If you want to win back the heart of a Taurus man, you need to have a solid plan.
Will a Taurus man come back after a breakup? Yes, but it takes patience and strategy to get him back.
Will a Taurus man come back after no contact? He may, or he may not, but chasing him seldom works. If he’s going to return it needs to be on his terms.
At least, he needs to think it is on his terms. Often, a Taurus man disappears and comes back on his own when he’s ready. If you want him back after a breakup, give him space.
If you want to know how to get a Taurus man to forgive you, that can be a whole different story. Taurus men have difficulty trusting. They don’t forgive easily.
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1. Show Remorse
It takes two to make a relationship work, and it can take two to undermine it. If you know why he broke up with you, take responsibility for whatever aspect of the situation was your issue and show genuine remorse.
Taurus men are sensitive to deception. He’ll know when you’re just trying to change his mind but not being genuine. Be authentic and show your Taurus man that you regret whatever your contribution to the relationship conflict was.
This is not to say you have to take responsibility for all that went wrong. Even though a Taurus man may want you to do this. Be true to yourself, but also be honest and mature. Take responsibility and show remorse for what you did wrong. More importantly, show him you’ve learned and grown since then.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
2. Apologize
Rather than researching how to get revenge on a Taurus man, it is far better to just face up to what has gone wrong and apologize. For a Taurus man to feel comfortable, an apology needs to be a matter of words and actions.
Saying you are sorry and then continuing to do the same things that led to conflict in the past won’t be sufficient for him. Apologize through your actions as well as your words.
Why does a Taurus man keep coming back? When he leaves and comes back it could be because he’s truly in love with you and he knows the issues you’ve had as a couple can be resolved.
Sometimes he leaves and comes back because he just needed space and time to himself. He’s not always good at articulating his feelings when this is the case. A Taurus man who sees that you are genuinely sorry will also be encouraged to come back.
3. Be Humble
If you’re wondering how to get a Taurus man to miss you, you’ve got to first give him space. A lot of space, perhaps even more than you’re comfortable with. Be humble and patient, a lot of the process is just a waiting game.
Usually, just when you’re about to give up on a Taurus man and consider the relationship over, he comes back into your life. When you do interact with him, take a humble stance. Even if your feelings are hurt.
This can be difficult, but it will pay off in the end. Give him a chance to miss you and then show him that you aren’t going to overwhelm or dominate him when he returns.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Taurus man. →
4. Protect His Secrets
When a Taurus man breaks up with you, you may be tempted to air his dirty laundry and embarrass him. Don’t make this critical mistake. If you hurt his reputation or reveal his secrets, he’ll never come back.
Show your Taurus man that you have integrity and that you can be trusted. If you are stable, level-headed and consistent even when he breaks up with you, a Taurus man will reconsider the breakup.
He’ll see that you are a rare treasure. Someone who is loyal and true to your word even when your feelings are hurt. When he sees this, he’ll be encouraged to reconnect with you.
Breakups can be devastating and can bring out the worst in both people. Yet if you handle the breakup with respect for him and for yourself, a Taurus man will take this to mean you are mature, intelligent and reliable. He may soon regret leaving you.
5. Send Friendly Texts
After a breakup, wait a sufficient amount of time. This could be anywhere from a month to several months. Give him a chance to reach out if he’s going to. If he doesn’t, touch base with him. Send a friendly text message.
When a Taurus man misses you, he will come back to you. Yet he may do so in stages. The best way to see if he is going to change his mind is to take it slow and give him plenty of time to decide what he wants to do next. When you do finally reach out to him, keep your messages light and friendly.
Don’t pour your heart out to him. Don’t give ultimatums and certainly don’t dive right into asking him if you can have another chance to work things out. Instead, approach him casually, like he’s one of many friends that you are checking in with.
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6. Give Him a Gift
When a Taurus man goes quiet, you can entice him to come out of hiding with acts of generosity and kindness. This is a step that should be reserved for after you’ve both had time apart and when you are starting to converse again.
When you’ve re-established connection as friends, let things develop for a while and then reach out and offer him a gift. To a Taurus man, gifts are a display of love and affection. Taurus men have a materialistic side.
In the early stages of trying to reconnect with him, don’t overdo it. A gift that is too expensive or high value may make him feel pressured. Instead, opt for something small but meaningful. Perhaps something special to him or a reference to an inside joke.
7. Prove Your Status
Some of the most powerful tactics for getting a Taurus man back have nothing at all to do with him and are instead about you. When you want to impress him and get his attention, focus on creating success in your own life.
Taurus men can’t help but be drawn to power and status. Show him you’re climbing the corporate ladder. If you run a business, post online about how successful your business is or how much you are growing.
When you leave clues about your status, advancement, career success and progress like breadcrumbs, your Taurus man will take notice. Drop these hints online or in conversation with him.
Is your Taurus man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Taurus back in. →
8. Entice Him with Food
When your Taurus ex starts to become more responsive, for instance when he’s texting you more frequently and becoming more consistent in your life again, cook for him. Taurus men are easily enticed with food.
This should not be among your first strategies, though. The goal is to work gradually and form a relationship again that starts as a friendship and grows into more. When you’re ready to get together for a visit, invite him to your place and cook his favorite meal.
You can also invite him out to dinner among other friends, to reassure him that there is no pressure. If you pick his favorite place to eat or a restaurant that serves his favorite foods, he’ll be disarmed and relaxed. He’ll associate all the good vibes he’s feeling with the connection to you.
9. Reminisce
If you think of getting a Taurus man back as a process that occurs in phases, this step should be saved for the final phase. The first few times you text with him, don’t wax nostalgic. It’s too soon and he’ll interpret this as pressure.
When you’ve established a solid friendship with him, and when you can tell he’s relaxed around you, then you can more openly reminisce about the past. Start slowly and make this a gradual process.
If he changes the subject immediately when you mention the past, drop it. Don’t keep bringing it up. He is not ready and may need more time or may be sending you a signal that he’s not interested in revisiting romance.
A tiny trick to snatch your Taurus man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
10. Put Him on a Pedestal
A tactic you can use at any step in the process is to put a Taurus man on a pedestal. When you show him that you admire his work or appearance in particular, you’ll melt his heart. Taurus men secretly crave admiration.
They pretend to be rock solid and unmoved by others’ opinions, but this is not the case. In reality, a Taurus man needs to see that you are looking up to him or that you see him as a respectable authority in his work.
He also needs to feel attractive. When you play to his vanity, you can more easily nurture a reconnection with him. A Taurus man will be more likely to soften up and if he has residual feelings for you, he’ll start to act on them.
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