Sagittarius men have dominant personalities. You won’t have to wonder what their opinion about something is most of the time.
They naturally take charge of situations. Sagittarius men are great leaders. However, they can also be bossy or too dominant at times.
Are Sagittarius men dominant in a relationship? The short answer is yes, they are. This can be a good thing or it can cause problems, depending on who his partner is.
Sagittarius men are highly independent. They are used to doing things for themselves. A Sagittarius man might have difficulty compromising and giving up some of that control when he is in a relationship.
He is a great person to have around if you’re ever having trouble deciding on something. If you need help or are stressed out, a Sagittarius man will have no problem taking over.
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Natural Leader
Being a leader is one of a Sagittarius man’s personality traits. Like the other fire signs, Aries and Leo, he has a natural knack for leadership.
He is perfectly able to take on a leadership role. He will do this at work, with friends, and in relationships.
His leadership isn’t a problem when he’s with people who aren’t natural leaders. He’ll have no trouble taking over when nobody else wants to.
A Sagittarius man may butt heads if his partner likes to take the lead as well. He is often used to other people stepping aside and letting him be the leader.
Your Sagittarius man will take on a leadership role when making decisions together. He will try to steer the conversation in the direction he wants.
He’s not always trying to be controlling. He is just used to leading other people.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Sagittarius man... →
Takes Charge
Sagittarius men in relationships often take charge without even thinking about it. It will just feel natural to him to make decisions for himself and his partner.
He will often be the one to decide where you go on date night. He will take you to a new restaurant if he wants to try it. A Sagittarius man will pick a movie based on what his interests are.
You might not have any problem with this. Some people are fine going with the flow. You may be fine letting your Sagittarius man choose things most of the time.
Your Sagittarius man might have trouble giving up some control when you want it. He may not always want to compromise when it comes to making decisions.
He might not want to let you take charge when it comes to something as simple as choosing where to eat. It will take some getting used to for him.
A Sagittarius man’s personality is free-spirited and light-hearted. He is also strong and dominant. He values his freedom more than almost anything.
Most Sagittarius men won’t want to take away their partner’s freedom. They enjoy taking charge because they like to control their own lives.
Your Sagittarius man will be fine doing his own thing if you don’t want to go somewhere with him. He will be alright with you going out by yourself as well.
Their love of freedom keeps many Sagittarius men from controlling others even though they are dominant people.
When you don’t agree on something, it is usually easier to do separate things than to try and make a Sagittarius man compromise with you.
Is your Sagittarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Are Sagittarius men good partners? Many of them are! They aren’t dominant because they want to control their partners. They are dominant because they’re used to doing everything for themselves.
This need for a high level of independence is often a Sagittarius man’s weakness in love. It takes him a long time to learn how to depend on other people.
A Sagittarius man would rather do something by himself. He doesn’t always trust other people to do things correctly.
This independence does have a good side. Your Sagittarius man won’t care if you want to do things alone. He prefers not to do everything with his partner.
You can usually use his love of independence to calm him down if his dominance becomes out of control. He doesn’t want to take away your independence.
Over Confident
Some Sagittarius men are overconfident in their abilities. They are used to doing things by themselves. They may think that their way is better than anyone else’s.
Sagittarius men are often very optimistic as well. Your Sagittarius man will trust that he’ll be able to do anything he sets his mind to.
He might not always listen if you tell him to do something a different way. He won’t want to, even if your way is objectively better.
A Sagittarius man’s confidence in himself can lead to him being stubborn. He will want to take over tasks even if you are better at them than him.
You will just have to let your Sagittarius man make mistakes most of the time. He will listen to your advice sometimes, of course. He just won’t if he’s convinced that he knows better.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Sagittarius man. →
A Sagittarius man’s communication style is often direct. He doesn’t beat around the bush. He gets to the point and says what he means.
Sagittarius men are also highly opinionated, some more so than others.
A Sagittarius man will have no problem letting his opinions dominate a conversation. He will listen to the views of others when it comes to some things. With other things, he will stand his ground.
You’ll likely have no problem with his opinionated nature when you two agree about something. It will be frustrating when you don’t.
Your Sagittarius man will have no problem letting you know when he thinks you’re wrong. He won’t want to start an argument. He’ll just want you to agree with him!
When his opinions do cause arguments, a Sagittarius man still isn’t likely to back down. He is more likely to try and convince you that he’s right.
Can Be Bossy
Are Sagittarius men controlling? They can come across that way in their quest to control their own lives and get their way.
Many Sagittarius men are bossy. They are used to doing what they want and getting whatever they want.
His bossy nature will come out when making plans. He’s not always going to ask what you want to do. He will just decide and then let you know what’s happening.
He might put up a fight if you say you don’t want to go to the restaurant he picked. He can easily change plans but only when he wants to.
A Sagittarius man can work on his bossy tendencies. He will be willing to calm down and compromise if he cares about someone.
A relationship with a Sagittarius man can be exciting because of his passion.
Sagittarius men are ambitious. They take their goals seriously. They are also passionate when it comes to sex and relationships.
Sagittarius men in bed are often dominant, as well as passionate. They like to take control of their pleasure and the pleasure of their partner.
You may love having a dominant sexual partner. In that case, your Sagittarius man’s dominance won’t be a problem!
Sex with a Sagittarius man isn’t all about him dominating his partner, though. He likes to mix things up and try new things. Most Sagittarius men will gladly let you take the reins sometimes.
A Sagittarius man is very strong-willed. He will do what he wants to do even if others tell him it’s a bad idea.
He wants to succeed in life. He wants to experience life to the fullest. He will do what it takes to make sure this happens.
Sagittarius men are often unwilling to compromise on their values. They stand by their convictions.
Those values might change over the years but only when he wants them to. He isn’t going to change his values for a relationship.
His strong will often cause him to dominate in a relationship. There won’t be a problem when he and his partner see eye-to-eye on things. There might be conflict when they have differing values, though.
A Sagittarius man is more likely to try and convince his partner to see things his way than adjust his views to match hers. It is sometimes his way or the highway in relationships.
This magic will make your Sagittarius man want a relationship with you. →
Sagittarius men are driven. They always go after their goals. They want to succeed in life.
A Sagittarius man in a relationship won’t want to compromise on his dreams. He will want to go with what he wants when he and his partner have incompatible goals.
A mature Sagittarius man will try to compromise. He wants his partner to be happy and fulfilled as well.
His ambition will lead him to choose his dreams over hers most of the time, though. He will take over and may try to persuade her to adjust her goals to better match his.
Your relationship may end if neither of you can compromise on your goals. Sagittarius men are often too stubborn to adjust their expectations.
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