
10 Tips to Get a Libra Man Back After a Breakup

Updated September 15, 2024

If your relationship with a Libra ended and you are having regrets, you might want to know how to get a Libra man back.

Is this sign willing to rekindle an old flame?

Some signs burn bridges after a breakup, while others are more prone to reconciling and getting back together with their exes.

So, is your Libra man likely to take you back, and what can you do to win him over?

By learning more about the way his zodiac sign thinks, you can discover the tips and tricks to getting a Libra man back after a breakup.

1. Reason With Him

When it comes to a Libra man, if you are the one who ended the relationship, you will have a much easier time getting him back.

This sign is loving and very forgiving, so if he never wanted to break up in the first place, there is a strong chance you can get him back.

And if he ended the relationship in an uncharacteristic fit of emotion, you could still have a shot at reconciliation.

But if you are wondering how to know when a Libra man is done with you, it’s when he calmly and rationally explains his reasons for the breakup.

When he has taken the time to work through the breakup logically and has made the difficult decision to end the relationship, he is unlikely to change his mind.

All hope is not lost, though, because you can use logic and reason to win your Libra ex back, too.

Show him that you don’t just want him back because you are lonely or sentimental. Explain the practical reasons why your relationship didn’t work and what will change moving forward.

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2. Play on His Indecision

If your Libra guy waffles back and forth on whether or not you should get back together, it’s one of the signs he is fighting his feelings for you.

When he vacillates, it can feel like he is stalling and that it’s one of the signs Libra man has lost interest. But when it comes to a Libra guy, his confusion can work in your favor.

His indecision shows that he hasn’t completely worked through the pros and cons of your former relationship and he isn’t entirely sure you shouldn’t be together.

If you are wondering what to do when he is fighting his feelings for you, you can use his indecision to your advantage.

When your Libra guy hasn’t made up his mind yet about getting back together, it means you still have a chance.

While he’s taking his time making a decision, be extra loving and devoted, and show him what a great girlfriend you will be if he chooses to reconcile with you.

3. Do a Romantic Gesture

Getting back together with an ex can be difficult when he is so upset that he won’t pick up your calls or respond to your text messages.

But, contrary to what you might think, a Libra man ignoring you right after a breakup is a good sign. If he didn’t care about you anymore, he wouldn’t find it so hard to talk to you.

You can use his vulnerability to your advantage by making sure you get his attention. If you are wondering how to get a Libra man to stop ignoring you, try performing a romantic gesture that he can’t disregard.

Each zodiac sign has a ruling heavenly body that tells us something specific about that sign’s values and personality.

Libra is governed by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. This means that Libras are hopeless romantics, no matter how hard they try to hide it sometimes.

You can win your Libra ex over by doing something romantic for him. Make him a scrapbook of all your best memories together, or compile a playlist of all his favorite songs.

Show up at his place with his favorite meal that you cooked yourself, or arrange to run into him at the place where you first met.

When you go out of your way to do something sweet for a romantic Libra guy, it shows him how much you care and will soften his heart towards you.

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4. Buy Him an Expensive, Thoughtful Gift

If you aren’t sure what to do when a Libra man ignores you, he will always appreciate a luxurious gift, no matter how upset he is.

As a sign ruled by the planet of love and beauty, Libras like nice things and are attracted to opulence.

If you really want to get him back, put your money where your heart is. Splurge on tickets to an event you know he’s dying to attend or buy him that expensive item he has been eying.

No matter how mad or hurt he is, your Libra guy won’t be able to turn down a generous gift, and spending your cash on him even when you aren’t a couple shows him how much you care.

5. Don’t Wait Too Long

If you are unsure what to do when a Libra man pulls away, your instinct might be to give him space to think things over.

This might be a good idea for some other signs, but you should never do this with a Libra ex.

Libras are the happiest when they are in relationships, and they are quick to socialize and party after a breakup in hopes of finding their next partner.

If you wait too long to try to get him back, your Libra ex might just slip through your fingers.

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6. Reach Out to Him First

If you want to get your Libra ex back, you can’t be afraid to reach out to him first.

Libras are never single for long, so if you don’t chase a Libra man, he will find someone new to help him move on.

Leaving a Libra man alone in hopes that he will make the first move towards reconciliation won’t work, especially if he broke up with you.

A Libra guy is usually popular and in high demand, so he won’t have much trouble finding a new partner. Reach out to him first and get ahead of the other women waiting in line to date your ex.

7. Show Him That You Want Instead of Need Him

Although they adore being in love and the security of a committed relationship, Libras aren’t codependent and they don’t want a partner who is, either.

Your Libra ex won’t want to get back together with you if he thinks you are just afraid to be single or that you are using him for his money, friends, or any other reason.

If you want to get your Libra guy back, you have to prove to him that you want him, but you don’t need him.

Don’t act like a broken mess or say that you can’t go on without him. Instead, let him see that your life is great with or without him, but you prefer having him in it because you love him.

Post pictures of yourself looking happy and thriving on social media so that your Libra ex will see that you’re not sitting at home crying over him.

Let him know that although you are perfectly fulfilled on your own, you know he’s the one for you and you want to get back together.

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8. Negotiate Your Reconciliation

Libras think with their heads, not their hearts, so even if your Libra ex is still in love with you he might be reluctant to reenter a relationship that failed.

When a Libra man wants you back, he will want some sort of reassurance that you won’t continue to have the same problems that caused your breakup in the first place.

You have to show him that things will be different this time and you need to give him specific examples.

For example, if one of the reasons you broke up is because you never had enough time for each other, plan to set aside at least one night alone together per week.

Showing your Libra ex that you can pinpoint what went wrong before and that you are making a conscious effort to avoid the same mistakes will reassure him and prove that you deserve another chance.

9. Be Honest and Open

If you want to win your Libra ex back, you have to be completely honest and open, no matter how painful or embarrassing this can be.

For example, if he broke up with you because you cheated on him, you can’t hide anything about your disloyalty.

Tell him the whole truth about what happened, because if he gets back together with you and finds out some other way, you will lose him for good.

Don’t sugarcoat or cover up the truth when you are trying to get your Libra man back. This is the time for total and complete honesty, even if it’s uncomfortable for both of you.

A tiny trick to snatch your Libra man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...

10. Prove Your Loyalty

If you want to get a Libra man to come back to you, you must prove your loyalty, regardless of whether or not disloyalty was the reason for the breakup.

Tell him that you will always be there for him as a friend, even if he decides not to reconcile with you.

Be dependable, keep your promises, and answer when he calls. He is more likely to want you back if he sees he can count on you.

Show him that even though you broke up, you are still loyal to him and put him first. Your Libra ex will be impressed by your dedication and it will help him trust you again.

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