You don’t need to share the exact same sense of humor to know how to make a Taurus man laugh.
You only have to understand what he likes and what makes him smile.
Each zodiac sign has a unique sense of humor. Some enjoy dark, dry comedy while others like slapstick, physical humor.
So, how can you tell your Taurus man’s comedic preferences? You don’t want to offend him by making the wrong kinds of jokes and hurting his feelings instead of making him chuckle.
By learning more about his sign’s typical personality traits and psychological characteristics, you will be able to have your Taurus guy crying with laughter.
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Watch Comedy Movies With Him
Being a homebody is one of the typical Taurus personality traits. While Taureans are usually quite popular and enjoy spending time with friends, there is nothing they love more than being in their own environment.
A Taurus man likes to keep his house clean and tidy, and he surrounds himself with his favorite, luxurious things like soft blankets and elegant wall art.
One of the best ways to make your Taurus man laugh is to snuggle up on the couch at his place together with some snacks and ask him to show you his favorite comedy movies.
Set a movie night once a week or month and take turns choosing funny films or TV shows to watch together.
He will enjoy sharing his taste in funny movies with you and will enjoy getting to know yours, and you will have some belly-aching laughs together along the way.
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Take Him to a Live Comedy Show
A Taurus man is passionate about spending quality time with the people he loves the most. Unfortunately, he is a super busy guy and often can’t spend as much time as he would like with the people he cares about.
A Taurus guy has a strong work ethic and is generally well-liked. Between his many work and social obligations, it’s no wonder that he can’t carve out enough time for all of the people he likes.
You can make your Taurus man laugh and create an experience he’ll never forget by buying tickets to a comedy show and surprising him by inviting all of his friends and family to join you.
He will be shocked when he sees all of his favorite people at the comedy club or venue, and you will have him smiling and laughing before a single joke is told.
When you give him the gift of a night out full of laughter, surrounded by his family and friends, he will be very touched and grateful.
Don’t Make Jokes at His Expense
A Taurus guy is typically easy-going and laid-back, but at the same time, he takes himself very seriously.
Some zodiac signs enjoy playful banter with their loved ones that involves making fun of each other, but Taurus is not one of those signs.
A Taurus man in love doesn’t want his partner making jokes about him, no matter how funny or accurate they are.
If you want to know how to handle a Taurus man, never laugh at him or cut him down in an attempt at humor.
Giving him sincere compliments is a much better way to make him smile, and you should stick to other forms of humor when you want to make him giggle.
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Don’t Make Fun of People
Just as a Taurus guy doesn’t like it when you poke fun at him, he doesn’t find it particularly funny or attractive when you make fun of other people.
A Taurus man is loyal and he will take your side against your enemies, but that doesn’t mean he wants to hear you constantly putting other people down or make jokes at their expense.
What a Taurus man wants to hear are jokes that are funny without hurting anyone. Even if they can’t hear you, he doesn’t like it when you joke unkindly about others.
The Taurus motto is if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. Resist the urge to poke fun at other people and find something else to laugh about with your Taurus guy instead.
Tell Witty Jokes
Taurus men are often highly intelligent and they may come off as quiet because they are always thinking and choose their words carefully.
When a Taurus guy tells a joke, he has usually thought it through first. He believes it’s all about the quality of what you say, now how often you speak.
He enjoys a woman with a clever, witty sense of humor, so you can make him laugh and draw him to you by making intelligent jokes.
Use puns and wordplay that showcase your brilliance, and watch how his face lights up when you come up with a particularly witty quip.
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Send Him Funny Memes and Videos
Taurus men aren’t usually attached to their cell phones because they like focusing on whatever is in front of them in the real world.
But this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still text your Taurus man or communicate with him over social media. He likes knowing you’re thinking about him, even when he’s not with you.
You can show him how much you care and make him laugh by sending him hilarious videos and images you come across online.
If you see something that you think will get a laugh out of him, don’t hesitate to text it or message it to his social media accounts.
He is a busy guy, so giving him the opportunity to think about you and laugh at something you sent him when you’re not together is a sure way to endear yourself to him and make his day.
Give Him a Hilarious Book
Taurus men like smart women and they are attracted to people who can push them to better themselves.
If you want to know how to attract a Taurus man, show off both your sense of humor and your intelligence by giving him a hilarious book.
Choose a literary work by one of your favorite famous comedians or personalities and buy him a copy. You’ll get extra points with your Taurus guy if you write a sweet, witty note to him on the inside cover.
This will not only broaden his horizons and help encourage him to read when he has some downtime, but it will make him laugh and help him get to know your sense of humor.
If you don’t have the extra cash to buy him the book, check it out from the library and take turns reading funny passages to one another before bed.
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Don’t Use Gross Humor
Too often, women make the mistake of trying to look cool or relatable to men by using gross humor.
But a Taurus man is not impressed by dirty toilet humor. He likes an effeminate woman who refrains from cracking immature jokes about bodily functions.
The best match for a Taurus man is a woman with a sophisticated sense of humor. He doesn’t need you to be “one of the guys” or try to fit in with his masculine buddies by making gross jokes.
Use an elevated and refined sense of humor when you’re with your Taurus guy, and you will impress him much more than by making jokes about farting or burping.
Don’t Make Rude Jokes
Each zodiac sign is guided by a particular heavenly body or planet that tells us something significant about that sign’s personality.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, money, and beauty. Venus’s influence makes Taureans a bit superficial and obsessed with appearances.
If you are wondering, “Who is Taurus attracted to?” The answer is a woman who knows how to present herself well at all times.
He doesn’t like it when his partner makes rude or offensive jokes in the company of others. He wants a woman who carries herself with class and decorum in every situation.
You should refrain from cracking jokes that could come across as insulting or disrespectful when you’re with your Taurus guy, especially in front of other people.
He might laugh to help lighten the mood and smooth over an awkward moment, but rude jokes make him uncomfortable and embarrass him.
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When a Taurus man loves a woman, he wants to not only be her romantic partner but also her partner in life.
He loves bonding activities and creating special moments together that are just for the two of you. He also loves inside jokes and sharing funny memories with his partner.
When he makes sexy little jokes in front of others that only you would understand, it’s one of the signs a Taurus man is sexually attracted to you.
You should strive to make inside jokes with your Taurus guy, even in front of others, but don’t make it obvious that you’re sharing a private moment and make others feel excluded.
Sharing private jokes with your Taurus guy is a sure way to make him laugh and draw him closer to you.
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