Talking with a Taurus man can be confusing at times. Sometimes he’s social and he likes to talk. Other times not so much.
When he is being social, though, it’s hard to think of topics to discuss with him.
Three topics you can always talk about with Taurus are food, nature, and art. He likely has many interests that fall into those categories. If you’re struggling for a topic, choose one of these.
Be honest and straightforward when talking to Taurus. He doesn’t have time to play games. He doesn’t like being lied to. He hates small talk.
As far as body language goes, don’t be afraid to act comfortable with him. He won’t mind if you stand close to him while you’re talking. He also won’t mind if you touch his arm.
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Eye Contact
Eye contact is important to Taurus. It is one of the ways he connects with people.
If you can, maintain eye contact with him while you two are speaking. This will let him know that you’re listening and that you’re actively engaged in the conversation.
Some people believe that eyes are “the window to the soul” and Taurus is often one of these people. He might think he can tell how honest somebody is being just by looking into their eyes.
If you notice a Taurus is avoiding eye contact, pay attention to that. He sometimes does this if he doesn’t want somebody to know how he’s feeling. He might also do this if he has a crush and is feeling shy.
If you’re trying to get romantic with Taurus, gaze deeply into his eyes. He’s a total romantic at heart and he’ll love getting lost in your eyes.
A tiny trick to snatch your Taurus man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Body Language
Keep your body language relaxed. If you are tense or your body language seems aggressive in any way, it’s going to put Taurus on edge.
He doesn’t mind when people invade his space a little bit. He’ll stand close to somebody while he’s talking to them so don’t worry if you two are shoulder-to-shoulder while you’re chatting.
Feel free to touch his arm or his knee while you’re talking. He enjoys physical affection, even if you two aren’t that close. He won’t read too much into a friendly pat on the shoulder.
If you want to know how to comfort a Taurus man when he’s upset, make sure your body language is comforting and relaxing. If you’re tense, he’s not going to feel better no matter what you say.
Text Messaging
You’ll want to learn how to talk to a Taurus man through text. A Taurus man’s texting style can be confusing and erratic at times so it’ll take some getting used to.
His texts are often short and sweet. Even if he is chatty over text at times, don’t get too used to it. He’s likely to ghost suddenly and not text you back for days at a time.
Keep your text messages to him light in nature. This is the key to knowing how to text a Taurus man. He’ll shy away from anything too intense or emotional.
You can flirt with him via text. You can be silly and send him jokes. Just don’t try to get too deep with him in a text conversation.
He might also enjoy sending pictures back and forth, rather than actually having a conversation. If that’s his style, just go with it! You’ll be able to talk to him in person.
This magic will make your Taurus man want a relationship with you. →
Listen to Him
It’s not always easy to get a Taurus man to talk about his feelings. If he does start opening up to you, make sure you listen.
Make sure you are actively listening. This means maintaining eye contact but it also involves more than that.
Verbally acknowledge that you hear him. Ask questions or offer encouragement. Nod along with what he’s saying.
Show him that you’re listening too. Face him, lean into him, and put away your phone so you can focus on him.
If he sees that you’re truly listening to him, he’ll appreciate it. He’ll also be more likely to listen when you need him to.
Be Sexy
Flirting is part of a Taurus man’s communication style. He’s not always being serious so don’t assume he likes you just because he’s flirting.
Don’t be afraid to flirt with him. He’s not going to take it too seriously, especially if you keep things light and fun.
Smile at him. Bat your eyes a little. Adopt a flirtatious tone. Even if you’re just friends, it’s fun to flirt! He’ll have a great time and so will you.
If you do want to show Taurus you’re interested in him, you can make the flirting more intense. Be sexy instead of light. Throw in some innuendo and show him you’re serious about it.
If you’re in a relationship, don’t stop flirting with him! He’ll love it when you’re flirtatious and sexy, even if you two are just hanging out at home.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Taurus man. →
Be Open & Honest
If you want to know how to communicate effectively with a Taurus man, just be honest. Be yourself. Don’t try to be somebody you’re not just to impress him.
What a Taurus man wants to hear is the truth. He’ll know if you’re pretending to like something to make him like you. Even if he can’t tell you’re lying right away, he’ll figure it out later on and stop trusting what you say to him.
Be yourself while you’re talking to him. This is especially important if you’re just getting to know one another. If Taurus senses any dishonesty from you, he’s likely to just ghost.
If he asks your opinion about something, tell him your honest opinion. If you think he might not like it, share it anyway. He asked. You can be nice about it but don’t lie.
Talk About Food
The best way to start a conversation with a Taurus man is to start talking about food. It’s honestly one of his favorite things to discuss!
There are so many ways you can incorporate food into a conversation. It’s a huge topic. There are countless ways you can have a food-related conversation.
Ask him about his favorite restaurants and tell him about ones you like as well. Ask if he watches any cooking shows. Strike up a conversation about the ones you both watch.
If he cooks or bakes, ask about his favorite recipes. You can share some of your own if you also cook/bake. If you don’t, you can ask him for tips.
Share your favorite cooking blog or recipe book with him. You can even talk about how good the food looks in your favorite animated film. The possibilities are endless.
Use these secrets to make your Taurus man love you (they work like magic) →
Talk About Nature
Taurus loves nature and the outdoors. This is another topic you can bring up if you’re looking for something to talk about.
He probably does at least one outdoor activity, like hiking, swimming, or skiing. You’ll be able to easily figure out if he enjoys any of these things if you just ask what he does for fun. He’ll happily share his interests with you.
Use the local area as a conversation starter. For example, if you live near the beach, ask if he likes to go often. Talk about the last time you went and share some photos.
Ask if he likes to garden. Ask what his favorite animal is. Talk about your favorite flowers. Nature is another topic you can get a lot out of.
Talk About Art
Taurus appreciates beauty in life. This is one of the reasons he loves nature. This means he also likes art.
The exact type of art he likes is going to vary. Each individual Taurus is different. The fun part is figuring out what he likes and doesn’t like.
Start by asking if he does anything creative, such as painting or playing an instrument. If you do something creative, show him! He’ll love being able to see some beautiful art while learning more about you.
Ask him who his favorite musician is. Share some music you like with him and ask for recommendations from him as well.
Have a discussion about local artists in the area. If there’s an art museum nearby, ask him if he wants to go.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Taurus man (they work like magic) →
Be Straightforward
A Taurus man’s communication style is often to the point. He doesn’t like to beat around the bush.
He’s not as blunt as Virgo man or Capricorn man but he’s still straightforward. He’s honest, sometimes to a fault.
He doesn’t have time for small talk so don’t bother. You don’t need to go through a whole process to start a conversation with him. Just start one! If you have something to ask him, just ask.
If you need to discuss something important with him, be upfront about that. Tell him you need to have a serious conversation with him and tell him why.
He doesn’t like to get “we need to talk” texts. He also doesn’t want to be blindsided by a serious topic when you two have just been having a casual conversation.
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