If you think that a romantic Virgo man is hard to find, think again. In their own way, Virgo guys can be sentimental.
Though he is notoriously slow to open up, once he does, a Virgo man can surprise you.
A Virgo man may show more interest in fixing your car than whispering sweet sentiments in your ear. He may keep his passions on simmer rather than
Yet when you see the signs of a Virgo man in love with you, you’ll appreciate his practical romantic side. He has a unique sense of charm that is different from other men.
Though he’s not the most obvious, a shy Virgo man will show his romantic side. He will be discreet because he’s not comfortable with dramatic emotions.
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A Virgo’s Definition of Romance
Understanding a Virgo man can be difficult at first. If you’re used to passionate displays of devotion and love, you’ll be confused. Among the top Virgo man characteristics are practicality and loyalty. You’ve got to know how to catch his signals of love and romance.
A Virgo man’s definition of romance is influenced by his down to earth nature. He doesn’t write you poetry, but he’ll cook you a healthy meal instead. You’ve got to look for the romantic signals in the everyday things he does for you.
When a Virgo man hugs you, this is a big step toward showing his casual nature. It means he’s comfortable with you. He sees you as trustworthy and he’s letting you into his personal space.
He may hug some close friends, but this is a romantic gesture for him. It’s even more promising if he holds on for a few extra moments. A Virgo man who doesn’t want to let go right away is showing you he really loves you.
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He Doesn’t Get Too Emotional
Is my Virgo man in love with me? You may ask yourself. He doesn’t make his feelings obvious. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you. When a Virgo man says “I love you,” he definitely means it.
Yet you don’t have to wait to hear him say the words in order to see his romantic side. A Virgo man’s insecurities in love will make it difficult for him to openly show you his feelings. Plus, he is used to hiding vulnerability.
A Virgo man is used to thinking his way through life. But he can’t rationalize love. Yet he’ll try to do just this. Look for his romantic signals in the things he does for you. Even when he worries about you, he is showing you he cares.
He’s Romantic but Practical
How long does it take a Virgo man to fall in love? You have to be patient with him. It’s hard to say how long it takes him to fall in love. That’s because his rational side will always suppress his emotions.
He needs to feel like he can take charge of his life and control the world around him. He’s romantic, but he’s also practical. He usually falls in love long before he consciously admits it to himself.
By the time he starts to act sentimental and committed to you, he’s already been grappling with his love for you. He tries to suppress it. Then he tries to rationalize his feelings.
When he finally accepts his love and attraction to you, you’ll see him open up on a deeper level. He still proceeds with some degree of caution. Yet he’ll want to spend more time with you. He’ll express concern for you.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Virgo man (they work like magic) →
He Prefers Helpful Gestures
Do Virgos say “I love you?” Yes, they do. Yet like every aspect of their communication, a Virgo man prefers to tell you his feelings and then show his love. He prefers to do things to demonstrate his feelings.
One of the ways a Virgo man expresses his love for you is to go out of his way to be helpful. He will do things to be of service to you.
He will take his commitments to you seriously. Even things that you treat casually, a Virgo man will treat like a serious oath. He won’t make any promise or commitment unless he’s sure he can follow through.
This also keeps him from rushing in to show his love for you. A Virgo man wants to show you that he cares but he will hold off on making any promise he can’t absolutely guarantee he will be able to keep.
You can trust his word. Yet you also should look to his actions. He will try to help you solve problems. He’ll fix things for you. He will readily give you unsolicited advice. These are all signs of romantic affection from a Virgo man.
He Can Be a Traditionalist
A Virgo man in bed can be loving and affectionate, but he can also be reserved. If he is cautious or stressed out, he may be subdued even in bed.
A Virgo man is a traditionalist. He doesn’t like to go overboard or take risks. This is true of his attitude toward love as well. Even if he’s smitten with you, he won’t lose control of himself.
He prefers to stick to his routines and be predictable. To a Virgo man, it’s a romantic gesture to clear his schedule for one day to make time for you. You may have to adjust your expectations of romance with a Virgo man.
Use these secrets to make your Virgo man love you (they work like magic) →
He Prefers Simple Expressions of Love
When it comes to romantic plans, remember to keep it simple. A Virgo man doesn’t like elaborate displays of affection. He can become embarrassed easily.
Less is definitely more with a Virgo man. You don’t have to shower him with gifts. In fact, if you do, it will be overwhelming to him. He prefers simple expressions of kindness and affection.
A Virgo man can be relatively neutral. He likes romance and affection to be pleasant but brief breaks from his routine life. If you go too far showing too much love and affection, or intense emotions, he’ll feel overwhelmed.
He Likes to be Classy but Modest
A Virgo man has a classy, traditional sense of romance. He likes to be modest. He can be a bit of a perfectionist as well. He doesn’t want to get involved in any kind of scandals.
As a result, don’t be surprised if a Virgo man doesn’t show open affection in public. He may be very loving and attentive when it’s just the two of you. Yet when others are around, he acts more professional.
You may think this means he’s turning cold. He’s actually not. He still loves you. He’s just moderating his expression of romance and affection. He prefers to court you in a traditional way.
He may take his time before your first kiss, or before intimacy. He may also be very cautious about respecting your boundaries. He always wants to act like a perfect gentleman.
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He Knows Romance is in the Details
A Virgo man believes that romance is in the details. He wants to do many sweet and endearing things every day. Even subtle, small steps to make your day better are a Virgo man’s idea of romantic gestures.
This is more important to him than buying you flowers. A Virgo man knows the flowers will already start dying as soon as they are cut. He doesn’t see this as romantic. He may show up with a tomato plant instead.
At least this way, he reasons, you will have a gift that nurtures you and helps you stay healthy. It doesn’t occur to him to think that tomatoes aren’t as aesthetically pleasing as flowers.
Yet the details he focuses on are practical, not aesthetic. He will notice what you don’t have in your refrigerator and show up with a basket of healthy foods. He’ll notice if you don’t have an emergency kit in your car and gift you one.
Jumper cables aren’t the typical sign of romance. But from a Virgo man, this gift says “I love you.” He’s showing he cares about your safety.
He Likes to Slowly Build Romance
Let a Virgo man court you slowly. He takes his time and likes to build a romance the way a he would build a house. He has a plan in mind, and then diligently sets the foundation.
You can be sure he is taking his time to make sure everything is perfect. A Virgo man shows romance by creating stability, even if it is a slow and rigorous process.
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He Intellectualizes His Love
A Virgo man is practical and tries to use his intellectual power to manage any situation. He will do the same when it comes to love and romance. He will try to think his way through the situation and rationalize his emotions.
This can influence his style of showing romance. He will try to share ideas with you that he thinks will help you. This is a romantic gesture, in his world view. To you it may seem detached or even seem like criticism.
A Virgo man finds intelligent and engaging conversation to be highly romantic. This is true even if the topic of the conversation is something as un-romantic as his favorite sci-fi book series or the economy. He’ll be more excited by your intelligence and ability to meet him intellectually than by the topic of conversation specifically.
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