Be prepared to put in a lot of effort if you want to make a Virgo man addicted to you!
Making a Virgo man addicted will take a while. You want to become someone he can trust and rely on more than anyone else.
Show your Virgo man that you respect his boundaries and that you will always be supportive of him. If you’re the main person in his life he can rely on and trust, he’ll become addicted.
Help your Virgo man loosen up. Make him laugh and feel comfortable around you. Be your authentic self, and help him to be his authentic self as well!
A Virgo man will love being around you if you share his values and when he knows he can trust you. He’ll always want you around if you’re the one person he can count on.
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Respect His Boundaries
If you want any relationship with a Virgo man, you must respect his boundaries! He’ll become addicted to you if it’s clear that you respect all his boundaries, even when others don’t.
Virgo men try to have clear boundaries, but some aren’t good at enforcing them. If your Virgo man is used to people pushing his boundaries or toeing the line, he’ll love that you don’t even try to push him.
If your Virgo man sets a boundary with you, respect it. If he ever seems uncomfortable with a particular topic, change the subject and let him know that you’re happy to avoid it if it makes him uncomfortable.
A Virgo man will become addicted to you when you anticipate boundaries or specifically ask him what his are. He’ll feel respected and cared for and get addicted to that feeling!
A tiny trick to snatch your Virgo man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Be Supportive Of Him
If you want to make a Virgo man obsessed with you, you must support him. If he feels you support him in a way nobody else does, he’ll quickly become addicted to you.
A Virgo man might not always reach out for emotional support, but you can still support him! Show him that you’re willing to offer him anything he needs from you.
Support your Virgo man’s goals. If he ever feels discouraged or unmotivated, encourage him to keep going. Tell him you’re there for him if he needs anything and that you know he has what it takes to fulfill his dreams.
Listen to your Virgo man when he talks about his problems. Support him by offering solutions or letting him rant if that’s what he needs.
A Virgo man will become addicted to your support. Virgo men typically have few people they can genuinely rely on to support them, so yours will want to keep you around if you’re someone he can count on!
Be Independent
A woman being independent and self-reliant is one of a Virgo man’s turn-ons. If you want your Virgo man to become addicted to you, show him that you might want him in your life but don’t need him.
It can be nice to feel needed, but some Virgo men are used to being taken advantage of. If your Virgo man is always taking care of people in his life, it might be nice to see that he doesn’t have to take care of you!
A Virgo man will feel special when he knows that you’re independent and that you don’t need him but that you want to be around him. If you could do everything on your own, but you choose to spend time with him, he’ll become addicted to that feeling.
Your Virgo man will still help you out when he cares about you, and he will never sit back and just let you struggle. He’ll become addicted to you if he sees how strong and independent you are.
Use these secrets to make your Virgo man love you (they work like magic) →
Be Tidy & Organized
A Virgo man’s ideal woman is as neat as he is. If you want a Virgo man to become addicted to you, show him you’re organized.
Your Virgo man will feel relieved once he realizes you’re as tidy as he is. If he doesn’t have to go behind you and pick things up when you’re at his house, he’ll love having you over!
Being organized is important to a Virgo man. If you two work together and you’re just as organized as he is, you’ll quickly become his favorite co-worker!
A Virgo man will become addicted to you if you organize things similarly to him. If he can trust you to tidy up his home for him when he’s stressed out, he’ll become addicted to you.
Make Him Feel Comfortable
Attracting a Virgo man is all about being patient. You can’t come on too strong, or you’ll make him uncomfortable. If you want him to become addicted, he must be comfortable around you.
You can make a Virgo man feel comfortable by respecting his boundaries, but that’s not all you must do! It can take a while to make a Virgo man feel genuinely comfortable with you, but it’s worth it.
Listen to your Virgo man, and never judge him for what he tells you. Don’t criticize the way he does things. Instead, encourage him and praise him.
Once a Virgo man feels comfortable around you, he’ll become addicted to that comfort. He rarely feels completely comfortable around someone, so he’ll never want to let you go.
Is your Virgo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Help Him Loosen Up
One of the signs a Virgo man is serious about you is that he will want to loosen up and be himself around you.
If you’re someone a Virgo man can loosen up around, he’ll become addicted to you. He’ll want to be with you more because he won’t have to worry about you judging him for not being “perfect.”
You can help a Virgo man loosen up by reacting positively whenever he shows a less serious side of himself.
Never embarrass your Virgo man or act like you’re judging him. He’ll have an easier time loosening up around you if he knows you will still respect him, even if he’s being silly.
When he can loosen up around you without fear, your Virgo man will become addicted. He’ll always want to be around you, especially when he wants to relax and enjoy himself.
Make Him Laugh
Virgo men might seem serious and aloof, but they like to laugh! You have to help him loosen up and tell the right jokes.
If you want to make a Virgo man laugh, pay attention to the type of humor he likes. If he watches a specific kind of movie or sends you a particular sort of joke, try to tell similar jokes.
Virgo men often like dry humor and sarcasm. They also like wit and intellectual comedy. If you can show off how smart you are and make him laugh, you’ll make a Virgo man addicted to you!
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Virgo man (they work like magic) →
Be Your Authentic Self
What attracts a Virgo man? A Virgo man wants to know that he can trust someone if he eventually starts a relationship with them. If you want him to become addicted to you, be your authentic self around him.
Your Virgo man doesn’t want to fall for a lie. If he thinks you’re just putting on a front when you’re around him, he’ll never become addicted to you or want to be with you!
Make sure your Virgo man knows that he’s seeing the real you. Be open and sincere whenever you’re with him.
If you aren’t always your authentic self around others, but you are around him, that will make a Virgo man feel special! He’ll become addicted to you and know he won’t have to worry about getting his heart broken.
Be Someone He Can Trust
If you want to make a Virgo man chase you, you must be someone he can trust. He’ll never really go after you if he can’t trust you.
Always tell your Virgo man the truth. If he asks for your opinion, give it to him. You can be gentle, but don’t lie to him or sugarcoat things. He’ll never trust you if you do.
Open up to your Virgo man and tell him that you trust him. When he sees that he has your trust, he’ll likely start to trust you in return.
One of the signs a Virgo man trusts you is that he will start opening up to you more. He’ll talk about personal things with you without shame. If you respond well, he’ll become addicted to how it feels when he can open up.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Virgo man... →
If you have similar values to your Virgo man, it will be easier to make him addicted to you. Once he sees that you have a similar moral compass or that the same things in life matter to you, he’ll become addicted.
A Virgo man is looking for a partner who shares his fundamental values. He can be flexible about certain things, but not those. If your values are incompatible, or you don’t respect his values, he likely won’t want to be with you.
If you share his values, a Virgo man will love being around you! He’ll appreciate the feeling he gets when he realizes you understand him deeply and intimately.
Ensure that your Virgo man knows your values and that you respect his values as well. Even if you don’t share all the same things, he’ll become addicted if you match up on the important stuff.
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