Some of a Scorpio man’s crush signs can be subtle, while others are more obvious.
You might have to really pay attention to figure out if some Scorpio men like you. If they don’t want you to know, they’ll hide it well.
When a Scorpio man has a crush on somebody, he is very interested in that person’s life.
He’ll actively listen when she talks and he’ll go out of his way to find out information about her.
If he likes you, he’ll remember your favorite color and he’ll make a note of it when you say you like a random dress you see in a shop window.
He’ll notice things about you, even if they are minor or mundane.
He’ll keep quiet until he knows you return his affections. When he’s sure about you, he’ll be more obvious.
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1. He Pays Attention
If a Scorpio man is interested in you, he’ll hang on your every word. This is especially true if you’re talking about something you’re passionate about.
Don’t worry about “info-dumping” and don’t worry that you’re annoying him by talking a lot. He loves it!
A shy Scorpio man might just sit back and listen to you talk. Even if he’s not engaging with you, don’t worry. He’s interested. He just doesn’t always know how to join the conversation.
He won’t just pay attention to what you say either, he’ll remember it as well.
Even if you think some detail you mentioned about yourself is minor and unimportant, he likely has that information stored away.
If you notice he’s giving you random gifts, it might be because you’ve mentioned that you like the things he’s giving you.
If you tell him about your friends, family, hobbies, etc., he’s going to remember that information later if it’s ever useful to know.
A tiny trick to snatch your Scorpio man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
2. He Talks About Himself
A Scorpio man telling you about him is one of the signs that a Scorpio man has feelings for you.
Scorpio men are used to people talking about themselves. He likely knows everything there is to know about the people around him. He probably knows the life stories of multiple strangers as well!
If he starts opening up to you and talking about himself without you pestering him to, then that means he trusts you and that he wants to open up.
If he tells you intimate details about himself that he normally doesn’t share with others, he’s trying to connect with you.
He doesn’t talk about himself because he’s conceited. He talks about himself as a way of showing other people he trusts them with the information.
When he starts telling you secrets and highly private information, that’s a sign his crush might be becoming something more serious.
3. He Wants Your Attention
When a Scorpio man likes somebody, he craves attention from that person all the time.
If you find that he’s going out of his way to catch your eye whenever he sees you, that’s a sign he’s got a crush.
He might go to parties or show up at other locations just because he heard you were going to be there. He might constantly like your social media statuses, hoping you’ll notice him.
One of the signs that a Scorpio man has feelings for you through text is the frequency of his texts. If he likes you, he’ll text you constantly.
He’s not seeking your attention because he’s egotistical or anything like that. He just likes being around you! Being with you makes him feel happy and he wants to keep feeling that way.
If you give him the attention he’s after, he’ll likely take that as a sign that you like him as well.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Scorpio man... →
4. He Includes You in Everything
When a Scorpio has a crush on you he will want to do everything with you.
He’ll invite you to hang out with him frequently. He won’t just ask you on dates, he’ll include you in group outings and parties as well.
In fact, he might only invite you to group outings and other “non-date” activities if he’s not sure about your feelings for him.
If a Scorpio man is constantly inviting you to things, he likes you! He might not be ready to ask you on a date yet but he wants to spend time with you regardless.
When he happens to run into you at events he didn’t invite you to, he’ll make sure you’re looped in with his group. He’ll talk to you and make sure you feel welcomed.
He’ll tag you in posts on social media that he thinks you’ll like as well. He’ll add you to group chats. He’ll go out of his way to make you feel included in many aspects of his life.
5. He’s Loyal
When a Scorpio man has a crush on you, he’ll start showing some of that same loyalty he normally reserves for his close friends, family, and partners.
Often, Scorpio men will develop crushes on their friends just because of the bond they already share. His platonic feelings and loyalty can sometimes develop into more.
You can trust him to be there for you. If you need something, you can count on him to help you out.
His loyalty might seem out of place or intense if you two don’t know one another that well yet. Just take it in stride. He’s trying to show you that he cares.
Loyalty is one of the best things about a Scorpio man. You’ll be able to glimpse into how he treats his partners when he has a crush on you.
Is your Scorpio man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Scorpio back in. →
Scorpio men are notorious for being mysterious and secretive.
If he starts sharing the most intimate details of his life with you, that’s a sign he has a crush or that he’s developing even more intense feelings for you.
Scorpio men will slowly start divulging secrets to their crushes and potential partners to see how they react.
As long as you show him that you’re trustworthy, he’ll start opening up to you more. Never spill his secrets to somebody else, even your closest friend! He shared them with you and only you for a reason.
One of the signs a Scorpio man just wants to be friends is that he might tell you secrets but he won’t tell you all his secrets.
He’s close with his friends and will tell them a lot but he reserves some secrets only for his most intimate of partners.
7. He’s Protective
How does a Scorpio man act when he likes you? One of the things he’ll do is be super protective of you. You won’t need to worry about anyone bothering you when he’s around.
If somebody is being rude to you and he sees, he’ll stand up for you. A Scorpio man isn’t always confrontational but he’s willing to be for the sake of people he cares about.
He won’t let his friends talk bad about you, not even when you’re not around to hear it. He cares about your reputation and he’ll defend it no matter what.
He’ll try to take care of you as well. If he senses you’re down, he’ll try to cheer you up. If you’re cold, he’ll share his jacket. He might even stop by with food or offer to help with chores if he knows you’re sick.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Scorpio man. →
8. He Asks About You
When a Scorpio man likes you but is hiding it, he’ll ask other people about you.
If you two have mutual friends, he’s likely asked them for information about you. He’s sneaky about it sometimes so they may not even realize that’s what he’s doing.
He’s not necessarily trying to pry or invade your privacy. He just likes to get to know people before he pursues them.
If a friend mentions they are going to see you at a specific event over the weekend, he might show up at that event as well.
If he hears from somebody that you’re not doing well, he’ll check in on you and see if there’s anything he can do to help.
He’ll gather mundane information as well, like your favorite color or favorite food. He’ll use this information in his efforts to woo you.
9. He Compliments You
How do you know if a Scorpio man likes you? He might let you know in some obvious ways, such as complimenting you often.
For the most part, Scorpio men don’t compliment someone unless they really mean it.
If he is showering you with compliments, it’s because he likes you! You can trust that they aren’t empty compliments too. He genuinely thinks all those nice things about you.
Use these secrets to make your Scorpio man love you (they work like magic) →
10. He’s Affectionate
One of the signs a Scorpio man is not interested in you romantically is that he won’t be physically affectionate.
when a Scorpio man has a crush on you, he won’t be able to keep his hands off you.
He’ll respect boundaries, of course. If you’re receptive, though, he’ll be affectionate as often as possible.
Don’t be surprised if he hugs you out of the blue, puts a hand on your knee, or looks for excuses to hold your hand.
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