A faithful Taurus man isn’t hard to come by. Most Taurus men are fiercely loyal partners who can be counted on to stay faithful.
As an earth sign, Taurus is dependable and reliable. These are just two of the traits that help make him faithful.
There are Taurus men who cheat, of course. There are also single Taurus men who play the field and don’t consider it cheating to have multiple casual partners.
Once he has made a commitment to you, though, he’s all in. Taurus is a passionate, loving partner and he will do everything in his power to make your relationship work. He finds stability and comfort in his relationship. He doesn’t want to lose that.
If you’re dating or married to a Taurus, cheating is likely not something you’ll have to worry about.
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Will a Taurus man cheat? It’s unlikely. A Taurus man in love makes a very loyal partner.
Taurus is ruled by Venus. This means that relationships and love are important to him.
When he is in a relationship, his partner is one of the most important people in the world to him. He doesn’t want to do anything to hurt them.
Obviously, cheating will hurt his partner. It could potentially ruin his relationship. He loves seeking pleasure but he doesn’t want to do so in a way that makes his partner leave him.
One thing to keep in mind is that Taurus usually thinks things through before he does them. He might be tempted to cheat but after considering it, he’ll realize it’s not worth it.
When he loves you, he’ll want you to be the one he’s seeking pleasure with anyway. It will be more fun for him because he prefers sex with somebody he loves over somebody he doesn’t.
Use these secrets to make your Taurus man love you (they work like magic) →
Can a Taurus man be trusted to be faithful? In most cases, he can.
Earth signs are generally dependable people. Taurus is no different than Capricorn and Virgo in this sense. All of these signs can be trusted to do what they say they’re going to do.
If Taurus makes a promise to you, he’ll do whatever he can to keep that promise. He won’t commit to you and promise to stay faithful to you if he doesn’t fully intend to do that.
He can be trusted to be honest. If he says he’s at a friend’s house and staying the night there, he’s probably not out with a secret mistress. He’s at his friend’s house.
Unless he’s given you a specific reason to believe otherwise, you can assume that Taurus is where he says he is and doing what he says he’s doing.
One of the reasons to date a taurus man is his devotion to his partner. When a Taurus man says he loves you, he means it.
He is devoted to people he cares about. He makes an excellent friend, partner, and father because of this. His people are his world.
He will do anything for you. If you need him, he’ll be there. When you need help, he’s going to do whatever he can to give you that help.
He will make sure you know he loves you. He’ll be affectionate and vocal about how much he cares for you.
He won’t want to do anything that would make you doubt his love. This is just one of the reasons you can count on him to be faithful.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
Taurus is fiercely protective of the people he loves. You can always count on him to defend you and keep you safe.
He takes the fact that you’ve given him your heart seriously. He won’t do anything to harm you, at least not on purpose.
He’s also protective of his relationships. If anyone criticizes his partner or the relationship he has with them, he’ll defend them.
Cheating on you would obviously hurt you. It could potentially destroy his relationship. He absolutely doesn’t want that to happen.
His care for you will keep him from cheating. He’ll protect you from that harm by making sure he doesn’t ever give in to temptation.
Taurus is a family-oriented man. He also values stability and wants nothing more than a safe, comfortable home life.
If he has children with you, he’ll be even less likely to cheat. He doesn’t want his poor decisions to break up his family.
Even if you don’t have children, his partner is still his family. He doesn’t want to ruin the stability he gets from having a family.
When you’re integrated into his life, you also will likely have a relationship with his parents, siblings, and other family members. You’re the one he brings to family get-togethers and holidays.
He doesn’t want to mess any of that up. Taurus hates being pulled out of his comfort zone and he hates it when somebody hurts his family.
He will keep his family together if at all possible. Cheating can break a family apart and, as far as he sees it, being faithful is an easy thing to do when you consider the consequences of not being faithful.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Taurus man (they work like magic) →
Loves Love
Are Taurus men players? Single ones are. He might have played the field in the past and dated around.
If you are casually dating a Taurus and haven’t explicitly talked about being exclusive, it’s likely that he’s seeing other people at the same time.
He loves sex and he loves love. In his quest for both pleasure and romance, he’ll date multiple people at the same time.
This isn’t cheating! Some people might consider this a gray area. Taurus doesn’t.
If he’s committed to you and said he’s going to be in an exclusive relationship with you, he’ll keep his promise and be loyal. If he hasn’t made any such commitment, he has no problem seeing multiple people at the same time.
One of the reasons he does this is because it feels good. That infatuation you feel for somebody you just started dating can be addictive. Taurus enjoys that feeling.
Taurus is a passionate sign and you can see this in a Taurus man’s communication style.
When he talks about you to his friends and family, he’s excited! He loves you. He loves being around you. You have so many positive qualities and he’ll gladly talk about them to anyone who will listen.
He’s this way with everything in life he enjoys. When he is passionate about something, he wants the whole world to know.
He also won’t readily give up his passions. When he loves you, he’ll do almost anything to keep you around. He doesn’t want to lose you.
He doesn’t want to have a one-night stand. He would much rather show you he loves you. If he wants to have sex, he wants to have it with you.
His passion is one of the reasons women enjoy dating Taurus. It is also one of the things that helps keep him faithful.
This magic will make your Taurus man want a relationship with you. →
Are Taurus possessive of their partner? They definitely can be.
Taurus can get extremely jealous if he thinks his partner is flirting with somebody else.
Even if his partner isn’t the one doing the flirting, just the fact that somebody else is even looking at his partner can send him into a jealous rage.
Because he’s a jealous person, he knows how it feels when you think somebody is trying to make a move on your partner. He knows how it feels when your partner flirts with another person.
He won’t want to make you feel that way.
Unfortunately, jealousy can cause it’s own problems. Giving a Taurus man his space when he starts acting too jealous or getting upset over nothing is usually a good idea. He’ll often realize all on his own that he’s overreacting.
Hate Betrayal
Will a Taurus man leave his girlfriend if she betrays his trust? Honestly, he can sometimes stick around anyway just because he doesn’t want to lose the sense of security his relationship provides.
He won’t easily get over it, though. It will take a lot of apologizing and a lot of work. Even then, he might ultimately decide to leave anyway.
For that same reason, he’s unlikely to cheat. He doesn’t want to rock the boat and ruin his relationship. He also dislikes cheaters and doesn’t want to be one.
If he’s ever been cheated on in the past, he’s even less likely to cheat. He knows exactly how that feels. It likely ruined his relationship. He doesn’t want that to happen again.
Is your Taurus man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Taurus back in. →
Value Relationships
Relationships are one of the most important things in the world to Taurus. He loves material goods. He loves indulging. He loves seeking pleasure. He loves his relationship more than all of that combined.
He’s a lover. He enjoys being around people he cares about. He may not always be social or have a lot of friends but he truly appreciates the friends he does have. He also truly appreciates the relationship he has with his partner.
He wouldn’t give that up for the world. Cheating is the furthest thing from his mind most of the time. If there is a problem in his relationship, he wants to fix it.
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