Signs a Taurus man likes you can be hard to read at first. You have to look for specific clues to know if a Taurus man is interested or just friendly.
To know if he likes you, you have to understand his communication style.
To see the signs a Taurus man likes you through text, you’ve got to understand his baseline. Taurus men are efficient. They only pay attention to what they value.
Even if he only texts you a few words each day, it could still be a sign he likes you. When a Taurus man likes you, it may still seem like he’s doing the minimum to show it.
More than words, body language when a Taurus man likes you is a bigger predictor of his intentions. He’ll mostly show subtle signs when a Taurus man likes you.
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1. He Ditches His Ex
Signs a Taurus man is sexually attracted to you don’t mean that he likes you necessarily. He can separate sexual and romantic interests. Yet a clear sign a Taurus man likes you is when he discontinues contact with his ex.
When a Taurus man is ready to move on, he makes it clear. He fully pulls up stakes and closes the door on the past. He may even set a firm boundary by ghosting someone completely. If that person is his ex, it’s a good sign he’s ready to clear the slate.
This can mean he’s either really mad at her and willing to lock the door and throw away the key, or that he’s ready for new love. If he’s ready for a new romance, it’s possible that his attraction to you is the catalyst that leads him to shut her out for good.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Taurus man. →
Count on a Taurus man testing you. He’ll usually do this by interacting with you on social media. At first it will just look friendly. He’ll comment on your posts.
But if you notice your Taurus love interest is commenting on all your posts and also frequently giving you a “heart” reaction rather than just a “thumbs up,” it can mean he’s catching feelings for you.
Taurus men use their time and energy wisely. They don’t like to talk for the sake of talking and this is true of their social media posting as well. If he takes the time to regularly comment and react, he’s seriously into you.
3. He Offers Advice
How do you know if a Taurus man likes you through texting? This can be hard to discern, since body language is key in reading his signals. A safe bet, however, is that if a Taurus man shows you two key behaviors, he likes you.
First, he’ll text you frequently and regularly, even if he says only a few words. Second, he’ll text you advice. If a Taurus man frequently offers you advice through text or conversation, it can be a sign he likes you.
Taurus men are generous and nurturing to those they care about. When he likes you, he’ll not only want to genuinely help you out in practical ways, he’ll also want to impress you by showing off how smart, handy and resourceful he can be.
One sign a Taurus man just wants to be friends is when he’s kind and helpful when it’s convenient for him but he doesn’t go out of his way. When he likes you, he’ll check in on you and make sure you have everything you need. He’ll offer suggestions and go to lengths to help you with things.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
4. He Supports Your Career
One of the common but underappreciated signs a Taurus man likes you is when he shows support for your career path. You may think he’s just being friendly or trying to mentor you, but a Taurus man overidentifies with work and career. When he likes you, he’ll try to help you succeed.
He may make introductions to influential people in his network, for example. He won’t do this for just anybody. A Taurus man values his reputation above most other things and he will only get involved in promoting your work if he really cares.
He may also help you develop your career skills. Though it may seem like he’s acting like a friend, this may be an indicator he wants you to succeed because he can envision a future together with you.
5. He Follows You
When a Taurus man misses you, you may not know it at first. He doesn’t openly profess his feelings. Yet he’ll become more motivated to take initiative when he likes you. He may start to actively follow you on several social media platforms.
If he’s local, he may actually follow you in person. He’ll be discreet about it. He won’t want you to think he’s pursuing you. Yet he’ll suddenly show up at the same places you like to go.
If he knows where you work out, you’ll see him suddenly appear at your gym. He may stop by the specialty grocery store that he knows you like to go to. These encounters will seem random but it won’t be a coincidence.
Taurus men are observant and if he suddenly begins to show up at your favorite places, it’s a good indicator he’s trying to run in to you. This is one of the signs he likes you.
Is your Taurus man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Taurus back in. →
6. He Invites You for Drinks
A Taurus man who is ready to take bold steps to show he likes you will actually invite you out. At first he may not phrase it as a “date.” Instead, he may describe the outing as just for drinks or for coffee in the afternoon.
He’ll try to act casual and give you the impression he’s just trying to get to know you better. He is just trying to get to know you, but what he doesn’t outwardly tell you is it’s because he’s evaluating whether you’d work well together romantically.
He may try to initiate “safe” dates that are emotionally neutral and not overtly romantic. This gives him a chance to test you and see if he should go further to pursue you.
7. He Checks In
When a Taurus man doesn’t like you, he won’t initiate contact, at all. He’s too efficient and practical to invest time and energy in someone he’s not interested in. If he’s not interested, he sees no point in being nice as a formality.
Yet if he does like you, he’ll check in regularly. It can be confusing yet also endearing. Confusing because he’ll act interested but not really talk about his feelings. Endearing, because he will usually text to check in with you.
When a Taurus man likes you, he may check in with you every morning, evening or both. He’ll give you a full report of all the events of his day. He may not come out and ask, but he expects you to do the same.
This magic will make your Taurus man want a relationship with you. →
8. He Acts Possessive
One of the more obvious signs a Taurus man likes you is when he starts to act possessive. This doesn’t always bring out the best in his nature, but it does give you a good idea of what his feelings are. He’ll start to assume control over you in subtle or obvious ways.
For instance, he’ll start to weigh in on your decisions and share his opinions. If you don’t agree, he’ll be more obviously hurt. He’ll start to act like an overprotective parent. Rather than respecting your independent decisions, he may become overbearing.
A Taurus man may go from acting like he wants to see you more frequently to acting demanding of your time. He may assume you’re going to spend all your free time with him or speak in possessive terms, saying things like “you’re mine.”
9. He Gets Jealous
When a Taurus man likes you, another unfavorable but obvious sign he’ll show is that he’ll get jealous. At first he may keep his jealousy to himself. He may become upset if you pay attention to another man, but he’ll let his feelings simmer.
Eventually, he may become more open about his insecurities. He may even project his jealousy onto you and accuse you of betraying him when you did no such thing. Sometimes, he’ll do this even if you’re not actually a couple yet.
When a Taurus man likes you, his jealous side comes through as a side effect of his possessive nature. He can become insecure and anxious about your friendships with other men and even your relationship with male colleagues.
Use these secrets to make your Taurus man love you (they work like magic) →
10. He Pays for Dinner
When a Taurus man likes you, he’ll invest in you. One of the simplest ways he’ll do this is by paying for dinner when you go out together. Not only is he traditional, but he also is programmed to put his money where his heart is.
He pays for what he cares about, be it education, a home, a car or nurturing a relationship. You’ll also see evidence he likes you when he invests in you in other ways. For instance, he’ll buy you expensive gifts.
Taurus men can be materialistic. This doesn’t always mean greedy. At the least, it means he conveys his feelings and intentions through exchange of material things. Giving gifts, paying for dinner, and finding ways to contribute to your comfort and security are all signs he likes you.
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