Whether you’re trying to play mind games or win him back after a breakup, you may want to know how to make a Taurus man jealous.
How can you get under his skin and make him green with envy?
If you’re trying to make a Taurus guy jealous intentionally, then you’re in luck because Taurus is one of the most jealous and possessive signs of the entire zodiac.
So, what can you do to spark his envy and make him see how desirable and in-demand you are?
The more you know about his sign’s personality traits and psychological characteristics, the better prepared you will be to drive your Taurus guy wild with jealousy.
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Go Out Without Him
Taurus men are popular and social, but they also tend to be introverted. There’s nothing a Taurus guy likes more than an evening at home, snuggled up on the couch with his loved one.
You should indulge your Taurus partner every once in a while if he wants to stay in when you want to hit the town, but you shouldn’t put his desires before yours every time.
An easy way to make him jealous is to continue your plans without him. He expects you to stick by his side no matter what, so he will be confused and envious when you strike out on your own.
Instead of having patience with a Taurus man for too long and staying home with him every time he doesn’t want to go out, you should go ahead and spend the nights having fun with your friends.
He will wonder what you’re doing all night and won’t be able to stand the thought of you enjoying yourself without him, possibly surrounded by other men.
Next time you want to go out, you can bet that his jealousy will make him eager to accompany you, whether or not he’s in the mood to party.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Taurus man (they work like magic) →
Put Someone Else First
When a Taurus man chooses you as his partner, he will always make you a priority and put you first.
He expects the same treatment in return, so it drives him crazy with jealousy when you prioritize other things over him, especially another guy.
A Taurus man tends to be a workaholic, so he can understand if you can’t spend a lot of time with him because you need to focus on your career.
He’s also social and outgoing, so he can even accept when you’re so busy with friends and family that your time for him is spread thin.
But he won’t be so understanding if you put another man before him or give up spending time with him for another guy.
If you cancel plans with him or put off seeing him because you’re spending time with a different guy, your Taurus man will certainly become jealous.
Flirt With Another Guy
If you’re wondering how to get a Taurus man to make the first move, try flirting with someone else in front of him to see how he reacts.
When he acts disgruntled or irritable when you touch or talk to another man, it’s one of the signs a Taurus man has a crush on you.
If you want to know how to make a Taurus man chase you, don’t think that making him jealous is the best way to make him stand up and fight for your attention.
But if he likes you, he’ll get jealous when he sees you with someone else, and he won’t be able to hide how he feels even if he tries.
Just be careful not to take it too far, otherwise, your Taurus man might get so jealous that it starts an argument or causes problems in your relationship.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
Tell Him When Men Flirt With You
If you’re not sure how to get a Taurus man to commit, test the waters to see how strong his feelings for you are by telling him about the attention you receive from other men.
Don’t make it too obvious what you’re doing or act pleased with the attention. Just find a way to casually mention that the barista at the coffee shop asked for your number.
Tell him how a male coworker complimented your looks or that the food delivery man asked whether or not you have a boyfriend.
Make sure to add that, of course, you didn’t reciprocate the flirting and that you explained you are taken.
But it will still irritate your Taurus man that another man tried to steal his woman and it will definitely make him envious.
Talk About Your Exes
You may notice that while a Taurus man in love is open and honest, he usually refrains from talking about his past relationships.
This isn’t because he’s protective of his exes or is hiding any secrets, but because he’s trying to be respectful of you and avoid creating tension.
As one of the most jealous zodiac signs, Taurus men hate it when their partners bring up their exes.
Even if you are comparing your Taurus guy to your ex to point out how much better your Taurus partner is, he still won’t like the reminder that he isn’t the first and only man you’ve ever loved.
Is your Taurus man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Ignore Him in a Group
Although a Taurus guy usually communicates honestly and directly, he struggles to express his emotions and can become passive-aggressive when upset.
If you won’t know what to do when a Taurus man ignores you, try ignoring him back to grab his attention and spark his jealousy.
Taurus men are highly concerned with appearances, so he is sure to notice when you disregard him in public.
Giving your Taurus man the silent treatment, especially when you’re around other people and paying lots of attention to everyone else, is sure to bring out his jealous side.
Praise Another Man’s Achievements
If you are wondering how to attract a Taurus man, you need to understand that he is prone to insecurity.
When you want to draw him to you, you should build him up and boost his confidence by giving him lots of compliments. Tell him how amazing and exceptional you think he is, and you will win his heart forever.
However, if you want to make him jealous, go out of your way to compliment another man in front of him.
It will make him even more envious if you compliment characteristics your Taurus partner knows he lacks, or compare the other person favorably to your Taurus guy.
If another man at a party talks about the fabulous vacation he recently took with his partner, say that you wish your Taurus man would plan something that romantic for you.
If the other man says he just got promoted at work, say that your Taurus guy has been trying to move up at his job and it just hasn’t happened for him yet.
Your Taurus man will be sick with envy when he hears you complimenting other men and comparing them to him.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Taurus man. →
Spend Time With Everyone but Him
Although they aren’t the greatest at expressing their feelings verbally, Taurus men have many other ways of showing their love.
One of a Taurus man’s love languages is spending quality time with his partner. He is a busy guy, but he will carve out time for the people who are important to him.
A Taurus man will notice and get jealous if you put him on the back burner and make time for everyone but him.
Make excuses when he reaches out trying to make plans with you and keep telling him how busy you are. Say that you just don’t have time and explain that other things just have to come first right now.
Then, post photos on your social media of you hanging out with your friends or let him see the group text you have with your friends planning a trip together.
If he thinks he’s not your priority and sees that you have time for everyone else, it will make him insanely jealous.
Touch Another Man Affectionately
Besides spending quality time together, another one of a Taurus man’s favorite love languages is physical touch.
When he likes you, he won’t be able to keep his hands off of you. He will find excuses to stand close to you, grab your hand, or pull you into hugs.
If you want to know how to make a Taurus man addicted to you, you should return his affection and shower him with physical touch.
But if your goal is to make your Taurus guy jealous, be affectionate with another man in front of him.
Rest a hand on another guy’s arm when you’re talking to him, or hold onto him a little bit longer than necessary when you hug him as a greeting.
Sit super close to another man on the couch at a party, or brush a stray lock of hair out of his face while your Taurus guy is watching.
You are sure to spark a Taurus man’s jealousy when you use one of his favorite love languages on another man.
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