You’re just as likely to meet a selfish Taurus man as a generous Taurus man. Taurus is both sometimes.
Taurus has traits that have both positive and negative sides. If he goes to extremes, these traits can make him selfish.
Are Taurus men selfish? The true answer is that some are, some aren’t.
Some Taurus men are generous. They like material goods and money but they are willing to share what they have with those around them.
Others aren’t like this at all. When his love of possessions is too extreme, he becomes materialistic.
Taurus likes to indulge. He thinks self care is important. When he’s generous, he’ll help others to indulge when they need to as well.
When he’s selfish, he won’t even think about others while he’s trying to get what he wants.
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Puts Himself First
Taurus often puts himself first. Sometimes, that is the best thing to do. Everyone needs to put themselves first sometimes.
Some Taurus men will only think of themselves, though. Even in times where he should prioritize someone else, he’ll put himself first.
He doesn’t always think about how his actions make other people feel. If he wants something, he’s going to get something.
When a Taurus man ignores you, it’s not always because he’s mad at you. He might need some alone time and whatever he needs, he’s going to give himself.
He just needs to learn how to communicate when he wants to be alone instead of suddenly disappearing.
Not all Taurus men are like this and even the ones who are aren’t like this 100% of the time. This is a trait that Taurus can overcome so that his more generous nature can come out.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Taurus man (they work like magic) →
Indulges Himself
A Taurus man’s likes and dislikes are very obvious if you’ve spent any amount of time around him. He’s very vocal about what he wants. He’s just as vocal when he doesn’t like something.
When he does like something, he wants more of it. If he likes to get massages, he probably gets them multiple times a month. If he likes a certain sweet, he probably eats it daily.
Indulgence doesn’t make a person selfish. Taurus just enjoys the finer things in life. He knows that self care is important. He also likes to indulge with his loved ones! He wants them to have nice things too most of the time.
If a Taurus is prone to overindulgence, that can bring out his selfish side. When he lacks moderation, he’ll only indulge himself instead of sharing with others.
He might spend all his money on himself, to the point he doesn’t have anything leftover for gifts when a birthday or holiday comes up. He might be so caught up in getting what he wants that he ignores the needs of others.
Taurus men like to look good. They appreciate fine clothing and keep up with their hygiene routine so that they look their best. They are often attractive people. Many people like that about Taurus.
When Taurus gets too into his appearance, he can become vain and conceited.
This becomes a problem when he gets obsessed with how other people make him look. He’ll act irrationally if he thinks somebody is going to make him look bad.
He might refuse to be seen in public with a friend, family member, or partner if they aren’t looking their best. He doesn’t want to be judged because of someone else’s appearance.
A conceited Taurus will get so caught up in his own image that he ignores the people around him. When he’s worried about his appearance and what others think of him, he often misses what’s really important.
A tiny trick to snatch your Taurus man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Gets What He Wants
Taurus gets what he wants. This is usually because he works hard to get it.
This becomes a problem when Taurus starts thinking he is entitled to what he wants, even if he doesn’t put in the work to get it.
What a Taurus man wants to hear more than anything else is “yes”. He won’t force anyone to do something they don’t want to do. However, he is going to get what he wants one way or another.
If a Taurus man acts interested then disappears, it may be because he was after something specific and then he got it. Once he has no use for you anymore, he’ll ghost you. This is extremely frustrating.
A Taurus man is jealous. He can be possessive of the things he owns and the people around him. He has trouble letting go of anything he considers to be “his”.
A Taurus man may have stalking traits. He doesn’t get over his exes easily. He’ll keep tabs of them on social media, ask friends what they’re up to, and do anything short of actually stalking them to stay in the know.
He doesn’t keep up with his ex out of the goodness of his heart. He may still think of her as being “his”. He’s hurt and he wants to know what is going on with her at all times to make himself feel better.
He may also be possessive of his wealth and possessions. Some Taurus men are generous but others will refuse to let anyone even touch their things.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
Taurus doesn’t always pay attention to how other people are feeling, especially if they are just casual acquaintances.
He is a caring person when it comes to the people he loves. If you aren’t yet a loved one, though, he’s not going to think about how his actions might make you feel.
When a Taurus man is testing you to see if you might be a good fit for him, he doesn’t necessarily think about how you might feel about these “tests”.
If you fail any of his tests, he might up and walk away without so much as an explanation as to why. This is upsetting! If you try to confront him about it, though, he may not understand what the problem is.
Sometimes when a Taurus man is acting distant, he won’t say why. This can be upsetting, especially if he’s being cold with you out of nowhere.
He might want to deal with it by himself but he doesn’t always see that he’s upsetting you by refusing to tell you what’s going on.
Taurus gets a bad rap sometimes. Being lazy is a trait that not all Taurus men have. They can actually be extremely hard working.
The reason laziness is a stereotype is because, sometimes, Taurus will only work hard if it benefits him.
If he doesn’t care about something, he doesn’t want to do it. A lazy Taurus isn’t going to do something just because it might help somebody else out. If it’s boring, he’ll avoid it.
It can be difficult to get a Taurus man to help you if he’s like this. Even if he cares about you and the help is low-effort, he won’t do it.
This magic will make your Taurus man want a relationship with you. →
Taurus values possessions. He likes to have nice things. A generous Taurus likes to share these things with other people.
However, a selfish Taurus will hoard wealth and material goods. He’ll only buy things that benefit him. He might even refuse to let others borrow his things.
He might become paranoid and assume people are only interested in him for his money. That might be true but more often than not, it’s him who is obsessed with money, not his friends or partners.
Taurus needs a lot of patience from the people around him when he’s being particularly stubborn.
How do you know when to give up on a Taurus man, though? If he is constantly pushing your limits and doesn’t listen at all when you tell him something needs to change, consider taking a step back from the relationship.
Taurus can be blinded by his own need to always be right. He won’t always see how it makes the people around him feel when he refuses to see their side of things or hear him out.
Sometimes, a loved one has to walk away before he realizes he needs to ease up.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Taurus man. →
A Taurus man’s communication style can often be to the point. He doesn’t like to waste words. He wants to get to the point. He can also be brutally honest. He doesn’t always consider how this can make other people feel.
Taurus sometimes comes across as rude because he doesn’t bother with small talk. He also might not “warm-up” to asking someone a favor. He’ll just start the conversation by asking right away.
When he has an opinion, he doesn’t always think about how that might make somebody feel before he voices it.
He’s not as judgemental or critical as Virgo but he still doesn’t always pause to wonder if he should keep his thoughts to himself.
Taurus can be especially inconsiderate when angry. He’ll lash out. He’ll yell. He’ll insult the person he’s arguing with.
He will let his temper fuel him and won’t always consider how the people around him feel about his displays of anger.
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2 Comments Add one
Boy, if this breakdown of the Taurus male isn’t spot on, I don’t know what is! I am working on a new relationship with one now, and while I’ve fallen in love with him, some of his traits like these are sometimes so frustrating. I guess it’s good to know that this is in his nature…
Thanks for sharing your experience! It’s common to find certain traits frustrating, but understanding his nature can help. Good luck with your relationship!
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