius man weakness and his strength?
By looking at the traits associated with his sign, you can learn a lot about the typical Aquarius personality.
An Aquarius man has many positive traits that make him a wonderful partner. He can be funny, unique, and intelligent.
On the other hand, he may also display some of the negative Aquarius traits. He can be cold, aloof, and unemotional.
By using astrology, you can find out if your Aquarius man’s weaknesses are typical of his sign, and what makes him think and behave the way he does.
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Aquarians are firm in their convictions, and they are attracted to other people who have strong opinions and beliefs, too.
An Aquarius has more respect for someone with beliefs different than his own than someone who has no opinions at all.
The negative side of this personality trait is that Aquarians are incredibly stubborn. Although they are willing to look from another person’s perspective, don’t expect to change an Aquarian’s mind.
For example, if you want to go to a chain restaurant but your Aquarius man only supports local businesses, you will not get him to budge and eat at the restaurant of your choice.
You simply can’t convince an Aquarius of anything, and he won’t do something he doesn’t believe in.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Aquarius man (they work like magic) →
Contrary and Rebellious
One of the most exasperating Aquarius sign traits is that he can be contrary just for the sake of it.
At best, this means that an Aquarius embraces his unique and eccentric side, and can bring those traits out in others. At worst, it makes him uncooperative and unaccommodating.
An Aquarius is innovative and progressive, and he’s open to new ways of doing things. His rebellious nature won’t allow him to be limited by traditions or conventions.
The Aquarius symbol is the water bearer, so you might think this is a sign that goes with the flow. But nothing could be more untrue of this unconventional and independent sign.
Never tell an Aquarius what to do, because he will then surely do the opposite. He hates being confined by rules and restrictions, and loathes when anyone tries to control him.
Using reverse psychology or trying to convince an Aquarius that something was his idea is actually the best way to get what you want from this stubborn and rebellious sign.
An Aquarius man fiercely guards his freedom and cherishes his independence. He rarely makes commitments because he doesn’t want to be locked into any plans.
That being said, when he does commit to something, he usually follows through. His word is meaningful, it’s just that he will avoid committing in the first place.
He prefers the freedom to do as he pleases, when he pleases. This has earned Aquarians the reputation of being unreliable.
The exception is when an Aquarius truly loves you as a friend, partner, or family member. He will show up when it counts for the people he adores.
But if you are just getting to know an Aquarius or aren’t very close with him yet, don’t depend on him for anything.
Aquarians are inconsistent and unpredictable. You could go from seeing him every day and spending all your time together one week, and the next he won’t respond to your texts and calls.
This magic will make your Aquarius man want a relationship with you. →
Cold and Aloof
Aquarians are idealists and dreamers, and they are known to have their heads in the clouds. To those who don’t know them, their absent-mindedness can come off as snobby or rude.
Aquarians can make a bad first impression because they are so wrapped up in their own thoughts that they don’t pay attention to their surroundings, including the people around them.
Also, Aquarians are very calm and detached. They have a hard time expressing their emotions, which can make them seem callous or cold.
When an Aquarius dates you, don’t take it personally if he seems standoffish in the beginning. He isn’t warm or touchy-feely by nature, and it takes time for him to show his affectionate side.
Uncomfortable with Emotions
One of the greatest struggles for an Aquarius man is communicating his feelings. He is uncomfortable with strong emotions, and it can take a while for him to recognize and process his own feelings.
Because of their discomfort with emotions, Aquarians are turned off by big displays of passion. Screaming and crying won’t get you anywhere with an Aquarius; he will run away or dismiss you until you’ve calmed down.
This can make an Aquarius man appear insensitive and unsympathetic. He cares about other people’s feelings, he just can’t deal with melodrama.
It can also make it difficult to tell when an Aquarius is upset. He tends to push his feelings down and bottle them up until he can’t take it anymore, and then have an emotional explosion or breakdown.
You might think he is fine when in reality your Aquarius is heartbroken. He’s not trying to hide his feelings, he just hasn’t acknowledged them even for himself.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Aquarius man... →
Poor Attention Span
Another typical Aquarius weakness is his poor attention span. Because they are dreamers and philosophers, they are often lost in their own thoughts instead of grounded in reality.
They also tend to look at the big picture rather than the details of a plan or situation. Aquarians struggle to notice and focus on the little things, which can create unnecessary problems.
Although they are responsible, Aquarians lack focus and direction. It’s hard to get them to pay attention and concentrate on one thing.
They can get so distracted by all of the ideas in their heads that they jump from one project to another without finishing anything. They get so caught up in their dreams that they lose touch with the real world.
If you need to discuss something important with an Aquarius, or even just make plans for the day, make sure you have his full and undivided attention first.
Because they enjoy their freedom so much, Aquarians take pride in being spontaneous and unpredictable. In fact, an Aquarius man will do something out of the ordinary just to keep everyone guessing.
It’s hard to read an Aquarius since you can’t establish a pattern of behavior. Just when you think you’ve nailed down his routine, he turns it on its head completely, just for the sake of mixing things up.
Aquarians are progressive and look forward to positive change. They are optimistic about the future and embrace transformation.
While some signs are resistant to change, Aquarians see it as a natural evolution. Don’t bother trying to keep up with an Aquarius, because he will make it impossible to predict his next move.
Is your Aquarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Brutal Honesty
The Aquarius sign is known to be honest to a fault. Although he will never lie to you, an Aquarius man will never sugarcoat the truth to spare your feelings, either.
Don’t ask an Aquarius man a question fishing for compliments like, “Does this dress make me look fat?” He will look you up and down and tell you exactly what he thinks, whether you like the answer or not.
It takes a lot to make an Aquarius man truly angry, but when he is, watch out. An Aquarius when hurt will use his brutal honesty to give you a painful tongue-lashing.
Even when he’s not trying to be mean, an Aquarian’s harsh honesty can come off as thoughtless or tactless. He rarely means to be cruel; he just thinks honesty is more important than flattery.
An Aquarius man is always thinking, usually about some abstract or mystical concept. They love to learn about and analyze everything, especially the strange and unusual.
This means an Aquarius will often overthink a situation until he has created a problem that isn’t really there. His overactive mind can make him anxious or depressed.
They may also jump to conclusions that aren’t founded in reality at all. They live in their heads, which can either be a dream or a nightmare at times.
Aquarians care deeply about humanity and the state of the world. They may obsess about all the problems with the planet and society so much that they overthink themselves into a funk.
A tiny trick to snatch your Aquarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Although they are certainly not the most materialistic sign of the zodiac, Aquarians do make the list of astrology signs that put a little too much emphasis on worldly things.
They have expensive tastes and can be suckered into thinking that just because an item is more costly, it must be more valuable or rare.
Aquarians are also quite stingy and don’t like to spend money on others. They are generous in other ways, but they would rather hoard their money or donate to a worthy cause than buy someone else a birthday present.
One of the reasons an Aquarius can become obsessed with money is because it affords them a more carefree lifestyle. They believe that the more money they have, the more independent they are.
Their love of money also stems from a need for autonomy. They know if they work hard enough, they can eventually become their own boss instead of always having someone else telling them what to do.
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