
How to Make a Scorpio Man Confess His Love

Updated February 10, 2025

If you want to make a Scorpio man confess his love, that’s easier said than done if he’s not ready to do so yet.

Show him you care. Once he is comfortable with you, he’ll be more likely to confess.

Scorpio won’t do anything unless he is ready to do it. You can’t rush a confession out of him.

You can’t force him into a relationship. You honestly can’t make him do anything if he doesn’t want to do it.

Do what you can to show him that his feelings are reciprocated before he confesses his love.

He’ll be more likely to say he loves you if he knows you’re going to say it back.

Be patient and go at his pace. When he does confess, it will make all the waiting worth it.

Don’t Push

If you’re wondering how to make a Scorpio man want you, the honest answer is that you don’t. You can’t make a Scorpio man do anything.

Scorpio will confess to you when he feels comfortable doing so. If you start pushing him to tell you how he feels before he’s ready, he’s going to back off.

Being impatient won’t do you any good. Don’t make him feel like he has to tell you he loves you for the relationship to continue. Let him go at his own pace and it’ll be worth the wait.

This is especially important if you’ve already dated this particular Scorpio before.

When a Scorpio man wants you back after a breakup, he still might take a while to actually tell you that. He doesn’t want to dive right back into a relationship that already failed once.

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Respect His Privacy

Even the most extroverted of Scorpios are still private people. They have an inner world that they don’t like sharing with everyone else.

Sometimes, he needs to be alone. There are going to be times where he’s upset but he doesn’t feel comfortable talking to you about it.

You need to respect his privacy and his boundaries. He’s not going to share everything with you right away. He might keep some things secret from you. That’s okay.

If a Scorpio man stops communicating suddenly and refuses to tell you what’s wrong, don’t push for an explanation. Sometimes, he needs time alone to sort through his feelings before he can talk to somebody else about them.

If you push him to talk to you about things before he’s ready, that’s going to cause him to doubt your relationship. He doesn’t want to be with somebody who can’t be patient with him and respect his boundaries.

Be Compassionate

When a Scorpio man is expressing his feelings to you, it’s a big deal for him. He doesn’t open up and share how he feels with everyone.

When he opens up to you, treat him with compassion. If he tells you a secret or opens up about something he doesn’t normally tell other people, listen. Treat him with kindness.

What a Scorpio man wants to hear when he’s down is that you’re there for him. He wants his feelings to be validated. He wants to know that you’re not judging him and that you’ll do what you can to make him feel better.

If he feels judged, he’s not going to share things with you in the future. If you ignore him or can’t be bothered to give him your attention when he’s sharing something important, he’s not going to want to stay in a relationship with you.

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Show Loyalty

If you want to know how to make a Scorpio man obsessed with you, show him how loyal and trustworthy you are.

When he tells you a secret, you need to keep it. Do not tell your best friend what he told you. Don’t tell anyone! He takes his secrets very seriously.

Show him that he can trust you to be faithful to him as well. Don’t flirt with other people, especially not in front of him. Show him that he’s the only one for you.

Back him up when he needs you to. Let him see that you’re on his side and that you’ll defend him when the occasion calls for it.

If you have an issue with him, go to him directly about it. He doesn’t want to hear from a mutual friend that you’re upset with him about something. He would much rather hear it directly from you.

Go at His Pace

Even when a Scorpio man wants you as much as you want him, he might still take a while to confess his feelings for you. You need to accept this and go at his pace.

There’s no need to rush. A good relationship is worth waiting for.

Let him take his time getting to know you. Let him set the pace with your relationship. If he has doubts, allow him the time he needs to address those doubts.

If you’re ready to move in together but he doesn’t even want to be “official” yet, you’re going to need to be patient.

If you can’t go at his pace, that’s a sign you might need to move on. Do you want a relationship, any relationship, or do you want to be with him? If it’s the latter, then you need to just slow down and wait until he’s ready.

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Be Honest

The best thing to say to a Scorpio man is the truth, no matter what that is. He wants to know that he can trust you to always be honest with him.

He’ll know if you’re lying. Even if he can’t tell right away (and he usually can), he’ll figure it out later.

If you lie to him about something minor, what’s to say you wouldn’t lie to him about other things? How can he trust you if you promise to commit to him or to be monogamous?

Honesty is absolutely vital when you’re in a relationship with a Scorpio. If he finds out you lied to him, he’s going to feel betrayed.

Even if you think something might hurt his feelings, you need to tell him anyway. Establish a relationship with him where you both always tell one another the truth.

Be Passionate

Don’t be afraid to show Scorpio how much you care about him.

Don’t leave any room for doubts about your feelings for him. Even if he’s not ready to say he loves you, you should still be showing him that you love him.

Never miss an opportunity to compliment him. Take him out on dates. Kiss him passionately while you two sit outside and look at the stars together.

Try to convey your passion in everything that you do. Show him that you feel strongly for him and that you’re not afraid to show it.

He’s a passionate person. Once he decides he loves you, he’s going to be all-in. Show him that you are just as passionate about him as he is about you.

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Accept Him

Everyone has flaws. Scorpio is no exception. He may try to hide those flaws from the world but eventually, you’ll discover them.

Scorpio knows he is flawed. He knows the things that other people don’t like about him. He knows what issues he tends to have in relationships.

If he shows you the negative side of himself, don’t judge him for it. Don’t be upset. Don’t criticize him.

He doesn’t let everyone see the parts of himself that he doesn’t like. If he’s showing them to you, that means he trusts you.

Accept his flaws. Show him that you love him, the good parts and the bad. If he knows you won’t abandon him just because he’s not perfect, he’ll be more likely to confess his love for you.

Be Affectionate

Physical affection is one way a Scorpio man expresses his love for his partner. When you return his affections, he’ll be able to see you feel the same way. This will make him more comfortable with confessing.

Hold his hand. Kiss him, hug him, and hold him whenever possible.

If you ever turn down a show of affection from him, be sure to explain why. If you don’t like public displays of affection, just tell him that. If you don’t like being touched in certain places, explain that to him.

He wants to feel loved. If physical affection isn’t your thing, you can be affectionate in other ways.

Compliment him, give him gifts, help him out with chores when he’s feeling overwhelmed, and do anything else you can to show you care.

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Be Vulnerable

Being vulnerable is one of the signs that a Scorpio man has feelings for you.

Show him your own flaws. If he loves you, he wants to love all of you. He doesn’t want to love an idealized version of you. He wants the real you.

Don’t be afraid to admit when you’re wrong. If you’ve done something to upset him, apologize and be humble. Show him that you can accept responsibility for your actions and that you want to do better in the future.

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