If you feel like you are trapped in a mental game of chess with your Libra guy, you may wonder how you can play a Libra man’s mind games and win.
How can you beat him at his own game?
Sometimes mind games can be a fun way to surprise or seduce a romantic partner, while other times they are just a method of manipulation or even abuse.
Whether your goal is to charm him or mess with his head, there are plenty of ways to play mind games with a Libra man.
By learning more about his zodiac sign, you can get a better idea of how a Libra man plays mind games and what you can do to win.
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Flirt with Everyone
The typical Libra personality is naturally flirtatious, so a Libra guy tends to flirt with everyone in the room.
It doesn’t mean he’s attracted to or romantically interested in anyone; he just can’t help himself. A Libra man’s charm is one of his greatest assets.
Although a Libra man flirting isn’t necessarily a sign of attraction, when a Libra man ignores you and doesn’t flirt with you at all, it’s not a good sign.
If he is talking to every girl in the room but you, it probably doesn’t mean that he’s just shy. Instead, this is one of the signs a Libra man is not into you.
When you want to play mind games with a Libra guy, give him a taste of his own medicine and flirt with everyone in the room.
He will definitely notice and will finally see how it feels when the object of his affection is flirting with someone else.
If your goal is to make him jealous or insecure, flirt with everyone except for him. He will drive himself crazy wondering what he did wrong to upset you and make you avoid him.
At the very least, he will feel singled out and hurt because he’s not being included.
But if you just want to mess with his head a little bit and keep his mind on you, charm him for a while and then abruptly turn and flirt with someone else.
Use these secrets to make your Libra man love you (they work like magic) →
Be Dramatic and Emotional
Libras are typically rational and level-headed. They tend to bottle up their feelings or push them aside because they prefer to react logically rather than emotionally.
Although a Libra man is more attracted to a woman who is cool, calm, and collected, he can’t help but feel compassion when he sees someone upset or crying.
If you want to manipulate your Libra man and mess with his head, play on his sympathy, and use dramatics to get his attention and make him feel bad.
For example, if your Libra guy flirts with another woman in front of you, break down in hysterical tears and cry to him that he has hurt your feelings and you are worried he will be unfaithful.
He might get irritated, but he will swallow his negative feelings to make you feel better. Instead of telling you that you’re being unreasonable, he will feel guilty and do his best to console you.
Although they are thick-skinned and not prone to emotional outbursts themselves, Libras can’t stand to see people hurting and will put their feelings aside for others.
Tell Him What Other People Think
Every zodiac sign is “ruled” by a heavenly body, and the characteristics of this ruling heavenly body reveal something about the sign’s personality.
The zodiac sign Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. This is why Libras are so social and focused on aesthetics.
Because they are ruled by the planet of beauty, Libras can be a little too concerned with outward appearances.
If a Libra man doesn’t channel his connection to Venus into an artistic pursuit, such as photography, interior design, or drawing, he can become vain and obsessed with physical appearance.
Not only does he care about attractiveness, both in himself and others, but a superficial Libra guy also wants everyone to think highly of him.
If you want to know how to make a Libra man obsessed with you, tell him that you know what other people think about him.
Pass on the gossip you overheard when someone was talking unkindly about him. Tell him that his look didn’t fit in with the crowd or that you noticed people didn’t seem to like him very much.
Making him insecure about what other people think is sure to drive your Libra guy crazy and mess with his mind.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Libra man... →
Tell Him He’s Being Unfair
Each zodiac sign has a symbol that reveals an important personality trait of that sign. The zodiac sign Libra is the only sign symbolized by an inanimate object.
Libra’s symbol is the scales, which conveys that Libras are interested in justice and equality. Don’t be surprised if your Libra guy works in the legal system or is a social justice warrior.
Those born under the Libra sign are obsessed with fairness. You will often hear a Libra say, “That’s not fair!” or, “It’s only fair.”
If you want to make a Libra man’s head spin, tell him that he’s being unfair. He places so much value on equality and diplomacy that it will make him question himself when you point out his unfairness.
Because they are highly social creatures and love to communicate with others, Libras typically adore social media and use it constantly.
It’s easy to play mind games with a Libra guy online because he is so invested in his online presence.
There are lots of ways to mess with a Libra man’s head over the Internet. You can weaponize your social media to beat him at his own game.
Try posting lots of pictures of yourself out with friends or at social gatherings. Your Libra guy will get jealous when he sees you having a good time without him, and will wonder why he wasn’t invited.
You could also ignore his friend requests and online messages, or at least take a very long time before responding to your Libra guy.
Make sure he sees that you are active on your social accounts, posting photos, sharing content, and flirting and laughing with other people while you ignore him.
If you really want to mess with his mind, you could post a picture of yourself with another guy or doing an activity that you know your Libra man has been dying to try.
For example, if he has mentioned bungee jumping to you several times or has even asked to take you to do it, post pictures of yourself bungee jumping online without a word to him about it.
If another guy is in the picture with you, it will drive your Libra man even more crazy.
Is your Libra man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Libra back in. →
Keep Score
Because they are so obsessed with fairness and equality, a Libra man might keep score in his relationships.
He is very generous with his loved ones, but he needs his generosity to be reciprocated to feel like the scales are balanced.
The typical Libra man’s mentality is that when he does something nice for you, even without being asked, he expects you to do something for him in return.
To beat a Libra man at this mind game, you can start keeping score, too.
If he forgets his lunch and asks you to bring it to him at work, do it but then tell him that he has to buy you dinner. After all, as he is so fond of reminding others, “It’s only fair.”
Be Secretive About Your Phone
One of the typical Libra negative traits is that this sign is always on the phone. It can be difficult to get his undivided attention because his eyes are always glued to a screen.
You may wonder who he is talking to all the time and why you aren’t enough to keep him entertained.
Two people can play this mind trick, though. You can beat your Libra man at this game by being secretive about your phone in his presence.
Stay on your phone as much as he does and refuse to put it out of your sight. Check your screen constantly and flash a coy smirk when you read your messages.
Your Libra guy will drive himself wild thinking about who you are talking to and what you are saying.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Libra man (they work like magic) →
Give Him a Big Decision to Make
Libra is perhaps the most indecisive of all the star signs. Libras are so concerned with fairness and diplomacy that they tend to take a long time looking at a situation from every possible angle before making a decision.
If you want to mess with a Libra man’s mind, give him a huge, important decision to make. He will stress himself out and spend all his time obsessing over making the right choice.
For example, if you live with a Libra guy and want to play with his head, tell him to decide which cable package to buy or how you should redecorate the living room.
If you are in a relationship with him and want a commitment, issue an ultimatum and tell him he has to decide if he wants to devote himself to you or move on and date someone else.
Libras can’t handle pressure to make a decision, so make sure you bring it up often and add more options that he might not have noticed.
One of the best mind games you can play with a Libra man is forcing him to make a big decision with serious consequences.
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