If you want to know about the typical Scorpio man and Aquarius woman’s friendship, then you need to have a deep understanding of both zodiac signs.
Are they astrologically compatible as friends?
A Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman have very little in common, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they can’t be good friends.
They can use their dissimilarities to help each other grow into stronger, better versions of themselves, or they can allow their differences to come between them.
Once you know how these two star signs interact with each other, you will understand the dynamics of a Scorpio man and Aquarius woman‘s friendship.
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These two zodiac signs’ elements tell us everything we need to know about how compatible they are emotionally.
Every horoscope sign belongs to one of the four main elements of nature. These elements are fire, earth, air, and water.
A sign’s natural element reveals how that sign acknowledges and processes emotions. It can also help us predict compatibility between two signs based on how they handle their feelings.
The Aquarius element is air and the Scorpio element is water. Typically, air and water signs do not have the strongest compatibility.
Air signs are usually analytical, rational, and logical. Although they are quite expressive, they have a hard time recognizing their feelings well enough to communicate them effectively.
They dislike uncomfortable emotions like sadness and anger, so they both consciously and subconsciously ignore their bad feelings.
An Aquarius woman may come off as cold and aloof, even though she is quite warm and caring because she’s not in touch with her emotions.
A Scorpio man has the opposite approach to emotions. Water signs are typically sensitive, intuitive, and emotional, so a Scorpio guy has no problems with acknowledging and addressing his feelings.
A Scorpio man could help an Aquarius woman delve into the depths of her emotions and learn how to embrace them instead of avoiding them.
But he might get frustrated by her resistance or even her inability to learn these important lessons, and he could feel like his Aquarius friend is always holding back and keeping things from him.
The Aquarius woman, on the other hand, might feel like her Scorpio pal is always poking and prodding at her to acknowledge her emotional discomfort, which might tear these two friends apart.
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Part of what makes two people compatible as friends is having shared values and ideals. If we want to know the values and strengths of a zodiac sign, we can look at the astrological house they rule.
There are twelve houses of the zodiac, each with one particular star sign as its leader. Scorpio rules the eighth house while Aquarius governs the eleventh house.
The eighth house of the zodiac is the house of merging, sex, and intimacy. A man born under the Scorpio horoscope sign values romantic and sexual relationships, and he is all about sharing everything with his partner and close friends.
The eleventh house is the house of groups, social awareness, and humanitarianism. While a Scorpio guy is focused on his close circle of loved ones, an Aquarius woman is more interested in improving and contributing to society as a whole.
These different values can cause rifts in their friendship because a Scorpio man will want an intense, profound connection with his Aquarius friend, but she will keep him at arm’s length.
There is also a strong chance that a Scorpio guy will consistently put his romantic partner or himself before his friends, which will irritate and anger his Aquarius pal.
She values freedom and independence more than intimacy, so she can’t understand why a Scorpio man wants to be bound to one person.
One of the greatest obstacles a Scorpio man and Aquarius woman will have to overcome in their friendship is their vastly different communication styles.
As a water sign, a Scorpio man is intuitive and sensitive. He is good at interpreting other people’s energies and body language, and he can almost psychically read how others think and feel.
He’s great at knowing instinctively when someone is being dishonest, and he is highly skilled at non-verbal communication.
He excels so much at non-verbal communication that he might expect other people to read his mind the same way that he reads theirs, which can lead to communication breakdowns.
Most air signs are excellent communicators, but Aquarius may be the sole exception to this rule. While an Aquarius woman thrives at communicating through technology, she struggles to express herself effectively in person.
This isn’t because she is shy, unconfident, or dishonest. An Aquarius woman is quite self-assured and she never holds back when it comes to sharing her opinions.
But Aquarians are very unique and eccentric, and their ways of thinking often go against the norm. Thus, the way they communicate can come across as unclear and enigmatic to others.
A Scorpio guy expects his Aquarius friend to know his thoughts instinctively, while the Aquarius lady has a hard time being transparent and coherent.
These two signs don’t speak the same language, so their friendship will likely be fraught with misunderstandings and miscommunications.
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Another barrier Aquarius and Scorpio will have to overcome if they want to make their friendship work is their different social habits.
An Aquarius woman is intellectually curious and interested in different cultures, so she enjoys meeting new people and learning about others.
She is more likely to have a wide circle of acquaintances than a close group of friends because she tends to avoid intimacy.
A Scorpio man takes the opposite approach to his social life. He is resistant to new people and it takes a lot for him to let his guard down and open up to a stranger.
He would rather reinforce and strengthen the bonds he already has with his loved ones than go out seeking new friendships, and expects complete devotion from his long-term friends.
An Aquarius and Scorpio friendship is probably the best type of relationship these two zodiac signs could hope for because they have such vastly different personalities.
Every horoscope sign has a special symbol that encapsulates the distinctive qualities of that sign. The zodiac symbols of Scorpio and Aquarius tell us everything we need to know about their personalities.
Scorpio is symbolized by the scorpion, which tells us that a Scorpio man might be unassuming in appearance but is powerful and even deadly.
The typical Scorpio personality is intense and passionate, and a Scorpio guy seeks revenge on those who wrong him. Like a scorpion lashing out and stinging when threatened, a Scorpio guy doesn’t hold back when provoked.
The symbol for Aquarius is the water bearer, which reveals that an Aquarius woman can carry the emotions of others without being affected or burdened.
Their symbols tell us that a Scorpio man radiates emotions, while an Aquarius woman moves peacefully through the world oblivious to how others might be feeling.
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The Scorpio and Aquarius compatibility isn’t particularly strong because these two signs are so different, but they do have one astrological aspect in common.
Every zodiac sign has one of three modalities: fixed, cardinal, or mutable. A sign’s modality tells us how that sign handles conflict and interacts with the world.
Both Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed signs, and fixed signs are known for being stubborn and having a slow approach to tackling problems.
While they take a long time to initiate, they are good at following through once they start a project. They will see it through to the end, no matter the cost.
This means that an Aquarius woman and a Scorpio man make a very powerful pair as friends. If they share a common goal, they have the determination and endurance to achieve it.
This makes them even better coworkers or teammates than friends because they are both passionate about getting the job done and reaching their dreams.
Although these two signs are not innately compatible, a Scorpio and Aquarius friendship can work because they could learn a great deal from their many differences.
A Scorpio man is sensitive and emotional, and he prefers intense, close relationships with a few people over having lots of surface-level friends.
He thinks with his heart instead of his head, and he makes decisions based on his feelings and gut instincts rather than logic and reason.
An Aquarius woman is the opposite. She is rational and analytical, and while it’s easy for her to make new friends, she struggles to connect on the profound level she craves.
If they can find a way to connect and become friends, these two horoscope signs can teach each other the exact lessons they both need to become better people.
The Aquarius lady can show her Scorpio friend how to keep his emotions in check and not take everything so personally.
She teaches him that not everyone is as sensitive as he is and that his intuitive abilities are rare. He has to learn to express himself verbally rather than expecting everyone to know how he’s feeling.
The Scorpio guy can show his Aquarius friend how to open up and be more vulnerable. She has to accept that painful, unpleasant emotions are an inevitable part of life and that there is beauty even in darkness.
If they choose to use their dissimilarities to bring them together instead of tearing one another apart, a Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman have the potential for a powerful friendship.
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