A Scorpio man and Pisces woman’s compatibility is legendary. This couple has one of the highest rankings of compatibility when it comes to a Scorpio’s ideal woman.
Their problems are minor and can usually be solved easily.
If a Scorpio man is testing a Pisces woman, she will pass with flying colors in no time at all. This is a couple that understands each other on a very deep level.
Love at first sight is common for these two signs as Pisces woman and Scorpio man compatibility is undeniable. They may fall madly in love with each other before they even know each other’s last names.
This couple is intuitive and creative. They fuel each other’s ideal romance like no one else can. The first time a Scorpio man kisses a Pisces woman, they may fall in love.
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It’s easy for a Scorpio man to be attracted to a Pisces woman. Both are sensitive, intuitive and creative. A Scorpio man and Pisces woman, in friendship, have a strong sense of devotion to each other.
They can be fast friends who remain connected for their entire lives. If time life takes them in different directions for years, they may still feel a strong psychic connection to each other. They’ll dream about each other and have strong premonitions about what each is doing.
When years pass and they finally reconnect and compare notes, they may even discover their lives had many parallels. A Scorpio man is fascinated by Pisces’ spiritual nature. Scorpio is interested in the occult as well, but for different reasons.
For a Scorpio man, their common interests like spirituality and metaphysical studies, stems from a desire for power. For a Pisces woman, the interest is rooted in a desire for connection and healing.
Though the roots of their interests in shared hobbies or topics may differ, they can lean a great deal from each other. A Pisces woman can intrigue a Scorpio man and motivate him to find his own healing path.
A Scorpio man may stimulate a Pisces woman’s imagination even further and encourage her art, music or theatrical interests. They may share a love of learning Divination or exploring spiritual rituals, secret societies or other fringe and New Age topics together.
A Pisces woman won’t mind that her Scorpio friend is slightly dominating because it saves her the trouble of having to set firm boundaries. A Scorpio man won’t mind that his Pisces friend is emotionally labile because he respects her sensitivity.
It’s common for a Scorpio man and Pisces woman to be Soulmates, even if they remain friends and not lovers. They may feel a strong spiritual and psychic connection from the moment they meet each other.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Scorpio man (they work like magic) →
For a Scorpio man and Pisces woman relationship, problems are few and easily resolved. One of the most common issues is jealousy, as both Scorpio and Pisces can be possessive. Yet when it comes to a romantic relationship, Pisces women give Scorpio men no reason to doubt their loyalty.
This can be an ideal pairing for a Scorpio man as no one will work as hard to understand him and love him unconditionally as a Pisces woman will. Pisces women, when they fall in love, will hold on and never let go.
This plays into a Scorpio man’s desire for loyalty and fidelity. He needs to be with a partner who will see his darkest side and still love him anyway. This is part of his fantasy, and it is also the fantasy of a Pisces woman.
She sometimes confuses codependency with devotion and views it as a badge of loyalty to remain in relationships even when they become toxic. Scorpio men have a dramatic Shadow side that comes out in relationships. This scares many prospects away, but not a Pisces woman.
A Pisces woman knows the signs when a Scorpio man likes you and she knows how to be subtle and make him feel adored and admired. She has a soft approach and will never intimidate a Scorpio man. He needs this gentle approach because he can be intense.
A Pisces woman also knows that when a Scorpio man touches you, he’s not just being affectionate, he’s also being possessive. She’s not turned off by this. Quite the opposite. A Pisces woman is likely to be turned on by the idea of being consumed in this relationship.
As romantic partners, a Scorpio man and Pisces woman know how to nurture each other and tap right into the subconscious needs and desires each has. Scorpio men are perceptive and observant. Pisces women are dreamy and intuitive. They play to each other’s fantasies easily.
This is why Pisces women easily pass the Scorpio man silence test. They are devoted and will wait years for a Scorpio man to make up his mind and stop playing games. A Pisces woman and Scorpio man can be ideal romantic partners to each other.
When a Scorpio man and Pisces woman are together romantically, they both want the same thing. Each has a deep desire to be married and possibly settle down and have a family. Both are possessive and see marriage as granting security they both crave.
A Scorpio man and Pisces woman may tantalize each other with the notion of marriage very early on. Sometimes, this couple will rush to get married when they’ve only known each other for a month or other short period of time.
If there is one downside of a relationship with a Scorpio man and Pisces woman it is that both can get carried away in love and become ungrounded. When this happens, they can see illusions instead of seeing each other for who each truly is.
Pisces women can delude themselves into only seeing the best and building up a Scorpio man to be high on a pedestal. Sometimes the praise and adoration is warranted. Yet sometimes it is exaggerated, and she doesn’t realize the ways she is fooling herself.
A Scorpio man can also read too much into things and may move faster than a Pisces woman is prepared for. As a result the pacing is often hurried and impulsive in this relationship. This leads to Scorpio men and Pisces woman falling in love fast and also getting married quickly, even on a whim.
They may be in love and deeply devoted to each other but not fully understand the realities of sustaining this relationship. As a result they can become romantic, idealistic and unrealistic with their expectations of each other.
In spite of this tendency to put the cart before the horse, a Scorpio man and Pisces woman in marriage can work to create a solid foundation for each other and can navigate around any awkwardness in the relationship as they resolve practical issues.
Even though this can make a stormy, tumultuous and sometimes erratic path, both enjoy the rocky road and find it exciting and romantic to follow their bliss and throw caution to the wind. They deal with the practical issues later and get entangled in romance first.
The biggest threat to their success as a married couple will be if the bubble bursts and one of them, usually the Scorpio man, realizes he has fallen in love with a fantasy and failed to anticipate the realities of married life with this Pisces woman.
Even when the bubble of illusions bursts for a Pisces woman, she is usually so enamored with the fantasy of love that she hardly notices or pays attention to reality. She can convince herself that all is perfect even when the relationship is crumbling.
Scorpio men are more realistic and insightful. If they haven’t set a secure foundation worthy of a marriage, it will show and in time a Scorpio man will become more intolerant of the fantasies and illusions. When this happens, they must reconcile their differences.
It may be just a minor adjustment, but if a Pisces woman refuses to see reality for what it is, then their marriage could become even more disconnected. A Scorpio man will try to salvage the relationship but will need the Pisces woman to buy in to his view of things.
Is your Scorpio man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
In Bed
A Scorpio man and Pisces woman in bed can excite and satisfy each other like no other couple. Pisces women are impressionable and eager to explore the deeper realms of spiritual, psychic and physical connection. A Scorpio man has a strong desire for sexual connection.
Though Pisces women aren’t as outwardly lusty as Scorpio men, they love to explore fantasies and will easily be swayed to try anything a Scorpio man desires. Pisces women are emotionally attuned to Scorpio’s wishes and love exploring pleasure with this highly erotic partner.
Scorpio men never tire of fulfilling a Pisces woman’s fantasies as well. Both can enjoy a deeply satisfying sexual connection and the chemistry is obvious between these two. Sex can heighten a romantic attraction.
Yet even if these two are only out to have a good time and explore pleasure together, they can open doors to new worlds, blending sexuality and spirituality to enhance the pleasure each enjoys. If there are no strings attached, this must be made clear to a Pisces woman. She can fall in love easily.
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