
Will an Aquarius Man Keep Coming Back? (And Why?)

Updated February 26, 2025

An Aquarius man coming back to an ex isn’t unheard of. Usually, for that to happen, certain things need to happen first.

Depending on the circumstances, he might want to start up a relationship again. If he doesn’t want to, though, you won’t be able to convince him to.

Sometimes, an Aquarius man breaks up with somebody because he needs some space to reevaluate the relationship. He needs to focus on himself and make some changes before he can have a healthy relationship.

Other times, it is for the best that a relationship ends. An Aquarius man will be able to separate his thoughts from his feelings. If the relationship truly won’t work, he won’t want to rekindle it.

When he does come back, things won’t remain the same. He needs things to change for the relationship to be successful the second time around.

Reasons for Break Up

Sometimes when an Aquarius man dumps you, it’s for good and he’s not going to change his mind. Whether or not he gives the relationship a second chance very much depends on the reasons for the breakup.

If you did something to betray him, he is unlikely to want to come back to you. Aquarius men don’t have time for relationships with somebody they can’t trust. You’ll have to actively work to build that trust back up if he even gives you the chance to.

If the timing was just wrong and that ended the relationship, he may come back when he’s more ready to be in a relationship.

Maybe one of you was more focused on your career to put time into the relationship. If that changes, he might come back.

You two might have broken up because you had a conflict when it came to your values. Maybe you weren’t able to compromise on something. If those values change, that might also cause him to come back.

A tiny trick to snatch your Aquarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →

Relationship Flaws

Why do Aquarius men come back to their exes? Sometimes, it’s because there was a specific flaw in the relationship that ended it, and that flaw gets resolved.

Every relationship has its flaws. Some of these are easier to look past than others.

If you broke up because of a difference in values or a huge personality clash, those might not be flaws he can ever look past. Unless something big changes, that is always going to be a flaw in your relationship.

He may realize he has issues with commitment or with being in a relationship in general. If he gets over those issues, he might come back to you looking for a second chance.

Some flaws are easily resolved with time and space. Others will never be resolved. The specific problems your relationship had will determine whether or not an Aquarius man is willing to rekindle that relationship.

Arguments & Misunderstandings

Sometimes, a relationship ends because of a misunderstanding or a fundamental breakdown in communication.

An Aquarius man may break up with his partner only to realize later that he made a mistake.

If he breaks up with you after a fight, he might come back later and apologize. Sometimes, space is what he needed, not a breakup.

When an Aquarius man is with somebody he is constantly arguing with, though, he likely won’t want to rekindle the relationship after a breakup.

Aquarius men like to go with the flow. They don’t like to have too much conflict in their relationships. When there is conflict, they like to resolve it quickly.

If all you two ever did was argue, he’s not going to come back to you. He doesn’t want to be in a relationship like that.

Is your Aquarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →

He Needs Space

Your Aquarius ex-boyfriend might just need space in the relationship if he breaks up with you. He doesn’t always actually want to end the relationship for good.

Commitment is hard for Aquarius men sometimes. If he isn’t at a point in his life where he’s willing to settle down, a relationship might feel too stifling. He’ll need to take some time to be alone.

He might break up with you only to realize that’s not actually what he wanted after he’s had some time to think. He might have just needed a break, not a permanent end to the relationship.

If an Aquarius man keeps coming back to you, it’s for a reason. You can do things in the relationship to fix the on-again-off-again nature if he is constantly breaking up with you and then coming back.

Check in with your Aquarius man to make sure he’s getting enough alone time. If you two have been spending a lot of time together, make sure he is still able to have time for himself and his other friends.

He’s Individualistic

Aquarius men are unique individuals. They value their freedom. He will always be his own person, even in a relationship.

If he thinks he’s losing himself in a relationship, he’s going to end it. He doesn’t want to just be one-half of a couple. He wants to be whole all by himself.

If his ex was too clingy or overly reliant on him, he is unlikely to go back to her after a breakup. If she doesn’t show him that she’s learned how to be more independent, he won’t be interested in a new relationship.

Sometimes Aquarius men are just at a point in their lives where they don’t want to be in a relationship. If that changes, he might go back to an ex, especially if they broke up on good terms.

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He’s Independent

Aquarius men are fiercely independent. They don’t like to rely on other people. They are confident in their ability to take care of themselves.

This means that an Aquarius man won’t get back into a relationship with somebody just for the sake of being in a relationship.

Most Aquarius men are perfectly fine being on their own. He has friends. He has a family. He has his freedom. He doesn’t need to be in a relationship to be happy.

His independence means that he’s unlikely to keep going back to somebody who makes him unhappy. He would rather be single than be in a bad relationship.

This also means that he’s unlikely to go back to somebody who tried to stifle his freedom. If you were too clingy with your Aquarius ex, he’s probably not going to want you back. He doesn’t want anyone to tie him down.

He’ll Stay Friends

Sometimes when an Aquarius man keeps leaving and coming back to the same person, it’s because he stays friends with them. The lines sometimes get blurry and he has trouble staying just friends with that person.

If your relationship ends on good terms, an Aquarius man is likely to stay friends with you. Aquarius men are often good friends with their partners and he might not want to let that friendship go.

Staying friends after a relationship ends sometimes results in an Aquarius man rekindling that relationship.

If he stays friends with his ex, he’ll be able to see if she makes any changes to her life that might make a relationship with her easier.

He’ll know if she’s been working on herself. He may also be able to resolve issues with her he couldn’t during the relationship.

When an Aquarius man is done with you for good, he won’t stay friends with you. He’ll only remain friends if he still truly wants you in his life. He doesn’t do that just to be nice.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aquarius man. →

Might Miss You

Will an Aquarius man come back after a relationship ends? If he does, it might be because he misses you and can’t get over it.

If you want to know how to tell if an Aquarius man misses you, it won’t always be obvious. He doesn’t always get back together with his ex just because he misses them.

If he comes back to you asking to get back together, though, he misses you.

Will an Aquarius man let you go even if he misses you? He absolutely will. If you did something to betray him or he just knows that the relationship will never work out, he’ll get over you eventually.

Follows His Passions

Aquarius men dream big. They are passionate and they always want to follow their passions.

If an Aquarius man thought a relationship was holding him back from his dreams, he’s not likely to want to return to that relationship.

Aquarius men will usually take time to refocus on their dreams after a relationship ends. If he was feeling stifled, he might finally feel like he can finally go after his goals following a breakup.

Use these secrets to make your Aquarius man love you (they work like magic) →


When an Aquarius man wants you back, he won’t always go after you right away. He doesn’t want to make the same mistakes. He wants to improve.

A relationship is doomed to fail for a second time if neither person made any changes to their life.

If he thinks he was a bad partner, he might want to take time to work on himself. Once he’s done that, he might come back for a second chance. He’ll want to show you that he can be better.

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