Learning how to compliment Taurus isn’t difficult. There are a few specific things he loves to be complimented on and he loves compliments in general.
His looks, his cooking, and his hard work are always the way to go if you want to boost his ego.
Taurus loves to be complimented. He can be vain sometimes. He often has a good view of himself and his abilities. Being complimented just affirms what he already thinks.
If he’s feeling down, compliments are also a good way to cheer him up. Hearing that he’s appreciated will always help lift his mood. If he’s sad, tell him what you love about him.
Just be sure you’re genuine in your compliments. Taurus doesn’t like to be lied to, especially when he has plenty of good things about him you can compliment.
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Lots of Compliments
If you really want to know how to compliment a Taurus man, the key is to do so often.
This is one way to attract a Taurus man to you. He likes it when people boost his ego and he’ll like having you around if you do.
You don’t need to lie or push yourself to come up with compliments. There are surely things you like about Taurus! Focus on those.
If he helps you with something, let him know how thoughtful he is and how much you appreciate it. If he shows you something he’s made, tell him what you like about it.
Show him that you notice the things he does. Pay attention to him. When you find something you like about it, let him know!
He’s not someone who will turn down compliments or try to downplay the nice things you say about him. He’s also not somebody who will be upset if you exaggerate a little bit, as long as you’re being honest.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
His Looks
What a Taurus man wants to hear is that you find him attractive.
He puts effort into his appearance. He may not look flashy or wear loud outfits but he tries to look good.
Even if his outfit seems simple, he probably put thought into it. He makes sure to keep up with his hygiene routine. He might do things like whiten his teeth or indulge in facials and pedicures.
If you like his new haircut, tell him! If he’s wearing a new jacket, tell him it looks nice on him.
Compliment any aspects of his physical appearance you like. Tell him how much you love his eyes. Ask him to show off his muscles because you love the way he looks.
He’s not a humble man. He’ll love that you notice the attention he puts into his appearance.
If he does get down about some aspect of his appearance, reassure him. Maybe you don’t agree with his assessment. You can also point out other nice aspects of his physical appearance.
His Cooking
Complimenting Taurus man on his cooking is always a good idea. If he’s a good cook, he knows it. He’ll love hearing that you think so too.
Taurus loves to cook because he loves to indulge in good food. He likes to share food with others. Being able to cook also means he doesn’t have to eat out constantly.
If he cooks for you, it’s one of his ways of showing that he cares. He’s sharing a part of himself with you.
Show him that you appreciate the time and effort he put into making a meal for you. If he makes a particular food that you really like, let him know that. He’ll make it more often so that he can keep receiving that praise.
If his cooking skills are still a work in progress, encourage him. Point out what he did well. Focus on the positive.
A tiny trick to snatch your Taurus man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
His Hard Work
Some people think Taurus is lazy. This isn’t true! Taurus is actually just as hardworking as his fellow earth signs, Capricorn and Virgo.
He just works hard in a different way. When he is passionate about something, he’ll give it his all. If he doesn’t like something, he’s not going to bother.
Let him know that you notice when he’s working hard. If you work together and you notice he spent a lot of time working on a presentation, compliment his performance.
If he’s artistic, he puts a lot of effort into his art. If he shows you something, he’s proud of it! Tell him what you like about it. Be specific and don’t worry about overdoing it.
Tell him you appreciate it when he helps around the house. If he goes out of his way to do something for you, even if it’s not something he likes, make sure he knows you’re grateful.
Be Authentic
A Taurus’ communication style is usually honest and deliberate. He will be genuine when he compliments you. Be genuine as well.
Again, he won’t be mad if you exaggerate a little. If you use some flowery language and are a little overenthusiastic when you compliment him, he’ll just find it endearing.
Don’t lie, though. He has plenty of positive traits. There are going to be things that you legitimately like about him. There’s no reason to make things up for the sake of a compliment.
If you don’t like what he’s wearing, you don’t need to mention his outfit. There’s probably something else you do like about his appearance if you want to compliment him.
If he specifically asks if you like his new haircut, his new jeans, etc. and you don’t, be honest but gentle. Make it about you and not him. The jeans aren’t your style. The haircut isn’t one you would have gotten.
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Be Thoughtful
You don’t need to agonize over every single compliment you give Taurus. It does help to be thoughtful and think before you speak sometimes, though.
He loves compliments but they will mean more when you take his feelings into account. Consider what kinds of compliments will make him feel good.
If he’s down and focusing too much on the negative things about him, point out some of his positive traits. Help lift him back up.
Be considerate. Don’t follow a compliment with criticism. That will diminish the compliment. Don’t make backhanded compliments either. Avoid insulting somebody else to compliment him.
Think about what he might need to hear most. He doesn’t always want compliments about his appearance. He wants people to notice his personality too! He wants them to notice his skills and the things he does for them.
Don’t Hold Back
When a Taurus man goes quiet, one way to bring him out of his shell is to make him feel good about himself.
If you notice something about him, tell him! If he’s showing you a bunch of things he’s created and you like all of them, don’t hold back!
Any time something about him makes you happy, let him know. Whenever he wears something you think looks good on him, pay him a compliment.
There’s no reason to keep a compliment to yourself. Taurus is somebody who always appreciates them. No matter how big or small, just tell him what you think.
Don’t be afraid of seeming too eager or coming off as a people-pleaser. If you’re being honest, he’ll know. He’ll appreciate you taking the time to point out the things you like about him and the things he does.
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Show Appreciation
If a Taurus man is acting distant, showing him a little appreciation might make him feel better.
When he cares about somebody, Taurus is more than willing to help them out and do things for them. He’ll even do things he’d normally find boring just because he knows it will make you happy.
When he helps you out, tell him you appreciate it. Even if it’s a minor favor or just something like taking out the trash, let him know you think he’s helpful and thoughtful.
Taurus likes gifts as well. Compliments go a long way but if you really want to show him you’re grateful for something, get him something.
It doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant. Just enough to show that you’re thinking about him and you appreciate him.
How He’ll Respond
A Taurus man’s communication style is about more than just words. He’ll appreciate your compliments. He just won’t always show his appreciation by saying so.
If you are always complimenting him and making him feel good, he might do things like bring you flowers to show he cares. He might offer to help you with something. He may just show his gratitude by making time for you.
Taurus sometimes responds by complimenting you as well. If a Taurus man never compliments you, not even to return a compliment from you, that might be a sign he’s not interested in you.
Taurus likes to give compliments to the people he cares about. He notices when they look nice! He notices when they do something for him or when they create something beautiful.
He won’t hold back when it comes to telling you what he likes about you.
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