If your Scorpio guy in your life has done you wrong, you may be wondering, how does a Scorpio man apologize?
This stubborn sign is so unused to giving an apology that perhaps you missed it.
Every zodiac sign has distinct personality traits, including how they say they are sorry.
So, does a Scorpio man grovel at your feet and beg for forgiveness when he hurts you, or does he show you how sorry he is through his actions, or something else?
By understanding his sign’s unique characteristics, you will learn how a Scorpio man apologizes.
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He Apologizes Reluctantly

Scorpios are proud and hate admitting when they are wrong. They will go so far as to convince themselves that they are correct so that they don’t have to apologize.
They hate taking the blame for anything and never want to concede to someone else.
If you ever get an apology from a Scorpio man, it will probably be reluctant, even if he knows how wrong he is.
If he is quick to tell you he’s sorry, it’s one of the rarest signs a Scorpio man likes you.
Don’t take it personally when he drags his heels about apologizing or waits a long time to tell you how sorry he is. Scorpios dislike apologizing so intensely that you’re lucky you’re getting an apology at all.
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He Apologizes Rarely

A Scorpio man rarely takes the blame for anything, and even if he does he still might not apologize.
Scorpios are reluctant to apologize because they are innately controlling and perfectionistic. They don’t want to admit, even to themselves, that they have made a mistake or done something wrong.
Even when he knows he messed up and can admit it to himself, it’s harder for him to say he is sorry to the person he has wronged.
If you are wondering how to tell if a Scorpio man really loves you, it’s a good sign when he chooses to put his ego aside and tell you he’s sorry.
Don’t gloat over his apology because if you do, you might not get another one in the future.
If you want to know how to make a Scorpio man fall in love with you, accept his apology graciously and calmly, and never bring it up again.
He Tries To Shift The Blame

The first thing a Scorpio man does when he has been accused of wrongdoing is to assess whether or not he can shift the blame to someone else.
Scorpios are intelligent and calculated, so he can think this through so quickly that you won’t even notice he’s doing it.
He will likely find a way to turn the blame around on his accuser, and if that doesn’t work, he will look for someone else to shoulder the blame instead.
Don’t fall for it when a Scorpio man tries to point the finger back at you. Hold your ground and remember why he owes you an apology in the first place.
If he immediately tries to make you question yourself instead of apologizing, it’s one of the signs a Scorpio man is playing you.
Don’t let him steer you in the wrong direction and go looking for someone else to be at fault. He is clever, but if you know to expect this tactic from him, he won’t be able to fool you.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Scorpio man (they work like magic) →
He Manipulates His Way Out Of An Apology

Scorpios are innately conniving and controlling, and they look for opportunities to trick other people.
They delight in getting others to do their bidding, even when it’s unnecessary. It makes them feel smart and powerful when they can bend others to their will.
Even if he didn’t hate apologizing so much, a Scorpio man would still probably try to manipulate his way out of an apology.
But when you combine the fact that he loathes saying he’s sorry with his enjoyment of controlling people, you can be sure to expect that he will try to manipulate and maneuver his way out of apologizing.
He Apologizes Sincerely

Because they are so hesitant to apologize, a Scorpio man considers his apology for a long time before saying a word.
If he apologizes, it means he truly recognizes what he did wrong and feels guilty. An apology from a Scorpio man, no matter how reluctant or late, is sincere.
Don’t assume his apology is meaningless just because he won’t make eye contact with you or he won’t repeat it when you ask.
It’s a big deal when a Scorpio man can put his ego aside enough to feel remorse for his mistake. When he apologizes, know that it comes from the heart and it’s an extremely difficult thing for him to do.
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He Apologizes Appreciatively

When a Scorpio man apologizes for something, it means he has found no way to deny or shift the blame. He knows exactly what he did and he is truly sorry, if nothing else, for getting caught.
When a Scorpio man apologizes to you, he is appreciative. He either appreciates that you outmaneuvered him and got him to admit fault, or he appreciates how wonderful and forgiving you are because he feels so deeply remorseful.
Scorpios are extremists and feel their emotions deeply. If you outwit him and get him to apologize, a Scorpio man in love will feel admiration and view you as a worthy opponent in an argument.
If he feels regret for his actions, his remorse is profound, even if he fails to show it.
He Apologizes With Actions More Than Words

As perhaps the most intense and forceful sign of the entire zodiac, Scorpios know that actions speak louder than words. What a Scorpio man wants in a relationship is a partner who doesn’t necessarily need a verbal apology.
He hates saying he is sorry, so if he can admit his wrongdoing to himself, a Scorpio man is more likely to apologize with his actions than his words.
But he also sincerely believes that you need to see how sorry he is, not just hear it. Anyone can say they are sorry, but it takes care and dedication to prove it.
If you notice that your Scorpio man does sweet things for you after an argument, it’s his way of apologizing without words. A Scorpio man’s ideal woman knows how to read his nonverbal signals that he’s sorry.
He might cook you your favorite dinner, wash the dishes without being asked, or rub your feet while you watch television together.
Sometimes his apologies are nonverbal, but a Scorpio man’s rare apologies are still thoughtful and sincere.
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He Uses Sex To Apologize

A Scorpio man’s favorite way to apologize is through his favorite activity – sex. When a Scorpio man wants you to know how sorry he is, he will show you rather than tell you.
When Scorpio man touches you, he is really trying to tell you how he feels and show you that he’s sorry.
Each sign of the zodiac correlates with a set of body parts that tell us something important about that sign. Scorpio’s body parts include the genitals.
This reveals that Scorpios are perhaps the most sexual of all the zodiac signs. Sex is important to them and they often use it as a form of communication with their partner.
To a Scorpio man, there is no better way to apologize than makeup sex. When he feels remorse, he will lure you into the bedroom and treat you like a queen.
If you want to know how to make a Scorpio man obsessed with you, accept his makeup sex apology and don’t demand that he says the words “I’m sorry.”
A sorry Scorpio man will be extra generous and attentive with his lover. He wants to remind her that no matter how badly he messes up sometimes, he still adores her more than anything in the world.
He Apologizes Stoically

Every zodiac sign is connected to one of four natural elements: fire, air, earth, or water. There are three zodiac signs per element, so along with Cancer and Pisces, Scorpio is the third water sign.
Water signs tend to be highly emotional and intuitive. They are in touch with and guided by their feelings.
Although he is deeply emotional, a Scorpio man will stay calm and collected when he apologizes. This is because unlike the other two water signs, Scorpio is uniquely obsessed with all forms of control, including self-restraint.
If your Scorpio man cries during his apology, know that it’s not due to his typically emotional nature. It’s because he is trying to soften you up and make you forgive him.
But when a Scorpio is truly sorry, he will be stoic and composed when he apologizes to show you that he really means it and isn’t trying to play on your emotions.
Use these secrets to make your Scorpio man love you (they work like magic) →
He Writes An Apology Letter

When your Scorpio man apologizes to you, he might choose to do it through a card or a letter.
He will only do this if he is genuinely sorry or if he did something very wrong, such as cheating on his partner.
He feels his regret so strongly that he wants to make sure you know just how sorry he is. He will write out his feelings and pour his heart out to you in a long letter.
He needs to write everything down to analyze his feelings and to make sure he tells you everything he wants to say. Writing a letter helps him (and you) understand exactly what led him to make his mistake.
When you cross a Scorpio man, he never forgets it and the insult is a stain on your relationship with him forever.
He feels like his mistakes are permanent, so he wants to immortalize his apology in a letter, too.
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