
Libra Man in Marriage: What Kind of Husband is He?

Updated February 14, 2024

A Libra man’s marriage is often one of the most important things in his life. So naturally, he doesn’t take such a serious commitment lightly.

Libras are typically known for being good partners. They are loving and loyal. They aren’t perfect, though.

When a Libra truly loves you, he’s all in. He’s not going to throw your relationship away over a minor disagreement.

In fact, it can be challenging to get him to give up on a relationship even if things do turn sour.

Libra husbands are affectionate, and they make excellent listeners. He will always be there to lend a sympathetic ear. He’ll try to cheer you up when you’re sad.

On the negative side of things, Libras hate conflict and aren’t always entirely truthful. So he’ll bend the truth to avoid an argument.


A Libra man’s personality is often pleasant and upbeat. So it’s hard to be in a bad mood when you’re around him.

Harmony and happiness are important to Libra. He likes it best when everyone around him is in a good mood and getting along. If they aren’t, he’ll do what he can to change that.

One of the ways he tries to make this happen is by acting happy himself. Good moods can be infectious, after all. So even if things are going wrong, he’ll put on a happy face.

If you’re having a bad day, he’ll do what he can to cheer you up. He’ll tell jokes and keep his smile in place, hoping that it’ll draw a smile out of you as well.

He tries not to let things phase him or upset him. Instead, he’d rather focus on the good stuff going on in his life than the bad.

Is your Libra man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Libra back in.


A Libra man in love is exceptionally charming. When you two were dating, this is probably one of the things that drew you to him.

He doesn’t stop being charming once you’re married. He still wants you to be attracted to him. He doesn’t want to get complacent or stop putting effort into the relationship.

He’ll be affectionate and chivalrous. He’ll still open doors and pull out your chair for you even after years of marriage. He’ll still do little things to make you smile.

Other people will likely find him charming as well. Don’t let that worry you, though! He’s not trying to charm them. He is just a naturally charming person.

He saves the best of himself for you. He makes an effort when it comes to charming you. If others are attracted to him, he doesn’t care. It’s all about you.


Your Libra husband will never stop trying to romance you. Libra is ruled by Venus, after all.

He’ll make you feel like the only person in the room when he’s with you. As far as he’s concerned, you might as well be. He only has eyes for you.

This is a man who will give you a gift just because he saw something he thought you might like.

He’ll never forget your anniversary. He’ll probably make a big deal out of it. The same goes for your birthday and other special occasions.

He wants nothing more than to make sure you know how much he loves you. He’ll give you all the affection you could ever hope for. He’ll compliment you and tell you how much he adores you.

When a Libra loves you, you’ll never have to doubt it.

Is your Libra man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.


Libra is a very observant person. He is constantly taking in all the information around him to gain a better understanding of the world.

He knows that people don’t always tell the whole truth. He understands that to get the entire story behind a situation, you have to do more than just listen to what people have to say about it. You have to find out information from a variety of sources.

If you get a new haircut, he’ll know right away. He’ll notice when you mix things up and wear a different shade of lipstick or when you buy a new dress.

Libra is also perceptive. If you’re in a bad mood, he’ll pick up on it. He’s excellent at reading people, especially people he cares about. Even secretive, mysterious Scorpios will have a hard time hiding how they feel around a Libra.

Avoids Confrontation

Being married to Libra often feels peaceful. This isn’t because Libra men never have issues with their partners. It’s because they hate confrontation.

He will bend over backward to avoid a fight. He likes to have debates, of course. Those are different. He doesn’t want anyone to be mad at him.

He’ll avoid doing anything he thinks might make you angry. If he does do something, he’ll try to smooth it over instead of having an actual conversation about it.

If you do something to upset him, he won’t confront you about it. Instead, he’ll try just to ignore it and get over it. Even if you do it over and over again, he won’t want to bring it up.

This can be frustrating. How are you supposed to know something is upsetting him if he won’t tell you? Conflict is necessary sometimes to work things out.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Libra man.


This is one of a Libra man’s traits many people don’t always notice at first. Often, Libra will pretend not to know as much about something as they do.

Why? Because it can work in their favor.

Some of a Libra man’s characteristics aren’t always obvious, and this is one of them. It’s not that he’s a liar or downright dishonest. He just doesn’t show his hand right away.

If he’s done something wrong, he’ll talk circles around the issue instead of just admitting to what he did. Then, he’ll try to justify it as he’s telling you about it.

For example, if he’s friendly with an ex, he might leave out the fact that she’s his ex when he introduces you two.

Instead, he’ll just say she’s an old friend. This isn’t technically a lie, but he just left out some important information.


Libra’s relationship with his spouse isn’t something he’ll put aside on a whim.

Do Libra men cheat? Because of their indecisive nature, many people think they are prone to being cheaters. This isn’t true. If he married you, he’s committed to the relationship and will do his best to remain loyal.

Libra men are extremely devoted to their partners. He doesn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize his relationship.

He can be slow to commit and settle down, but once he does, he truly intends on being married for the rest of his life.

You can trust your Libra husband. He is loyal in many ways. He’ll keep his promises. If you tell him a secret, he won’t spill it to all his friends. If somebody is saying rude things about you, he’ll defend you.

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Good Listener

One of Libra’s best traits is that he always tries to hear people out. So if you have something to say, you can trust that he’ll listen to you.

You can open up to him and talk about your feelings without worrying that he’s not being attentive. He is listening.

He’s good at active listening too. He’ll ask questions, nod along, and give input that shows he is truly listening to what you’re saying to him. He won’t ignore you and simply pretend to listen as some other people would.

One of the reasons Libras are good listeners is because they like to know what people are thinking. They like to know everyone’s opinions on things.

Your Libra husband also loves you and just wants to know what’s going on in your life.

Even if you two are arguing, he’ll listen to your side. He values what you have to say, even if it’s not something he necessarily wants to hear.

Family First

Libra’s marriage and family are very important to him. They are often his top priority in life.

Are Libra men good husbands? Nobody is perfect, and he won’t be a good husband 100% of the time. You can trust that he’s trying his best, though.

Libras make excellent fathers as well. If you two have children, you can bet he’ll be the loving parent they deserve.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Libra man...


Libras are sympathetic friends and partners. They genuinely care about their loved ones and will always try to understand and sympathize with how people are feeling.

He’ll be a shoulder to cry on when you need it. He won’t dismiss your feelings or tell you to just get over it when you’re sad. Instead, he’ll validate your emotions and do his best to understand why you feel the way you do.

Libra is a caring, affectionate husband. He won’t judge you for venting after you’ve had a bad day.

If you fight with a friend, he’ll listen to your side of the story.

Even if you were in the wrong, he’ll be able to understand why you acted the way you did.

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