If you want to catch the attention of an Aries guy or keep him happy in a relationship, then you need to know how to make an Aries man laugh.
What is his zodiac sign’s sense of humor?
Each sign of the zodiac has a different type of humor and laughs at various things. Some people think slapstick comedy is hilarious, while others prefer witty puns.
So, how can you figure out your Aries guy’s sense of humor so that your jokes make him laugh instead of offending him?
By learning more about his sign’s typical personality traits and psychological characteristics, you will have your Aries man roaring with laughter in no time.
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Physical Humor
Some signs think physical humor is too unrefined or obvious to be funny. But, as one of the most physical signs of the entire zodiac, it makes sense that an Aries man appreciates physical humor.
Unexpected falls, goofy dancing, and silly mannerisms are sure to have an Aries man in stitches.
If you want to know how to make an Aries man chase you, don’t be afraid to use physical humor to get his attention and make him smile.
Animated gestures, impersonations, facial expressions, and other forms of humor using the body are guaranteed to make an Aries guy laugh.
Is your Aries man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aries back in. →
Quick Quips
One of an Aries man’s greatest strengths is his speed. He has an agile mind and body, so he has sharp reflexes and a quick brain.
He surrounds himself with people who can hold a rapid-fire conversation with him. Anyone who takes too long to think before they speak will bore him.
On the other hand, one of an Aries man’s biggest weaknesses is his impatience. He gets distracted and loses interest easily, and he doesn’t trust someone who pauses too long before they speak.
If you need too much time to think, an Aries man will think you are either hiding something or you are not intelligent enough to respond quickly.
An Aries guy chooses friends and lovers who can think and speak as fast as he can, and he is impressed by speedy quips.
If you want to know how to make an Aries man addicted to you, you need to show him that you can banter with him.
When you think of a funny response to something he says, don’t hold back and think about it for too long.
Comedic timing is everything to an Aries guy, so you will make him erupt with laughter if you can come up with a joke quickly.
Witty Jokes
Every zodiac sign correlates with a set of body parts that tell us something important about that sign. Aries rules the face and head, including the brain.
This tells us that Aries men are highly intelligent, so they appreciate clever and thoughtful humor.
He may like physical or slapstick comedy, but he also enjoys jokes that rely on witty wordplay or savvy story-telling.
You should never dumb yourself down, even for laughs, if you want an Aries man to like you. Don’t hide how smart you are or refrain from making an intelligent joke around him.
He wants a woman who can keep up with his powerful brain, so if you show him how clever you are with your witty sense of humor, he is sure to laugh – and fall for you.
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Bold Humor
An Aries man likes to make a statement and sometimes he says outlandish things just for shock value.
This isn’t a zodiac sign that cares about political correctness, and he would always rather be brutally honest than sensitive.
He likes bold humor because he enjoys taking people off guard and making them laugh unexpectedly.
If you want to know how to beat an Aries man at his own game, don’t shy away from cracking brave jokes that others might take the wrong way.
It takes a lot to shock or offend an Aries guy, and he loves it when a woman makes a courageous quip.
As a very physical zodiac sign, it makes sense that verbal jokes alone aren’t enough to satisfy an Aries man’s sense of humor.
An Aries guy loves pulling pranks, and he even likes it when other people pull pranks on him.
If you want to make your Aries guy laugh, pull a prank on him. He will appreciate the thought and effort you put into brightening his day.
As long as your prank is harmless and doesn’t embarrass him, he is sure to love it when you pull a funny trick on him.
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Playful Teasing
An Aries man’s flirting style is like a little boy on the playground chasing after a girl he likes to pull her hair.
He may tease you mercilessly if he is interested in you. When he pokes fun at your idiosyncrasies, it’s his way of telling you that he pays attention to you and notices your habits.
If he makes fun of you in a playful way, it’s one of the signs an Aries man secretly likes you.
Don’t take his clever insults as an indication that you’ve somehow gotten on his bad side, because poking fun at you is actually how an Aries man shows his love.
Some signs are too sensitive to handle being teased, but an Aries man loves it when a woman gives him a taste of his own medicine by taunting him back playfully.
You just need to be careful not to make fun of things that make your Aries man touchy. For example, if you know he’s self-conscious about his weight, don’t ever tease him about his size.
When an Aries man goes silent after you make a joke at his expense, it means you have gone too far and hurt his feelings.
You don’t have to stop cracking jokes about him, but make sure you avoid his sensitive spots if you want to keep him smiling.
Quirky Humor
Aries is a fiercely independent sign and they tend to have problems with authority. An Aries man is a free-thinker and he likes people who aren’t afraid to stray from the norm.
This means that an Aries guy is quirky and he appreciates it when a woman has a unique sense of humor.
An Aries man will laugh at his own jokes, or his partner’s jokes, even when nobody else in the room thinks they are funny.
He loves it when a woman isn’t afraid to be herself, so don’t be afraid to tell a weird joke that other people might not understand when you’re with him.
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Inside Jokes
There is nothing an Aries man hates more than being ignored. He gets enraged when people exclude him because he takes it as a sign of disrespect.
If you make inside jokes with someone else in front of him, he will feel left out and angry because that’s what happens when you ignore an Aries man.
An Aries guy adores inside jokes because they make him feel included. They also help him form an intimate bond with the person sharing the joke.
When you want to make an Aries man laugh, say something to remind him of a funny experience you had alone together.
The more inside jokes you share with him, the closer you and your Aries man will become.
Funny Memes and Videos
You can make your Aries man laugh not only in person but also over the phone and on social media.
Try sending your Aries guy a hilarious text or leave a funny comment on his photos online.
If you want to know what kinds of texts to send an Aries man to make him laugh, you don’t even need to come up with your own jokes.
When you see a funny video or meme that reminds you of him, don’t think twice before sending it to your Aries guy.
This is sure to make him smile, not only because he enjoys the amusing content but because it shows you are thinking of him.
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Watch Comedy Films Together
When an Aries man loves you, he will want to share everything with you, including his sense of humor.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that he wants you to have the exact same sense of humor as he does, but he will want you to know what he thinks is funny and laugh along with him.
A great way to get to know one another’s comedic style is by taking turns choosing funny movies to watch together.
Ask him what his favorite comedy film is and surprise him by buying it or borrowing it from the library.
He will be thrilled when you start the movie and the opening scene of his funny recommendation begins. This will not only make him laugh but will also showcase your thoughtfulness.
When it’s your turn to pick the film, choose a comedy you like that you think your Aries guy will also enjoy.
It will help him get to know your sense of humor, and he will always associate that movie – and all of its funny, memorable one-liners – with you.
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