
Do Aquarius Men Fall in Love Easily?

Updated December 31, 2024

If you’re dating one, you may ask yourself will an Aquarius man love easy?

The sign of the water bearer is particularly difficult to read, so how can you tell if he is in love?

Aquarians tend to be cold and aloof, and they have a hard time communicating their feelings to others.

Of all the signs, you may need some help determining the key to an Aquarius man’s heart.

By looking to astrology, you can get a better sense of the signs an Aquarius man is falling for you.

They Like to Play the Field

Getting an Aquarius man to fall in love with you is a challenge because they don’t like to commit. They hate being tied down by anyone, and are reluctant to devote themselves to one person.

Aquarians like to play the field and sample relationships with many different people before settling down with their one true love.

In their minds, they can’t possibly commit to one ice cream flavor for the rest of their lives without trying all the flavors out there – how else could they know what they want or what they might be missing?

On the other hand, an Aquarius is all about the quality of his romantic connections rather than the quantity.

He wants someone to love but his standards are quite high and he won’t give up his freedom for just anybody. He enjoys his independence and would rather be alone than with a partner that isn’t perfectly suited to him.

It’s best to allow an Aquarius man to satisfy his curiosity before trying to get him to fall in love with you. Let him have his flings so he can see that you’re the best one out there for him.

A tiny trick to snatch your Aquarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →

They Avoid Romantic Relationships

Aquarians are very independent, and they aren’t one of the signs who need to have a romantic partner to be happy.

For an Aquarius, relationships are challenging and often more trouble than they are worth. At the first red flag or pressure to commit, an Aquarius man will run away from the relationship.

Friendship is much more valuable than romance to an Aquarius man, at least until he finds the perfect love match for him. He keeps a small, close circle of friends, and he is unfailingly loyal to them.

In fact, one of the best ways to get an Aquarius to fall in love with you is to befriend him first.

Ironically, you have a better chance of getting close to him as his friend than if you were dating an Aquarius man.

He will keep you closer and longer as a friend than if you were dating, and may fall in love once knows your heart.

They are the King of Flings, Not Love

Just because an Aquarius man tends to avoid long romantic entanglements doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know how to romance a woman.

Although they are normally cold and aloof, an Aquarius can turn on the charm and be sweet when he wants to woo a woman he desires.

He’s not manipulative or a liar, but his charm may make it seem like he has fallen in love with you after just one date when really he just wants to take you to bed.

If you ask him directly, an Aquarius guy will tell you whether or not he’s looking for anything serious (and he usually isn’t). But don’t confuse sex as one of the signs of an Aquarius man in love.

Aquarius men can easily separate sex from love. They make excellent sexual partners, but don’t be fooled by their passionate love-making.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Aquarius man (they work like magic) →

It Takes a Special Person to Tie Them Down

If an Aquarius man says he loves you, you should feel quite special.

When an Aquarius man tells a woman he loves her, he really means it. He doesn’t throw the word “love” around casually, and he’s so honest that he’ll never use it just to get someone into bed with him.

Even once he is in a committed relationship, it can take an Aquarius a very long time before he is comfortable expressing his feelings.

If an Aquarius guy tells you he loves you, it means he thinks that you are an amazing and unique person. He doesn’t give away his heart to just anyone, and his love for you could last a lifetime.

They Love Hard, but Not Often

It’s very rare for Aquarians to fall truly, madly, deeply in love. They have few serious romantic relationships throughout their lives, and even fewer true love connections.

This doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for an Aquarius to fall in love, just that when he does, the love is rare and true.

Once he falls in love, it’s nearly impossible for him to fall back out of it.

Unfortunately for an Aquarius, this means that once he has fallen in love he will overlook most flaws or indiscretions of his partner.

Although he rarely falls for someone, when he does it’s easy for his lover to take advantage of him.

If an Aquarius falls in love with you, don’t take him for granted. An Aquarius man in love is a loyal and devoted partner who will love you like no other.

This magic will make your Aquarius man want a relationship with you. →

They Want a Best Friend to Love

Aquarians resist forming committed romantic relationships, so if there is an Aquarius man in your life you’re attracted to, your best option is to befriend him first.

Aquarians don’t let many people get close to them, not even as friends. But since there is only one open position for his romantic partner, you will have better luck becoming his friend.

It’s not unusual for an Aquarius man to fall in love with his female best friend. After all, what attracts Aquarius men is a woman who can be their best friend and their lover.

For an Aquarius, daily life with their partner should be fun and playful. He wants a woman who can be both his best friend and his sexual partner.

If you want to woo an Aquarius man, take your time and be patient. Get close to him as a friend first and let him get to know you platonically before taking things to the next level.

They Need a Physical Connection to Fall in Love

Because they are so picky when it comes to choosing a romantic partner, an Aquarius will settle for nothing less than an extraordinary romance.

Although having a strong bond of friendship with his partner is important, a fun and exciting sex life is just as important to an Aquarius guy.

Aquarians get bored easily, so they need a partner who can keep up with them in the sack. If you want an Aquarius man to fall in love with you, be confident and experimental in the bedroom.

A great sex life is important to him, and you won’t find a more sexually adventurous and playful sign than an Aquarius man in bed.

Is your Aquarius man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aquarius back in. →

They Need a Mental Connection to Fall in Love

A strong physical connection alone isn’t nearly enough to make an Aquarius man fall in love.

He can easily compartmentalize his emotions and is skilled at separating sex from love.

To snare an Aquarius man, you have to be the total package. He needs a mental connection with you as well as a physical connection.

Show him how smart you are and how much you have in common. Make sure your relationship goes beyond just the physical if you want him to fall for you.

They May Not Recognize Their Feelings

Aquarians hate big emotional displays and they resent when their feelings get the best of them.

Because he isn’t very aware of his own emotions, it can take a long time for an Aquarius man to recognize that he has fallen in love.

It may take being separated from his loved one, or even for her to start dating someone else for him to figure out his feelings.

This doesn’t mean you should ever try to manipulate an Aquarius man or make him jealous. Just know that you might recognize he’s in love with you before he realizes it.

Is your Aquarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →

They May Fight Their Feelings

Because they are so resistant to relationships, you may wonder if an Aquarius man pulls away when in love. Unfortunately, sometimes this is his defense mechanism.

For an Aquarius man, expressing feelings doesn’t come easily. Even once he realizes he is in love, it takes a lot for him to give in to his emotions.

If he is enjoying his single life or the relationship would be inconvenient, he may try to push his feelings away.

Even when an Aquarius man has a crush on you, he may not show it for fear of falling in love. He hates being vulnerable, and falling in love means someone else has the power to break his heart.

They Won’t Fall in Love if it’s Illogical

Aquarians pride themselves on thinking with their heads instead of their hearts, and will hesitate at any sign that a relationship won’t work out.

Unless he is already in love with you, any obstacle that makes your relationship difficult or inconvenient will make an Aquarius run away.

For example, an Aquarius is unlikely to commit to a long-distance relationship, or any other arrangement he views as illogical.

Once he has fallen in love, there is little that will keep an Aquarius man away from his partner. But until then, he will avoid relationships that are too complicated or difficult.

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