Looking for signs that an Aries man likes you is essential if you hope to deepen your connection with him.
Of course, that means knowing what you are looking for. Perhaps it’s time to become an amateur private detective?
Figuring out anyone’s intentions or true feelings is never particularly easy.
This is especially the case for Aries men, with their strong personalities and independent attitude.
Luckily, there are several things you can watch out for to help secure the results you want.
First, you need to know if his actions and attitudes mean he’s simply your friend or if there’s something more.
You may be surprised by how easy it is to understand what’s really going on once you know what to look for.
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1. Protective
When he acts very protectively, it’s a reliable sign that an Aries man is really into you. Remember, the Aries sun sign is all about control, so the men born under it like to step up and take over.
The ram may represent him, but Aries men are more like watchful sheepdogs. He’ll be there to protect you from danger or from anyone who doesn’t treat you well. They also like to open doors or help you get seated in a restaurant.
It’s essential to clarify that this protective behavior isn’t about control, so there’s nothing sinister to worry about. On the contrary, when an Aries man respects you, he automatically becomes protective.
So, what should you be watching for? If you notice that he’s the first to help you carry something heavy or volunteers to walk ahead on a hike to look out for snakes, you are getting there.
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2. Curious
Whether you just met or already know an Aries man you are interested in, think carefully about any social interactions you’ve shared. Does he invest time and effort in getting to know you?
Aries men are born curious, so it’s natural for them to gather information; however, things change gear when he’s motivated by something more than politeness.
Then your conversations will go beyond the standard topics touching on demographic data, like your job or home state.
This tactic is such an established approach that it’s one of the key signs a shy Aries man likes you. Yes, even a retiring, tongue-tied guy will feel compelled to learn about your dreams, goals, and expectations from life.
This makes perfect sense, right? Curiosity is a clever way to determine if you could match well in the long term, To see if you share the same ambitions and attitudes that could blend to make a great team.
3. Affectionate
So, chatting is excellent, debates can be stimulating, and sharing memories might lead to making some of your own. Of course, all these experiences are amazing, but it’s a well-known fact that Aries men love language.
Exploit this by looking beyond obvious conversations where he’s fishing for general information to get to know you. Instead, listen for signs of verbal affection.
Examples include developing pet names or nicknames for you both, gentle teasing, and the use of softer language.
You can also identify affection through observing body language, so be aware of things that could subconsciously signal his interest in you. Some are more obvious than others, but they all reveal the same thing.
Take note of how close he gets to you. A basic sign of interest involves being or moving closer to someone than you usually would.
Eye contact is another sure sign of affection. Holding your gaze or being unable to tear his eyes away – wherever you are in the room are dead giveaways.
Use these secrets to make your Aries man love you (they work like magic) →
4. Tactile
Not everyone is wired to feel comfortable being physically close to others. This is especially true when it involves acquaintances or strangers. However, when he likes someone, an Aries man is more than happy to be tactile.
In an established couple, Aries men enjoy holding hands, or other mild public displays of affection, because touch is a crucial opportunity for them to connect. But, on the other hand, an Aries man likes nothing better than showing off his girl.
All kinds of tactile behavior are excellent clues that an Aries man has romantic feelings for you. Don’t worry, though, though he’ll take a more subtle approach in the early stages.
Hugs when greeting each other is one way an Aries man reveals his interest in someone. Non-threatening brushing of hands or arms during casual chats is another.
5. Generosity
While Aries men are by no means stingy, they ramp up their generosity when they’re especially interested in someone.
Perhaps she triggers that Aries alpha male need to show off, but being generous isn’t about him trying to buy affection. It’s simply a caring gesture.
Aries men sometimes struggle to say the right thing when they want to make a good impression. For example, if an Aries man just wants to be friends, he can be a real chatterbox but be suddenly shy when trying to catch the attention of someone special.
One way an Aries man gets past this is to make sure his actions speak louder than words. Generous gestures are an excellent tool to show his interest, and they don’t need to be over the top.
You know an Aries man likes you when he does certain things. Like bringing you flowers for no particular reason, insisting you have the last slice of pie, or putting together a care package when you’re feeling a little blue.
This magic will make your Aries man want a relationship with you. →
6. Romantic
Aries men are sometimes criticized for being a little selfish and self-centered. However, underneath all that surface, bluff and bluster beats the heart of a true romantic. It’s those romantic gestures that signal an Aries man has a crush on you.
You shouldn’t be surprised when he sends flowers to welcome you back from vacation. When an Aries man misses you, he likes to make a memorable gesture. That’s pretty smart, as it sure makes him stand out.
The more intense these romantic gestures become, the deeper he’s falling for you, which makes it a valuable way to gauge his feelings.
Romantic picnics might morph into candle-lit dinners, single flowers into bouquets, and token gifts into extravagant boxes of candy.
Don’t let his somewhat clichéd approach to romance put you off. Aries men may lack imagination in this department, but their intentions are one hundred percent genuine. A romantic Aries man is an obsessed man.
7. Consistent
Forget about guys who say one thing then do another. Don’t put up with men who mess you around by being attentive one day and vague the next. When an Aries man likes you, he’ll be consistent in what he thinks, says, and does.
When an Aries man is interested in someone, he is not a game player, but he does like to make his intentions clear. Don’t be surprised if he breaks some traditional rules to make sure this does happen.
Throw away the rulebook about rationing texts and playing hard to get because Aries men certainly will. Their only goal is to win you over and make you happy.
A tiny trick to snatch your Aries man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
8. Attentive
Aries men are known for being friendly and outgoing. They are social butterflies and love being around lots of people; most of the time. However, things change a little when an Aries man likes someone romantically.
Instead of flitting between a dozen people at a party, an Aries man will be much more attentive when there’s someone he likes on the scene.
So what does it mean when an Aries man stares at you? Well, it’s nothing sinister; he’s probably evaluating the possibilities for his next move.
Remember, when an Aries man likes you, he wants to avoid doing something to spoil things.
Sometimes his focus on being attentive may seem a bit much or more like possessive behavior. Unfortunately, that’s a negative point you’ll have to tackle if and when it comes up.
To be fair to an Aries man, it’s better to be honest if you are not interested, and he becomes very attentive. He’ll appreciate that.
9. Loyal
Loyal behavior is one of the signs an Aries man secretly likes you. This is meaningful because those born under this sun sign are fickle when they are not emotionally invested in someone.
But boy, do things change when his interest is piqued, and she captures his heart. That makes it worth looking out for loyal gestures, but what exactly might these look like? To Aries men, loyalty can involve both words and actions.
When an Aries man likes you, he’ll defend your name and your corner. We’ll keep your secrets, no matter what you have to hide, just as he keeps those of others.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Aries man (they work like magic) →
10. Impatient
Aries men are used to making things happen. They see what they want and then devise strategies to make sure they get it. Like now! Although their impatient streak is not something to boast about, it kicks in big-time when they like someone.
There’s no room for uncertainty when an Aries man is fuelled with intrigue and admiration. If an Aries man likes you romantically, he’ll not take it slowly.
If he could turn the days back and get what he wants by yesterday, that would be his dream!
The phrase “swept off your feet” has never been more true than when a determined Aries man pursues you.
Or, to put it another way, an Aries man’s eye contact is so intense it’s like lasers are burning his intentions onto your brain.
Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries men naturally take on the role of the trailblazer. He doesn’t have time to waste, so he will make his move quickly, and you’ll not doubt that he means it.
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