
10 Signs Your Libra Man is About to Break Up with You

Updated December 31, 2024

A Libra man’s breakup signs can be hard to read at first. After all, he has a habit of becoming distant periodically.

But when he’s thinking of breaking up, he’ll show specific signs. His tone and demeanor will change.

Will a Libra man come back after a breakup? The direction the scales will swing can depend on many factors. It’s best to know the signs ahead of time.

That way, you can avoid a potential breakup rather than doing damage control. Wondering how to know when a Libra man is done with you? His signs can be subtle.

If you don’t know what to do when a Libra man pulls away you could make matters worse. It’s important to give him distance at first. Attract him back from a distance.

1. He Goes Quiet for a Longer Time

As the sign of the scales, a Libra man naturally goes hot and cold. Yet when he goes quiet for a longer period of time than usual it’s a red flag. This can be an indicator that he’s upset.

It can also mean he’s shutting down. Reasons can vary. You may have said something that hurt him, yet he will be passive rather than letting you know. You may have been too emotional, leaving him feeling overwhelmed.

He may be bored with the relationship. In spite of his romantic nature, a Libra man is prone to boredom when he has been with the same person for a while.

Don’t chase him. Instead, try to change up your routines or appearance. This will get his attention in a positive way. Review the past interaction you had with him. If you brought up anything controversial, you may have offended him.

If you were too emotional, he may have gotten cold feet. Prove to him that you’re level headed and balanced by giving him space to reach out to you.

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2. He Criticizes You

A Libra man will find a kind word to say about anyone. Even their adversary. When a Libra man starts to criticize you or even insults you, it’s a huge warning sign. He’s trying to push you away.

One of the clearest signs a Libra man’s not into you anymore is when he acts unkind. If he’s rude, criticizes you or acts ungrateful, he’s going out of his way to make you uncomfortable. This is not something a Libra man ever wants to do.

He’ll usually only do this as a last resort if other signs he wants to end the relationship aren’t registering. If he starts to act cold or deliberately critical, try to step back. You’ve got to know how to make a Libra man feel guilty.

Only then will he possibly reconsider his actions. When a Libra man has time to sit with his feelings and miss you, he may decide to work things out. He needs time to come to this decision.

3. He Compliments Other Women

A Libra man after a breakup may want to be friends. He may also go back and forth about whether to be romantically involved or not. Yet if he’s on the verge of breaking up with you, he’ll show it.

He’ll start to pay more positive attention to other women. Instead of complimenting you, he’ll compliment other women. He’ll comment on their beauty and talents. He can do this under normal circumstances as well.

The difference is, under typical circumstances, he’ll compliment you and flirt with you even more. When you notice that he is definitely paying more attention to other women and has little to say to you that is flattering, it’s a red flag.

Don’t show jealousy or insecurity. Instead, make sure to look your best, live your best life and give him some space. Let him have a chance to miss you and see what a mistake he will make if he leaves.

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4. He Stops Flirting

If you’re wondering how to know if a Libra man misses you, the first thing to keep in mind is you’ve got to give him space to see what life is like without you. This should be enough to get his attention again.

When he stops flirting with you, it’s a bad sign. Try to initiate flirting and if he doesn’t reciprocate, give him space. Show him that you won’t chase him.

Turn up the romance in your own daily life. Dress in clothes that make you feel romantic and beautiful. Create an air of romance and sentimentality to kickstart the connection again.

If this still doesn’t work, he may have his mind made up. If this is the case, let him have some time away. Count on absence to make the heart grow fonder. Give yourself a no contact rule with a Libra man for a few days.

5. He Starts Acting Like a Friend

When a Libra man starts acting like a friend and not a lover or a roommate instead of a partner, it’s a red flag. This is a sign he’s losing the spark of attraction.

You can try to reignite the flame and turn the passions back up in the relationship. If that doesn’t work, this may be a signal that he is losing interest in the relationship. Sometimes, a Libra man will breakup and stay friends.

Then, he’ll miss you and change his mind. He’ll then want to go from friend back to romantic partner again. He can go back and forth like this for years. Why does a Libra man keep coming back? He’s indecisive.

It can be frustrating, but at least his interest in remaining friends shows he is not ready to lose you altogether. This can be his way of taking a break and taking space for himself.

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6. He Questions Your Loyalty

When you give a Libra man no reason to doubt you and still he questions your loyalty, it could be a sign he’s pushing you away. Even though it seems like this is a sign he cares.

It is one of a Libra man’s confusing mind games. He’ll pretend that you are the one whose hurting him and thereby causing the potential breakup. He’ll go on the defensive, sometimes for no reason.

This is all a distraction to make it seem like you are to blame. This gives him an easy out. He won’t have to feel guilty about breaking up with you because he’ll start setting the foundation that he couldn’t trust you to begin with.

This makes it easier for him to let go. He may know on some level that he’s overreacting. Even then, he’ll come to believe his own manipulation so he can feel justified in breaking up with you.

7. He Avoids Seeing You

When a Libra man wants you back, he’ll come around and act like nothing ever happened. He’ll try to pick up right where you left off. First, however, he may avoid you for a period of time.

When you try to make plans, he’ll be busy. When you look for him at the gym, he won’t be there. He’ll change his schedule to avoid running into you. You won’t be able to pin him down for a date.

If you had plans, he’ll cancel. If a Libra man keeps his dates with you, he’ll seem aloof or distracted. He’ll check his phone constantly or leave to use the restroom frequently.

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8. He Sets the Stage for Breakup

A Libra man will cultivate a breakup. He’ll drop hints. He’ll maneuver in subtle ways at first. He’ll comment about his restlessness. He may second guess his commitment.

He may drop hints about how hypothetically, he may be better off focusing on his career or family right now. He’ll stop texting as much. He’ll do many little things to set the stage for a breakup.

He may stop biting his tongue and become more vocal about how unhappy he is. He may stop paying attention to his appearance or stop trying to make you feel comfortable. When a Libra man is ready for a breakup, he makes life unbearable.

He finds mostly passive-aggressive ways to do this. He’ll stop going out of his way to keep the peace. He may also make it clear that he’s not comfortable, he’ll turn cold and distant.

9. He Picks Fights

Aside from some friendly debate, Libra men avoid arguments at all costs. Yet when he’s ready to end a relationship, he’ll set the stage by picking fights. He’ll look for silly things to complain about.

He’ll bring up mistakes you made a year ago. He’ll rehash old arguments you thought were long resolved. He’ll raise his voice. A Libra man with one foot out the door doesn’t try to play mediator.

Instead of being the peacekeeper in the relationship, he’ll push back and tell you what he really thinks. He’ll stop tiptoeing around your feelings. He’ll become more confrontational. He may disagree with you just for the sake of argument.

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10. He Stops Trying to Impress You

When a Libra man is ready to give up on a relationship for good, he’ll stop going out of his way to impress you. He won’t show off with witty banter anymore. He’ll agree just to end a discussion or argue to push you away.

He won’t dress up for a date. He’ll stop surprising you with gifts. He won’t go out of his way to be nice to your friends or compliment your family.

He basically becomes lazy about every aspect of the relationship. Sometimes, he’ll even become complacent about his own work or self-care. When he does this, he’s checking out emotionally. He’s basically now waiting for the right time to officially end things.

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