A distant Scorpio man isn’t always a reason to worry. Yet sometimes his turning cold is a red flag.
You need to know how to deal with a Scorpio man when he becomes distant. Otherwise he may go silent for good.
When a Scorpio man stops communicating, it can be frustrating. You may wonder what you did wrong. He may just be in one of his moods.
A Scorpio man distant after intimacy is one of the most common complaints women make. Yet this is normal for him. It doesn’t always mean he is playing you.
You need to know how to make a Scorpio man miss you in order to get him to open up again. He uses a Scorpio disappearing test so don’t provoke his jealousy.
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He’s Angry

If a Scorpio man acts like he doesn’t care, he could be angry. This is the first step in his anger cycle. He won’t lash out right away. First he’ll become stony and cold.
When that doesn’t get the point across or make him feel vindicated, he’ll become passive-aggressive. His subtle jabs are intended to give you a hint and teach you a lesson. Usually this will clear his frustration.
If it doesn’t, he may either lash out or disappear. When he disappears at this later stage, he’s trying to blow off steam and prevent a big falling out. If he can’t contain himself he may end the relationship for good.
Often, you can’t really tell the difference between a Scorpio man who is being silent out of anger or a Scorpio man who has gone distant for other reasons. Sometimes you have to look to the context.
Yet that doesn’t always work. A Scorpio man can be angry and reacting to something so subtle you wouldn’t even know what it is. He doesn’t always assert himself, so this makes it more complicated.
When he’s distant for reasons other than anger, he’ll usually come back around sooner rather than later. Sometimes you’ll know after the fact that he was just cooling off and not mad.
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His Boundaries Have Been Violated

When you see signs that a Scorpio man has feelings for you, this doesn’t mean you’re immune from dealing with his distant behavior. He’ll pull away if he feels you’ve violated his boundaries.
Usually, a Scorpio man is crystal clear about what he wants and doesn’t want. If you tempt him by pushing his boundaries, watch out. This can backfire in an instant.
A Scorpio man expects he’ll only have to give a warning once. If you don’t heed his signals or take his boundaries seriously, he may disappear altogether. Even if he loves you, he won’t stick around.
This may seem perplexing to women who believe that love conquers all and everything can be forgiven. Just because you can forgive and forget, doesn’t mean a Scorpio man will.
If he feels you’ve intruded into his personal life, breaching his boundaries by asking his friends personal questions about him, for example, he’ll go cold. He may even end the relationship altogether.
The same is true if you innocently check his phone to see who he’s been talking to. He won’t forgive such intrusions. He may go silent to stew in anger and to teach you a lesson, but he’s also likely to leave.
When you ignore a Scorpio man, will he come back? The answer is, sometimes. It depends on what triggered him. If he needs space, ignoring him is best. But if you’ve offended him or upset him it’s a different story.
If he’s angry or you’ve violated his boundaries, he won’t come back until he’s received a thorough apology. Even then he’ll take some time to think about it and there are no guarantees.
He’s Jealous

It may be a double standard, but as much as a Scorpio man doesn’t tolerate you acting jealous toward him, he has a jealous streak when it comes to you. He may become distant when he feels jealous.
If you spoke too fondly about your male colleague or got excited to talk to a male friend online, he may go quiet. If you tell him all the things you love about a male friend or ex, you’ll definitely see him turn cold.
A Scorpio man knows he’s not likely your first love. He knows he’s not the only man you interact with. Yet he would prefer to pretend that this actually was the case. Any reminder that this is an illusion upsets him.
He’ll go quiet to sulk, to plot ways to get your attention, to deal with his insecurities and sometimes to make you miss him. He can be emotionally manipulative.
He can also overthink things. This is often the case when his jealousy is sparked. He will sulk and try to remember how often he’s heard you mention a certain name or whether you were as excited to see him as usual.
If he can’t convince himself that his suspicions are valid, he’ll come around. But if he makes a case for feeling you can’t be trusted, he may completely shut down and disappear.
Is your Scorpio man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
He’s Overwhelmed

Sometimes a Scorpio man will become distant for completely innocent reasons. If he’s overwhelmed with a lot going on at work or in his family life, he often needs space to himself.
Scorpio men are deep thinkers and deeply emotional, though they try to hide vulnerability. It’s not hard for these empathic men to become overloaded with too much stress and emotion.
When this happens, they naturally seek refuge in alone time or diversions that can distract them from their worries. Although you may want to help him relieve stress, sometimes he just needs space.
A Scorpio man may become more detached when he has a lot on his plate. Usually, this will look different from his reaction to anger. Rather than going from completely attentive to completely silent, this will look like a gradual shift.
When he’s overwhelmed, he’ll still make some effort. He’ll text, but less frequently. He may seem evasive or secretive. This can trigger your suspicion and lead you to interrogate him. Doing so will only backfire.
He Needs To Decompress

On a similar note, sometimes a Scorpio man needs to decompress from the outside world. They are great at going into hiding. Even when he loves you, he needs to retreat occasionally.
From creating a Man-Cave in your home to having a camp in the woods, a car to take off in or living at his own place even when you’ve been together a while, Scorpio men always make some kind of escape.
This doesn’t mean they want to end the relationship, it means they need their own little corner of the world to go to when they need to think and relax and not be disturbed.
A tiny trick to snatch your Scorpio man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
He’s Losing Interest

When a Scorpio man dumps you, it’s seldom a surprise. Usually, you’ll see the signs coming. Sometimes, his detached attitude is a sign that a breakup is looming on the horizon. This can be a signal he’s losing interest.
How do you know he’s losing interest in you? He will seem bored by your conversations. He won’t have much to talk about or will keep his thoughts to himself.
While he is always a private person, a Scorpio man in love wants to share intimate details of his life. When he becomes progressively more detached and doesn’t even share surface information, you may be losing him.
It’s natural for a Scorpio man to periodically lose interest. This is in part because he puts so much effort into diving into a relationship head first and uncovering all of your deepest secrets.
When you play along with him, you may think you’re satisfying his curiosity. In truth, you’re speeding up the shelf-life of your relationship. The more you can remain a mystery, the more you prevent him from getting bored.
If you see signs that he’s losing interest, the best thing to do is give him space and invest your energy into doing things that will get his attention. Don’t make him jealous as you’re doing so.
He’s Playing Mind Games

If you’re wondering how to play a Scorpio man at his own game, you can try to outwit and outmaneuver him, but this is playing with fire. A Scorpio man is a master manipulator.
Sometimes he becomes distant when he’s playing mind games in a relationship. He may also be trying to figure out a new strategy to keep your interest.
Even though his distance often serves the opposite purpose and pushes you away, a Scorpio man will take the time to get a full perspective on how he can push your buttons.
If you try to outmaneuver him, be careful. He has thought through every trick in the book and can sense deception a mile away. There isn’t a single game he doesn’t recognize.
In part, this is because he’s tried them all and invented some of them. His mind is sharp and the wheels are always turning. If he doesn’t have a positive outlet for his intense intellectual energy, he will get himself into trouble inventing things to be upset about.
This can also become a reason he goes quiet. He may have concocted a story about you not being trustworthy, and then believed his own manipulation. When this happens, he needs time to sort out the truth from his own deception.
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