The October zodiac signs are Libra and Scorpio. People born during October may be romantic and sensitive or intense and intuitive.
October birthdays fall under one of three Libra decans or the beginning of Scorpio.
People born during October have different personalities, even if they were born under the same sign. The variation is because of the zodiac decans.
Each of the twelve zodiac signs has three decans of ten degrees. These variations in the signs are associated with specific personality traits.
Libra people born in early October are not the same as mid-October Libras. Birthdays at the end of October fall under Scorpio and differ from other zodiac personalities.
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October Zodiac Calendar
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October 1-2: Libra (1st Decan)
People born on October 1 and October 2 have birthdays in the first decan of Libra. These October zodiac signs embody the typical Libra traits. People born during this time can be romantic, affectionate, artistic, and indecisive.
They have many creative gifts and can be excellent musicians and performers. They are also intellectual and have a vast knowledge of many subjects.
Libra people born in early October are friendly, diplomatic, and sincere. They can be indecisive because they fear letting others down. They are compassionate and understanding.
People born on October 1 and October 2 are influenced by Venus. They are empathetic and seek pleasure but can also be advocates for others. They prefer to compromise and collaborate and love supporting others.
Libra people born during this time depend on relationships to feel fulfilled. They don’t feel confident in themselves and thrive as part of a partnership. They are never single for long and may go from one relationship to another.
The early October zodiac sign for Libra can be image-conscious and is considered attractive. They are popular and have many friends from all walks of life. They are among the most unconditionally loving and accepting people.
The October zodiac symbol for Libra is the scales. Their sign is the only one with a tool for a symbol rather than a person or animal. Libra people are concerned with creating balance and fairness. Their symbol embodies this mission.
Libra people care about justice and fairness, yet avoid conflict whenever possible. A first decan Libra person often tolerates discomfort but will speak up if someone else is treated unfairly.
They excel in entertainment, arts, and literary careers. They can make great advocates and lawyers. Libra people born early in October are attracted to beauty and counseling careers.
People born during the Libra zodiac sign dates can be clever and resourceful but prefer going into business with a partner to being entrepreneurs. Libra people born on October 1 or October 2 can be generous, kind, and affectionate.
October 3-12: Libra (2nd Decan)
October 3 through October 12 birthdays fall under the second decan of Libra, considered an Aquarius decan. People born during this time can be compatible with Aquarius people.
Uranus is their planetary sub-ruler. They can be more unpredictable and volatile than other Libras. Though they still crave harmony and peace, second decan Libras can be more likely to rock the boat.
The October zodiac sign element for Libra is air. People born between October 3 and October 12 possess the brilliance and creativity associated with this element. They are abstract thinkers who can be analytical and creative.
They can be shocking and have quirky personalities, unlike the September zodiac for Libra. They are futuristic and innovative. They use creative gifts and intelligence to sense trends on the horizon.
They are the most intuitive of all Libra people and can be unorthodox and eccentric. They are scientific and rational yet can be more attuned to the spiritual realms compared to others born under the Libra zodiac sign.
They are also more independent and more individualistic than other Libras. People born during the second Libra decan seek romance and love but are also more confident in themselves. They are less likely to be people-pleasers than other Libras.
Second decan Libra people have erratic and exciting lives. They seek adventure and become restless and bored. People born during the second decan of Libra are attracted to careers that allow flexibility, self-direction, and freedom.
Although people born during this time have many positive personality traits, they have some character flaws. They can be erratic and alienating. Their abrupt and shocking nature can be too much for some people.
Their personalities are intense, and they can be the most overwhelming of those born under the Libra sign. They can be self-righteous and opinionated, turning others off with their dogmatic messages.
Often, Libras born during the second decan are ahead of their time. Others may not appreciate their brilliance because their visions are innovative and not yet relatable.
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October 13-22: Libra (3rd Decan)
The final decan of Libra occurs between October 13 and October 22. People born during the third decan are different from other Libras. Mercury is their planetary sub-ruler.
The third decan of Libra is considered a “Gemini decan.” The best October zodiac sign compatibility for this decan is Gemini. They are more intellectual and rational than other Libras.
People born during the third decan of Libra can be less diplomatic and romantic than other Libra people. They are fascinated by learning new things and love spending time in classes, workshops, and libraries.
They have many friends yet are less likely to settle down in love than other Libra people. They are too busy socializing and frequently attend parties and gatherings. They are admired by many and can be entertaining and witty.
They can be flighty and often lose focus as their attention drifts toward whatever they find most interesting. They need mental stimulation and inspiration.
People born during the final Libra decan may excel in linguistics, writing, teaching, and marketing careers. They are excellent messengers and make great couriers and delivery people.
They are entrepreneurial and may need assistance staying focused if they go into business independently. They can excel in technological careers as well.
They can be slow to settle down in love because they don’t want to give up their freedom. Yet they commit to people who begin as friends and progress to partners. Libra people born during the third decan need fun and games in love.
They become bored and may need excitement and mental stimulation. They can manage a long-distance relationship because they must balance independence and freedom with romance.
Although they have many positive personality traits, third decan Libra people have some flaws they must work through. They can be careless with money. People born during this time can be idealistic and impractical.
They are great at brainstorming and sharing new ideas but fall short of putting their ideas into practice. People born during this time can be inconsistent. They are reluctant to follow plans or schedules and seem unreliable.
October 23-31: Scorpio (1st Decan)
Birthdays at the end of October fall under a new sign altogether. Scorpio season begins October 23. Birthdays between October 23 and October 31 fall under the first decan of Scorpio.
The October zodiac sign animal for Scorpio is the Scorpion. Like their animal symbol, Scorpio people are mysterious and prefer hiding in the background where they can observe quietly. They can be abrupt and their penetrating insights can sting.
People born during this time embody the most intense Scorpio traits. Their characteristics are the most stereotypical Scorpio personality traits. They can be intuitive, mysterious, attractive, and obsessive.
They are the most secretive of any sign in the zodiac. First decan Scorpio people are enigmatic and love mysteries. They can be fascinated by the occult and crave intimacy and emotional connection.
Pluto is the planetary ruler of the first decan of Scorpio. People born during this time are intense and can seem like human lie detectors. They are probing and analytical.
People born during these October zodiac sign dates have a powerful connection to the spiritual realms and are often psychic. They make great psychic mediums and can be fascinated with studying the afterlife and various spiritual beliefs.
October Scorpio people crave power, wealth, and control. They are often successful in their careers because they are focused and ambitious. They can be dominating and manipulative but are also influential and persuasive.
October Scorpio people easily manifest wealth and abundance. They are charismatic leaders and can also be controlling. They are notorious for having a tendency to sabotage their goals but can be focused and determined.
First decan Scorpio people can be materialistic and seek wealth and success. They are on a mission to work through grief, trauma, and loss so they can help others find transformation and empowerment.
They can also find ways to overcome an emphasis on the mundane and embrace spiritual power. People born during the first decan of Scorpio can be authoritative and help others find confidence and power.
For the Scorpio zodiac sign, meaning comes from powerful transformation. They help others find new perspectives and make sense of past painful experiences and traumas.
They are romantic and can be sexually attractive and magnetically charming. They are also obsessive in love and may need to work to find balance.
Although Scorpio people born during the first decan can have many positive traits, they have some obstacles to overcome. They can be narrow-minded and obsessed with success. Their ambitions can cloud their judgment.
People born during the first decan of Scorpio can be prone to addictions. They can be jealous, possessive, and manipulative in relationships. They have to work through a self-destructive mode to succeed.
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