When a Leo man is done with you, he makes it clear. He doesn’t like to lead you on or give false hope.
He tries giving hints, and when that doesn’t work, he openly shows you he doesn’t like you.
A Leo man has direct and passive-aggressive ways to show you when he’s finished with you. He tries being subtle initially.
You can miss the signs if you don’t understand his unique personality and astrological profile. You may chase a Leo man without realizing he is no longer into you.
A Leo man can be overt when he shows you he is done with the relationship. You must know the signs he has moved on.
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1. He Goes Quiet
How do you know when a Leo man is done with you? When a Leo man is over a relationship, he pulls away. He goes quiet and can be less engaged than usual. He can be detached and becomes more aloof.
Your Leo man shuts down and stops texting you. You may reach out to him repeatedly and make excuses for the reason he is not replying to you. Leo men avoid responding to your messages.
You can tell a Leo man has lost interest in you when he stops trying to get your attention. He usually checks in with you and texts you frequently when he likes you.
But when he goes quiet, he has lost his connection with you. He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings and hopes you get the hint. He may also wait for you to make an ultimatum and use this as an excuse to break up with you.
How long can a Leo man go without talking to you? When he likes you, he can be chatty and text or call you frequently. He touches base with you throughout the day.
This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you. →
2. He Embarrasses You
A Leo man can resort to more hurtful passive-aggressive behavior if you are undeterred when he goes quiet. He says and does things to embarrass you if he is over the relationship.
When a Leo man is done with you, he may criticize or reveal secrets that humiliate you. He’s trying to turn you off and make you want to break up with him. He may be resentful over a perceived slight.
Leo men are image-conscious and save face when they are upset. Yet when a Leo man does something to embarrass you, it is never a good sign. He is showing you he doesn’t want to be with you anymore.
If you want to know how to make a Leo man regret losing you, show him you have too much self-respect to tolerate being mistreated. Let him know you won’t tolerate him embarrassing you if you may lose him.
If you know how to make a Leo man feel guilty for hurting you, but your tactics don’t make him remorseful, he may be done with you. Your Leo man is showing you he no longer cares.
3. He Stops Being Nice
In addition to embarrassing you, a Leo man stops being nice when he is done with you. He stops putting effort into the relationship and no longer compliments you.
He stops doing nice things for you. Leo men in love build you up with compliments and constantly surprise you with gifts. When done with you, a Leo man stops these gestures of affection and love.
He shows you he is no longer interested in you when his interactions change. He no longer greets you with a hug. He stops making your favorite meals.
All the pleasant ways a Leo man shows you he cares about you cease gradually. He stops being chivalrous and no longer encourages your dreams. He treats you like a roommate instead of a romantic interest.
Does a Leo man regret losing you? He only misses you after a breakup. He can take you for granted and stops being as compassionate when he’s done with you.
When a Leo man disappears and comes back, he needed space to sort out his thoughts. But when he wants to end the relationship he stops treating you like a Queen.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Leo man. →
4. He Shuts Down
A Leo man shuts down when over you. He stops putting effort into the relationship. You can tell a Leo man is done with you when he acts distant.
A Leo man stops showing you he cares by being affectionate and spending hours talking to you. He conceals his feelings and hides his passions.
You can feel the turning point in a relationship with a Leo man when he becomes cold. You may sense a change in his attitude toward you because he doesn’t act warm and generous to you.
If you’re wondering, will a Leo man stalk you after a breakup, he keeps an eye on you if he regrets his decision. But when he’s ready to leave you, he becomes aloof and ignores you.
5. He Makes Excuses
When a Leo man is done with you, he comes up with excuses to avoid seeing you. He may be busy with work and family life, but a Leo man who loves you makes time for you.
He misses you after not seeing you for a few days and can’t wait to spend time with you again. But when the passions die out in a relationship, a Leo man runs out of steam and makes up reasons to be unavailable when you call.
If a Leo man is always too busy to talk to you, he’s showing you a red flag. He is backing away from you and trying to let you down. A Leo man with excuses to avoid spending time with you has lost his connection.
A Leo man who can’t make a date on Friday tries to schedule dinner with you on Saturday. But if he turns down an invitation to see you without attempting to reschedule for a better time, your Leo man is showing you he doesn’t want to be with you anymore.
One of the signs a Leo man is using you is when he makes excuses to avoid seeing you but only comes around when he wants something. Sometimes Leo men hold on to a relationship to keep a sexual connection.
But if his love has died and he’s only sticking around for intimacy, your Leo man shows signs he’s not interested. He stops showing up to support you and spend time with you when sex is not involved.
Is your Leo man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Leo back in. →
6. He Acts Angry
Leo men can be passionate, and try to channel their energy toward achieving their goals. But when a Leo man acts cranky and agitated, he lost patience with you.
An increasingly angry Leo man shows you he is done with the relationship. He no longer tries to work through his frustrations with you. He lashes out rather than trying to see your perspective.
Leo men are optimistic and prefer being cheerful. But if he is ready to break up with you, a Leo man’s angry and agitated side becomes more prevalent. He can become resentful when done with you.
When a Leo man is mad at you for no reason, he’s showing you he is burned out from the relationship. He is on the verge of ending the relationship when he loses his temper frequently.
7. He’s Passive-Aggressive
A Leo man can become passive-aggressive when close to breaking up with you. Leo men may be reluctant to end a relationship. They question whether the relationship will improve.
If a Leo man wonders if your relationship will get better, he may try to hang on but can be increasingly frustrated. He doesn’t want to show his anger and scare you away, but he’s lost his patience.
He becomes passive-aggressive as a way of giving you hints that he’s losing interest in the relationship. He may not want to end things yet, but he’s close to being done with you if he makes sarcastic, underhanded comments.
Why do Leo men cheat? You can trust a Leo man to be loyal until he loses his passion for you in a relationship. When the relationship doesn’t fuel his need for attention, he can be susceptible to cheating.
He may cheat to sabotage the relationship as a passive-aggressive way to show he’s done with you. A Leo man may also cheat when he wants a temporary self-esteem boost.
Is your Leo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
8. He’s Always Busy
A Leo man who fills his schedule with commitments and never has time for you is giving you a hint. You can tell a Leo man is done with you when he is too busy for you.
When a Leo man is always running out the door or busy with meetings and other engagements, you are no longer his priority. If he’s not paying attention to you regularly he is not interested in the relationship.
Your Leo man is done with you if you notice he is too busy to call you back or have a date with you. You can tell he’s lost his passion for you when he is excited to see other friends but doesn’t make time for you.
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