Taurus men enjoy conversations. They don’t tend to be shy and they do like to talk with those around them.
Taurus is a social person so starting a conversation with him isn’t too difficult. Just be calm and act natural.
If you’re nervous about speaking with a Taurus man, do what you can to calm down.
He’ll feel more comfortable talking to you if you seem relaxed and like you’re enjoying yourself. You don’t want to appear tense.
As far as topics go, there are a few general ones you can start with, like food or nature.
You can also ask about what he does for work. You can start by complimenting him and see how things go from there.
Be genuine and be honest while you’re talking to him as well. He’ll appreciate it.
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Make Eye Contact
Taurus is all about eye contact. If he’s across the room from you, look over at him.
He’ll be able to feel your gaze on him and he’ll likely look over at you as well. Once you’ve established that eye contact, feel free to walk over to him.
If Taurus refuses to meet your gaze, even if he notices you’re looking, that might be a sign to wait. He may not feel like talking or he may be caught up with something else.
Keep making eye contact as you talk with him as well. Direct eye contact makes him feel like people are listening to him. It makes him feel like the attention is on him and he likes that.
If you have trouble making eye contact with people, don’t worry. There are ways you can fake eye contact, like looking at somebody’s nose or their forehead instead.
Is your Taurus man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Taurus back in. →
Turn Toward Him
Body language is important during any conversation. If you want to talk to Taurus, you need to look like you want to talk to him.
Taurus likes it when people have open body language during a conversation. He also enjoys it more when they do things that show they’re focused on him.
When you’re talking, lean in toward him. Don’t cross your arms. Don’t hunch your shoulders. Those actions come across as tense and he might feel like you don’t actually want to talk to him.
You can stand close while you talk to him as well. He doesn’t have a huge “space bubble”.
If you’re trying to get his attention, you can show him you’re interested in starting a conversation just by stepping closer to him. Stand in front of him, make that eye contact he likes so much, and get a conversation going.
Taurus loves a nice smile. You’ll catch his attention if you flash him a grin from across the room. He might even come over to you and strike up a conversation instead of the other way around.
Relax and smile while you talk to him. This will make him feel more comfortable. It will also show him that you’re enjoying the conversation.
He’s not going to demand that you smile. Some people’s resting face just isn’t a smiling one. That’s okay. If you can, though, try and smile sometimes while you’re talking to him.
At the very least, try to look happy and like you’re enjoying yourself. If he sees you scowling, he’s not going to approach you.
If you’re frowning during the entire conversation with him, he might assume you don’t like him or that you don’t actually want to talk to him for some reason.
Is your Taurus man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Be Flirty
It’s easy to flirt with a Taurus man. He likes to flirt. If you approach him with a fun, flirty demeanor, he’ll be open to speaking with you.
He knows that flirting isn’t always a serious thing, so don’t worry about him reading too much into it. Even if you just want to be friends, a little flirtation isn’t going to hurt anything.
If you are interested in him romantically, don’t come on too strong. The flirting should be light and fun, not too intense. This is especially true if you two don’t know one another very well yet.
This is also key to knowing how to talk to a Taurus man through text. He is more likely to keep up with a text conversation if it’s light and flirty. He doesn’t like text conversations that are too serious or heavy.
Be Open
If you want to know how to emotionally connect with a Taurus man, the most important thing to do is just be open and honest with him.
Be open with your body language, as previously mentioned. Relax your arms instead of crossing them. Relax your shoulders and your jaw. If anything feels tense, take a deep breath.
Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself or share things with Taurus. Obviously, deeply personal details aren’t appropriate for a first conversation or in certain situations. You can talk about yourself, though.
Show him that you’re willing to listen to him too. Be attentive. If he does start sharing something personal, actively listen. Show him nothing but compassion. Be open to hearing what he has to say.
A tiny trick to snatch your Taurus man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Be Calm
Taurus will feel at ease if you have a calm, laid-back energy while talking to him.
Just relax. Don’t get too worked up trying to come up with topics of conversation. If you are nervous or tense for some reason, give yourself a moment to calm down before you approach him.
If you come on too strong when you approach him, he might think you want something from him or that you have some sort of ulterior motive.
Be casual. Remember that it’s just a friendly conversation. It’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t go exactly as planned or if he doesn’t react the way you wanted him to.
If you’re tense, you’re going to make him tense. He’ll sense something is wrong and wonder why you approached him in the first place.
Act Natural
This is key to knowing how to communicate effectively with a Taurus man. If he senses that you’re stiff or forcing yourself to act a certain way, he’s not going to feel comfortable speaking with you.
Just be yourself! You don’t need to be anybody else to start a conversation with him.
Just be chill. Again, you need to try and relax. If he wants to talk to you, he’ll talk to you. If he doesn’t, it’s not the end of the world.
What a Taurus man wants to hear is the truth. You don’t need to pretend to be somebody you’re not when you’re around him. You don’t need to act as if you know more about something than you actually do.
Think of how you act when you approach a friend to strike up a conversation. Try to channel that energy if you’re feeling shy or nervous.
This magic will make your Taurus man want a relationship with you. →
Ask Questions
Think of some questions to ask a Taurus man before you approach him. This will make it easier to strike up a conversation, especially if you’re nervous.
Questions are a great way to start a conversation with a Taurus man through text. He’s not always the best at replying to text messages. A question requires an answer, though, so he’ll be more likely to respond.
Some good questions to ask a Taurus are: What’s your favorite food? What outdoor activities do you enjoy? What do you do for work? What are your hobbies?
Those are all likely to kick off a conversation. He loves to talk about food and the outdoors. He also is a hard-working person, even though many people think he’s not. He’ll happily tell you all about the things he’s working on and about his career.
Topics He Likes
If you already know the Taurus man in question, you probably know a few of his interests. It’ll be easier to strike up a conversation in that case.
If you don’t know him as well, you might need to just go for some more general topics.
Again, he likes food. If you’re at a party, you can simply start talking about the food that’s being served there. You can tell him you just tried a new restaurant that you think he might like.
He also puts a lot of effort into his appearance. You can always start a conversation with a compliment. He’ll gladly tell you all about the new suit he’s wearing or what his skincare routine is.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
Let Him Take Over
A Taurus man’s communication style can often be dominant, assertive, and confident. He won’t mind if you start the conversation but after a certain point, you can let him take the lead.
Let him set the mood of the conversation once you’ve started it. He might keep it light and casual. He might make it more flirty or maybe he’ll back off and be more friendly.
You may need to follow his lead and adjust the way you text to match a Taurus man’s texting style as well.
He generally keeps text conversations light. His messages are often short and sweet. If you normally send multiple texts in a row, cut back a bit when talking to him.
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