
10 Tips on How to Keep a Scorpio Man in a Happy Relationship

Updated December 30, 2024

If you want to keep a Scorpio man happy, you’ve got to know how to stroke a Scorpio man’s ego.

When you see signs that a Scorpio man has feelings for you, be prepared to keep his focus and attention.

If you’re wondering how to make a Scorpio man chase you, you’ve got to know how to keep a Scorpio man hooked. He needs a mystery to solve.

Be enigmatic but know when to open up. He also craves intimacy so you don’t want to be too distant. When a Scorpio man wants you, you’ve still got work to do.

He may become attracted to you easily, but he needs to chase. He needs to be enticed even far into the relationship. You need to know how to make a Scorpio man miss you.

1. Pick Your Battles

Scorpio men are among the most stubborn men in the zodiac. You need to pick your battles when you’re dating a Scorpio man. If you want to keep him happy, you have to avoid power struggles.

A Scorpio man’s ideal woman is intelligent, confident and knows when it’s best to let things go and when it’s worth fighting. Being able to agree to disagree may save your relationship with a Scorpio man.

When a Scorpio man touches you, you may feel like you’ve got the most amazing connection. Even if you’re certain he feels it too, you can’t take him for granted. He will want to be with a woman who lets him win.

Scorpio men are head strong. They believe they are always right and will not accept any evidence to the contrary. If you want to keep him happy in a relationship, you’ve got to tell him what he wants to hear.

At the same time, it’s important to be subtle yet authentic. If he thinks you’re falsely flattering him, a Scorpio man will interpret this as deception and will lose trust in you.

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2. Be Faithful

If you’re wondering how to make a Scorpio man obsessed with you, you’ve got to show him that you stand out from the crowd. He will demand loyalty and faithfulness. Not only by letting him be in charge, but by not provoking his jealousy.

Show your devotion and faithful personality. Never give a Scorpio man a reason to question your integrity. Keep strong boundaries so that he will be able to trust your judgment.

Even when you have other male friends, always go out of your way to let your Scorpio man know that he is number one in your life. Take his advice rather than dismissing his advice in favor of someone else’s.

Faithfulness for a Scorpio man is not just about monogamy but also about remaining intellectually and emotionally connected to him. Show him you are still on the same page.

3. Contain Your Jealousy

Even though your Scorpio man expects you to constantly show your loyalty and assuage his insecurities, he also has no tolerance for your jealousy or insecurity. He needs to know that you trust him.

If you show too much insecurity, especially toward his female friends, he will become intolerant. A happy relationship with a Scorpio man requires you to be strong and confident rather than giving in to suspicions and jealousy.

When you trust him to keep his private life to himself, you’re also setting the groundwork for a happy relationship with a Scorpio man. He needs you to understand when he doesn’t answer personal questions or when he takes time to himself.

Rather than jumping to the worst case scenario and becoming jealous, show your Scorpio man that you respect his privacy. Don’t try to tear his walls down.

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4. Keep His Secrets

What a Scorpio man wants to hear is that you respect his privacy and understand his need for secrecy. In addition to letting him keep his own secrets, you need to also keep his confidences when he does share with you.

When you keep a Scorpio man’s secrets, you’ll reassure him that you’re the one for him. He needs to know that you are trustworthy. If you gossip or tell other people his business, he may leave.

If you want to keep a Scorpio man happy and satisfied, know how to keep his deeper secrets to yourself. He may test you by sharing benign information first. If you share his stories, he’ll shut down.

But if he sees that he can trust you with surface level details, he will feel more comfortable trusting you with deeper secrets. He may be slow to open up but this is because Scorpio men are private and suspicious by nature.

5. Respect His Boundaries

In addition to keeping his confidences, the best way to keep a Scorpio man happy in a relationship is to show him that you respect his boundaries. When he says he needs space, don’t panic.

Give him space. Let him see that you are mature enough to handle it when he goes quiet. If he sets ground rules about what he does or doesn’t like, pay attention. Don’t even overstep his boundaries in a joking or teasing way.

He won’t find it funny. Rather than seeing it as a joke he will see it as a sign that you are intrusive. This is one of his biggest turn offs. Show your Scorpio man that you can be relied upon to uphold his boundaries.

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6. Support His Ambition

Another key to keeping a Scorpio man happy in a relationship is to make it clear that you support his ambition. Scorpio men are fascinated by power and status. They strive for success.

His career goals are intwined with his identity. When a Scorpio man sees how intensely supportive you are of his ambition and career success, he’ll know you are his ideal partner.

Be his co-pilot in all things. When it comes to his goals and dreams, support his success. Don’t just tell him you believe in him, show your Scorpio man.

Take the opportunity to help him succeed by nurturing his dreams and encouraging him to reach for the stars. He will feel understood and fulfilled when he sees that you support his ambition.

7. Let Him Have the Last Word

If you have a strong will like he does, this can be difficult. Let your Scorpio man have the last word. Show him that you can be gracious even when you don’t agree with him.

Let your Scorpio man have the last word. If you don’t, he may make an impression with his silence by going cold. Know when to drop an argument and let him feel heard.

You can make a Scorpio man very happy by showing him clearly that you hear his opinions and ideas. Even if you disagree, make sure he knows that you hear him and respect him.

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8. Don’t Embarrass Him

One thing to avoid at all costs is embarrassing your Scorpio man. You can keep him happy in a relationship by understanding his need to save face and maintain his status and reputation.

Never embarrass a Scorpio man. Even if you are sharing a joke at his expense without intending any harm. To a Scorpio man, this is one of the most disrespectful things you could do and he won’t find it funny.

Never joke at his expense or make him look bad. Keep a professional, stylish and classy appearance in public because he’ll assume that your reputation and actions will impact his. Don’t give a Scorpio man reason to worry that you may say or do something that hurts his status.

9. Give Him Space

A Scorpio man will spend most of the relationship being intimately connected to you and wanting to be as close to you as possible. Yet periodically, he needs to take time to himself.

One of the most important ingredients in the recipe for a happy relationship with a Scorpio man is space. Let him set the pace of the relationship. When he’s had too much exposure and needs to decompress, let him step back.

This is not a sign that he’s losing interest. He’s just restoring balance in his own life. Yet if you don’t respect his space he may start to push away and reconsider the relationship.

To avoid this, show him you can ride out the ebb and flow of the relationship. Make it obvious you don’t need to constantly be with him. Absence will make a Scorpio man’s heart grow fonder.

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10. Be Sexually Adventurous

Another way to keep a Scorpio man happy is to be adventurous and exciting in the bedroom. Scorpio men are highly sexual. His sexual connection to you is as important as the emotional connection.

When you show your Scorpio man that you are open to experimentation, you’ll keep him excited and the passions lit. Suggest new things to try in bed and give him the benefit of the doubt when he wants to try something new.

When your Scorpio man knows you are passionate and have an eclectic sexual repertoire, he’ll feel more satisfied with you. He’ll know deep in his heart that you are his ideal match.

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